

"Minato you can't do this" said Hiruzen

Sarutobi the 3rd hokage couldn't believe what his successor Minato Namikaze and his wife kushina Uzumaki were planning to do it was absolutely ridiculous like leaving one child and taking the other just because one has power of the Kyūbi and the other doesn't is blatant favoritism and 2 of his own students support this Tusnade senju and Jayirya the only one with even half a brain is orochimaru.

"I can and I will Hiruzen and you can't and will not stop me and your worrying to much We will be back in 12 years" said Minato in a

"Yeah old man your worrying to much" said the wife of Minato Kushina Uzumaki "And I thought you were a true Uzumaki dissgusting" hissed orochimaru

"How am I not a true Uzumaki snake!" yelled kushina "A TURE UZUMAKI TREATS ALL THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS EQUALLY AND DON'T SHOW FAVORITISM JUST BECAUSE ONE CHILD IS MORE POWERFUL THAN THE OTHER" yelled Hiruzen Sarutobi With tons and tons of K.I weighing them down and putting all them to their knees except orochimaru And The child being Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the one who is being abandoned by his own family who surprisingly is still sleeping orochimaru was releasing his own K.I but It was nothing compared to Sarutobi's "WE ARE DOING NO SUCH THIS IS FOR THE GREATER GOOD" yelled kushina

"Sensei this decision is final and there is no Going back and we need to train the child of prophecy who is Obito to bring ever lasting peace to the ninja world and he needs power to do that" said Jiraiya the toad sage "I am

to old for this shit" Said Hiruzen rubbing his temples "I should have listened to the villagers and made Orochimaru hokage"

"This will work out Hiruzen it the long run just you watch" Said Minato in a sad voice because the man he looked up to now thinks his a failure "Just go when you come don't think your gonna get a warm welcome"

"Sensei don't worry the villagers will see Naruto as a hero and he should be happy

here" said Jiraiya *your gonna eat those words one day Jiraiya* Thought orochimaru Apparently feeling the tension in the air Naruto started crying "Shush it's okay naruto uncle orochi is here"

"poor boy dosen't even know his own parents abandoned him for his brother, one day you all will regret this especially you kushina" said Hiruzen "Sensei we are not abandoneding him we need to help train his brother and we also need to protect him we are just killing to birds with one stone your making this bigger than it is" said Tusnade clearly annoyed by her Sensei and teammate making this bigger than It is they're gonna come back in 12 years it shouldn't be that big of a problem ofcourse the brat could be spoiled because of his hero status and if he is spoiled than she will beat some sense in to him right?(To bad your not god Tusnade I am)

"Just leave but remember this naruto will never forgive you" Sensei-GET OUT" Right after that 2 massive Killer intents made it hard to breathe for the traitors and all of them left

After they were all gone Hiruzen looked to the icy blue bundle in orochimaru's arms and you could see Naruto what's weird was that naruto had snow white hair and pale skin his face was the only thing that looked like his parents his face was like Minato's but sharper his cheeks barley had any baby fat he had 3 birth marks that look like whiskers on his cheeks which could be explained because of the Kyūbi.


Well that's the prologue tell If you like it or not also naruto is going to be oc like really oc there is going to some aspects of canyon naruto in this naruto but not much and the I really don't know and no harem this is my first fanfiction ever If have any tips please tell me in the comments