
Coincidental Bond

"Flower, I promise that I will never let any harm come to you. Be it Knowingly or unknowingly. I'll always be by your side to protect you." … On a Journey to Alaska for some documentary about the wildlife reserve over there. Flower Olivia Thompson a 20 year old wildlife reporter activist and two of her colleagues who had been both anxious and enthusiastic about the Journey, met with an unfavorable situation. A life-threatening accident transpired along the way. Fortunately, Flower survived, however, so could not be uttered for her colleagues whose body parts had been brutally impaired and splitted apart. Somehow, when Flower woke up. Instead of being greeted by the coldness of the snow filled ground and a bloodstained body, or even in heaven due to the accident that transpired. She met herself in a warm, outstanding room. Soon enough, she later found out that she was saved by Anthony Rodrigo Smith—a wealthy werewolf with an unfortunate, traumatic past with excess self desire. He brought her to his mansion deep in the wildlife of Alaska where no souls other than wild animals resides. He took care of her to the extent of donating part of his own life force just to save her life without even knowing her from anywhere beforehand. Anticipation erupts when Anthony and Flower found themselves entangled in a will-they-won't-they relationship. Struggling to fit into eachothers world and trying their best in creating a safe haven for eachother. However, since their bond was a coincidence and unplanned for, it wasn't going to be easy on both of them. Read-only on web novel a life-changing love story which warms the soul with its words and melts the heart with its plots and character. Kindly leave a review, pretty please. Enjoy!

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116 Chs

Vultures Invasion

Flower remained there from afternoon until it was evening. Nothing changed about her position and posture, neither did any wild animal crossed her path, nor did any body crossed her path. Her body was still laying unmoving atop the frigid bone-chilling snow.

The wind blew across her pretty face soothingly with a bit of velocity, as sounds of some birds yowling loudly in the deem black and grayish cloud could be heard up in the sky.

The birds that were creating those loud penetrating sounds kept resounding, they were about five, and they kept encircling Flower above the sky ceaselessly.

Although before Flower passed out, the weather had acted up and the sky had turned shady and gloomy as though it would snow the next moment. Even so, it hadn't snow back then. But presently, the brumal weather condition had gotten abundantly crucial than before.

It got much more crucial and then soon, it began to snow. And with the first drop of snow that touched Flower's pale cheeks, it felt so frigid that it even caused Flower who was still passed out on the snow to sneeze. And with sneeze comes consciousness. She wiltingly fluttered her black eyelashes.

'I must've passed out,' Flower took a quick guess, before fully opening her pretty big eyes.

The first thing her eyes met with were the birds that were soaring in the sky and hovering above her in a circling pattern. It was quite weird for Flower.

"Vultures?" Flower said barely in whispers.

Later on, realization dawned on her.


'They must've simply thought that I was dead and was ready to start feasting on my dead body." shivers abruptly accelerated down her spine as she thought of this.

Indeed it was a very bizarre thing. Well at least she was lucky that they hadn't started feasting on her whilst she was passed out on the ground.

Looking up intensely at the sky, and at the annoying vultures who were still hovering faraway above her. Flower grunted.

"Imbeciles!" she retorted in a moment of furiousness. She heaved an unusually long with.

Annoyingly and pallidly, Flower uplifted herself from the ground and sat up.

'Great. Of course. I just had to pass out right in the middle of nowhere.' Flower sarcastically said.

Dusting the snows away from her body. She eventually got up on her two feets, with a frivolous pout endowing her juicy lips. She let out a sigh. Then she continued walking whilst pondering about a lot of things.

But of course food comes first.

"Damn! I'm so famished," she uttered with an unusual sluggishness in her voice of utterance, amidst rubbing her tummy gently. Curtly after that, she sneezed.

'I must be coming down with a cold too. Great. Could today get any worse?'

Opening her water container. Flower aimed it amidst her lips apace, and gulped down some cold water. Even her voice had changed into an awkward one as she had basically been drinking nothing but extremely cold water as a result of no choice. Her throat felt so sore, but she had learnt to get use to it.

'I wonder for how I can survive without having anything to eat,' she thought anxiously and agitatedly. 'What if… I end up dying here?'

Quickly shrugging her shoulders, 'No no. I shouldn't think such. I'd be fine. Hopefully.'

Where Flower was presently treading. Seemed like a very elongated corridor, however it had no ceiling hence it wasn't a building, it was quite narrow, but could fit at least four people at a time. Huge mountains amalgamated the corridor-like path left and right, leaving Flower at its middle, while snow kept dropping from the sky, some to the ground and some to her black hairs upon her head. It was as though she was journeying through a maze, just that, this one was naturally made in an horizontal pattern.

From where Flower was, she could perceive what lies miles away from her. This was a good thing, but on the contrary it was making Flower feel uncontrollably bad. Reasons being that she could see miles away from where she was. Flower was percepting places that might take her weeks to venture into, and more importantly, no building appeared to be there at all, not even a rubbled cottage or even a mud house.

Meaning, if she spent some weeks more pilgriming this snowy abyss, she wouldn't still get anywhere or even receive any help. At the realization of that, Flower sighed and her shoulder dropped devastatedly.


"What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

"Oh heavens! I'm definitely going to die here. Damnit!"

Flower began rethinking everything that had happened and how she had stupidly escaped from a safe haven—Anthony's mansion. And then ended up in a much more deteriorated environment with little to no hope of surviving.

"I shouldn't have escaped," Flower mumbled with a shaky voice. "Although I want to see mum again, but then I don't think that would happen anymore…"

Flower eyes became red and watery. The waters kept occupying her eyes until her eyelids could no longer contain it, as it was too overwhelming. She panted slowly. She was undescribably famished, fatigued, devastated and scared. Indeed she was starting to realize the oversized mess she had gotten herself clutched up into by escaping from where she assumed as an enemy's den. Of course she should have thought about it twice, but she didn't and ended up acting on impulse, and now only herself could be pinned with the blame of all the calamities that was emerging her.

Flower's knees became so gravely weak, she was so haggard that her knees began to quiver precipitously.

Flower cried quietly to herself. Discerning that she was still overshadowed by the unending scrutiny of some vicious beast, which might just be expecting her to make just a sound, and then that sound would be used in trailing her whereabouts. She gritted her teeth intensely in excess agony and overwhelming anguish.

"I hate you Flower!" she mumbled amidst sobbing distraughtly. She panted more and more as she couldn't accommodate her devastation any longer.

'Ahhhh!' Flower screamed out loud like a banshee under the full moon night. She continued screaming as she didn't know how else to express her anger, she no longer cared if there was any animal that were trailing her direction.

"Flower! I hate you!" she bellowed! "You're so unlucky and unfortunate! I hate you! I wished you've never been borned! I hate you!" Flower vented her anger atop herself even more. Then she perpetually screamed! Whilst crying and lamenting, banging the snow occupied ground with her knuckles which had been wounded from punching the tree already, making them thumb more meticulously.

"I should've never escaped! Does it really even matter if I was held as an wretched hostage or a damned prisoner or even a galley slave all my life? Does it really matter uh?"

"At least, I was properly cared for and… and they even fed…"

Her sentence was prompted to a rapid halt as she began to scream bitterly once more.

"Oh damn! I'm so unlucky! Should've never leave the mansion in the first place."

After screaming that out loud. Flower fell silent. She wanted to catch her breaths as she kept panting.

Flower was presently desperate. If she even ever happen to go back to the past, she would willingly even bow before Anthony and worship him if that's what he wanted. She would willingly be his woman instantaneously without a second thought if that was what he seek. She would willingly be his loyal slave if that was what Anthony desired. Henceforth, it was late already and all that was left was overwhelming regrets.

Flower then wondered if it was how she tricked Regina and Anthony was what was making her suffer so badly. They had been so good to her, and she had barely even acknowledge their good deed with a simple 'thank you'.

Flower folded her knees, wrapping her arms around them in a delicate manner. She whispered slowly whilst laying her head on top of her knee solemnly;

"An… Anthony I'm sorry that I couldn't be your woman. If only I had listen to you and not be so strong-headed."

Flower sniffled and snorted. "I'm sorry Regina. I'm sorry for tricking you. I'm sorry, you've been so good to me, I'm very sorry."

Flower continued sobbing. Flower knew very well that she was already in her worst case scenario. She now believed what that scumbag werewolf has been trying to make her decipher within there time of intimacy. The charming werewolf had vividly notify her about the perilous dangers that lurks amidst this frigid vicinity. However she had turned a deaf ear to all his attempt at creating awareness for her about everything.

"I… can't even go back now. I… I don't even know my way back to his mansion."

"I don't even know where I am anymore. Gosh!"

Flower's heart began to palpitate. "I'm definitely going to die here. I want to go back, I… I want to go back!' she fumfered.

Tightening her clasps around her knees.

Out of the bloom, the growling of some unknown animals began aggregating and resounding from afar. Flower couldn't help but want to yelp more as she heard this, but as soon as the growling of the mysterious animal pitched high. She swiftly unwrapped her arms around her knees, then hastily, she began scampering farther into the wild unknowns.

Flower ran as though her whole life depended on it, because actually to be very honest it did. She had to be frank with herself, eventhough she despised and hated herself this instant, it still didn't mean that she was utterly willing to die yet.

Flower kept running untill it was dark, gloomy and obscure, and the snowstorm had became more intensed than before. And Flower, who's more like a walking corpse was still running dreadfully amidst the long maze.