
Coffee Addict - A South Park AU [+16]

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‼️TW.: This fan-fic/AU contains sensitive themes, such as suicide, drug use, self-harm, manipulation, and discrimination ⁜ Synopsis: Since Craig discovered that Tweek's parents have been drugging him, he has become too overprotective... ⁜ Credits: → General Credits • South Park was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone → OCs • Allision/Perfect Poison made by VanDrawn (me) • Rory/Ms. Lassy made by JamFleecy → Art Cover • IbisPaintX Assets and VanDrawn (me)

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Chapter 1Last Day of School

Late May...

It was the last day of school in South Park's High School, and Craig Tucker was late... again...

Laura: Craig!! (approaches the stairs) Craig, you're gonna be late again, honey.

Craig: (hearing his shoes) (sighs) I'm coming… (walks out of his room, and goes downstairs)

Craig was now 16 years old, and he was and still is "the biggest troublemaker" in class. Of course, he's still mature and sarcastic as always, even around family.

Laura: Ready for the last day of school?

Craig: [with sarcasm] Of course not, mom. (picks up his bag) I surely did want to keep up with school…

Laura: Now, don't have such attitude, dear. [whispering] You know you'll be able to hang out with your Tweek once you guys are over.

Craig: Mom, please… [whispering] Do you really have to talk about this with… (looks sideways at his father) him here…?

Laura: Oh, come on, Craig… Maybe if-

Craig: Ok, I'm late for school… (walks away) See you later…

Laura: (sighs)

Craig still doesn't have a nice relationship with his parents… In fact, they don't even look like they care about him at all sometimes, especially his dad, Thomas Tucker. He still didn't forget how he just "Oh" him back in the 4th grade, on the day before he had to fight with his present boyfriend, Tweek Tweak, who has been dating for 6 years. The truth is, his dad doesn't even know they're dating now. His mom is the only one that knows in his family.

At school…

Mrs. Borgen: -so the term 'Realism' does not mean the realistic appearance of works, as in to be opposite of abstraction. Up until this point, nearly all artworks sought the 'realistic' portrayal of the composition. Rather, Realism was interested in the realism of the subject matter, marking a departure from Neoclassical history paintings and Romanticism, which elevated subjects to monumental importance-

Craig: (enters class, silently)

Mrs. Borgen: Craig Tucker. You're late. Again…

Craig: I know.

Mrs. Borgen: (sighs) Just… Take your seat, I really don't want to send you to detention on the last day of school…

Craig: Sweet… (takes his seat)

Clyde: Psst, hey Craig…

Craig: [whispering] Ah God… Fucking dammit… (turns) what is it, Clyde…?

Clyde: Soooo… are you coming up tonight?

Craig: … what…?

Clyde: You know- The party…?

Craig: What party, dude?

Clyde: Uh- The one we've been planning since last week??

Craig: Oh that!! Yeah, my parents don't mind.

Clyde: [with a loud tone] Sweet!!-

Mrs. Borgen: Clyde Donovan!!

Clyde: Sorry…

Craig: (looks around) Where's Tweek…?

Clyde: Oh, you haven't heard?

Craig: Heard what…?

Clyde: He had an overdose last night.

Craig: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Mrs. Borgen: Craig Tucker!!!!!!!!

At the hospital…

Craig: (runs in) Sorry, excuse me… Did a guy named Tweek Tweak go through this hospital last night?

Dr. Dana: Yeah, he came in last night due to an overdose. Are you a friend of his?

Craig: Yes. Can you tell me where is he right now??

Dr. Dana: Room 232, 2nd floor.

Craig: Ok… Thanks.

In Room 232…

Craig: (gently opens the door) Tweek?

Richard Tweak: Oh hello, Craig.

Craig: Mr. Tweak…? Wh-What happened with Tweek?

Richard Tweak: Oh, the poor boy had an overdose. I'm afraid he might've taken too many drugs… What was he thinking??

Craig: Wait, what do you mean "taken too many drugs"...? If Tweek was doing drugs, he would tell me!! … Right…?

Phone rings…

Richard Tweak: (checks his phone) Oh, it's his mother, (gets up for the chair, next to the hospital bed) time to go. Will you stay here?

Craig: Yeah.

Richard Tweak: Alright. Can you text me when he wakes up?

Craig: Uh- Sure…

Richard Tweak: I appreciate it!! Have a good day, Craig. (closes the door and walks away)

Craig: (slowly moves his hand towards Tweek's, and holds it) Oh babe, what have you done…?

Someone knocks at the door

Kyle: (opens the door and walks in) Oh!! Hey, Craig.

Craig: Hi, Kyle…

Kyle: (closes the door) I… Heard what happened with Tweek. It fucking sucks…

Craig: Yeah, I mean- Drug use? He would tell if he was doing drugs… right…?

Kyle: Assuming he's your boyfriend, I'd believe so.

Craig: It's weird how nobody told me about this. I only knew Tweek was here because Clyde told me so.

Kyle: We heard that story from him as well. Apparently, he saw the ambulance that was caring Tweek last night.

Craig: I'm sorry… "We"?

Suddenly, Kyle and Craig hear tapping on the window. A lot of their friends were outside the room, but Tolkien, Butters, Stan, and Kenny were the ones that were waving to Craig and Kyle.

Kyle: We're worried, dude. We care a lot about you guys, and we know if something happened to Tweek, we'd be here for you.

Craig: Wow, I-

Tweek: Rrrr…

Craig: Tweek!!

Tweek: What the- GAH!! Craig?! Kyle?! Whe-Where am I?? Oh, Jesus!!

Craig: Everything is ok now, Tweek. You had an overdose.


Craig: Tweek, (holds the other Tweek's hand) calm down, ok? Everything's fine.

Kyle: I'll go call a doctor outside. (walks out of the room)

Tweek: Ahhh!!

Craig: Just try to relax, ok?

Tweek: H-How am I supposed to relax?? I'm having too much pressure because I had a fucking overdose, Craig!! I could've died!! AND YOU WANT ME TO RELAX?!?!?!

Craig: I know, I know. This is also too much pressure for me, babe. I could've lost you, ok? But look, you're still here.

Tweek: B-But… But…

Dr. Weiner: (gets inside the room) Hello there, I'm Dr. Weiner. And you young man must be Tweek Tweak.

Tweek: Y-Y-Yes, doctor.

Dr. Weiner: Richard Tweak and Mrs. Tweak's son?

Tweek: Y-Y-Yeah.

Dr. Weiner: (takes notes) Ok. Well, Tweek, as you may know, you… had an overdose.

Tweek: Mhm…

Dr. Weiner: So, your parents assumed you have been taking meth, and apparently, according to these (folds some pages in Tweek's file) shitty files no one ever organizes, your body indeed contains meth substances.

Tweek: H-HUH?!

Craig: What? (looks at Tweek) You've been taking meth? Since when?

Tweek: I-I-I-I don't know, I s-swear I never did drugs in my life!! The only thing I addictively drink is coffee.

From outside, Tolkien, Butters, Kenny, and Stan were hearing their muffled conversation…

Butters: Oh, gee… Wha-What's gonna happen to Tweek, fellas?

Stan: I don't know, but something in this story doesn't hit right…

Tolkien: I know, right…? How could Tweek have an overdose, if he never did drugs before?

Kenny: [muffled] Maybe someone drugged him.

Tolkien: What?

Kyle: Wait, guys, Kenny has a point. Someone must be drugging Tweek without his consent.

Craig: (walks out of the room, and closes the door)

Butters: Craig!!

Tolkien: So? What did the doctor say?

Kyle: Yeah, dude.

Stan: How's Tweek?

Craig: He… believes that someone has been drugging Tweek's coffee… And the only option is… His parents.

Kyle: The Tweaks? Why the fuck would they'd drug their own son?!?!

Craig: They also said Tweek should stay here 'til night.

Clyde: Sooo… We can still have the Summer Break party, right?

Stan: It's not the time, Clyde.

Clyde: Damn… (sobs) Ok.

Craig: Until then, I'll probably just stay here. As Tweek's boyfriend, I must make sure he's ok at all times.

Kenny: [muffled] Hey Craig, can I talk to you in the corner real quick?

Craig: Uh- Yeah, sure…

Both Craig and Kenny walk to the closest corner of the hospital…

Kenny: [muffled] So… I might know a guy, who might help you.

Craig: What…?

Kenny: (sighs and takes off his scarf) I know a guy who can help you find out who's been drugging Tweek.

Craig: Really? Who?

Kenny: I can't tell, but… I'm sure he'll be able to take care of that for you. But of course… That'll come with a price.


Craig: Are you fucking kidding me?

Kenny: I can guarantee you some information right after tonight.

Craig: Ugh, fine… How much for your friend to give some information??

Kenny: Hmm… About… 30 bucks.

Craig: What?!

Kenny: I can accept the money tomorrow, but you'll need to give it first before I give the info.

Craig: (crosses his arms, and looks away) Ugh…

Kenny: So, what will it be??

Craig: Err, ok, fine!! I'll give you 30 bucks tomorrow, and you'll give some info, ok?

Kenny: No problem. Now… (covers his mouth again with his scarf) Shall we go back?

At lunchtime… Everyone went back to school…

Stan: Dude, I feel bad for Craig…

Kyle: Me too. Man, imagine coming to school on the last day, and finding out your partner had an overdose…

Tolkien: Yeah. Glad that Tweek survived though. I mean, not gonna lie, Craig would be extremely fucked up, if Tweek died…

Kyle: You're right… But hey, let's think positively, ok? He survived, it's all good.

Cartman: (joins the lunch table) Hey, dudes, what's up?

[Long pause]

Kyle: The fuck are you doing here, fatass??

Cartman: Hey hey, don't you start it, you stupid Jew!! (starts eating) So whatcha guys talking about?

[Long pause, again…]

Stan: You haven't heard that Tweek had an overdose?


Cartman: Tweek had a what?

Kyle: See? This is why nobody likes to be with you. EVERYONE IN SCHOOL knows about it, and YOU, are here like [trying to imitate Cartman] "Tweek had a what"? [normal voice] (gets up) Face it, Cartman, after all these years, YOU are still as SELFISH and SELF-CENTERED, you fucking fatass!!!

Cartman: (gets up) HEY!!

Muffled arguing in the background…

Stan: Oh god, here we go…

Tolkien: This really had to happen on the last day of school?

Stan: (sighs and covers his face with his hand)

Butters: (joins the lunch table, along with Kenny) Heyy, fellas!!

Stan: (looks at Butters) [with a tired tune] Hi, Butters. (looks at Kenny) Hi, Kenny.

Kenny: (looks at Cartman and Kyle, fighting with each other) [muffled] Are you fucking serious…?

Butters: What are they arguing about this time?

Stan: Ya know, the usual…

Kenny: (gets up, and places the board on the table) [muffled] Ok, that DOES IT!!! (walks into Cartman and Kyle, separates them, and takes his scarf off) THAT'S ENOUGH WITH YOU TOO!!! CAN'T WE JUST HAVE ONE DAY? ONE DAY WITHOUT YOU TWO FIGHTING EACH OTHER?!?!

Pause… Everyone is looking at Cartman and Kyle, that then look at each other like idiots


Cartman: You're right… Kyle… you should stop causing these fights between us-

Kyle: (looks sideways at Cartman) Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!

Kenny: (grabs Cartman) You guys. Get up. Now!!

Stan: (grabs Kyle) Kyle, what the fuck??

Kyle: Cartman started it!!

Cartman: Kyle, please. I've been trying to stop fighting for a long while ago.

Kyle: Liar…

Cartman: It's true. I've been in therapy for quite a while.

All the boys around the table seem surprised and confused by Cartman's words, but Kyle wasn't still very convinced…

Kyle: Tchh, sure… As if YOU would take it seriously…

Cartman: Oh yeah??-

Stan: C'mon guys, please, it's our last day of school. Can we all stop fighting for at least today?

Kyle: (sighs) Fine…

Kenny: (looks at Kyle) I don't wanna lose our friendship again, guys… (looks at Cartman) If we actually do have a broship, then act like it.

Kyle: (looks at Kenny) I'm sorry, Kenny. I'm sorry that (looks sideways at Cartman) CARTMAN is being an asshole.

Cartman: See? He keeps going!!

Kyle: (sighs and looks at Stan) I'm sorry, Stan.

Stan: Hey, it's chill, dude. It's not like this is… new, (looks at Kenny talking with Cartman) it's just…

Kyle: (looks at Kenny) Yeah, Kenny… I feel bad that sometimes we hang out together just for the sake of Kenny, ya know?

Stan: I mean… He's aware of that already, we're not kids anymore, we're 17.

Kyle: Yeah… It's just… [whispering] I just don't want our friendship to go downhill, because of that son of a bitch named Cartman…

Stan: Yeah, I get you…


Kyle: Well, at least… We still have each other right…?

Stan: (slight blush) U-U-U-Uh, ye- (his face turns green, and covers his mouth)

Kyle: Uh Stan, are you alright-

Stan: (throws up) Ugh…

Kyle: Ewww, sick, dude!!

Stan: (gets up) I need to go…

Kyle: Wha- Where are you going? We still have classes!!

Stan: (walks away) I know, I'm just going to the bathroom…. (turns, and starts walking backward) And DON'T you dare to come after me!!

Kyle: Uh- Ok…

At the lockers… After lunch…

Kyle: (grabbing his stuff from his locker) Stupid fatass… Always messing up people's

lives… (closes his locker)

Rory: Kyle!! There you are!

Kyle: Oh, hey Rory! (grabs his bag from the floor) What's up?

Rory: Oh, nothing, I heard you and Cartman had a fight… Again.

Kyle: Ugh, oh no... did Kenny tell you?

Rory: Yeah kinda… (Pause) He did

Kyle: Oh god…

Rory: I just wanted to check on you. I noticed that he's been concerned about you guys lately…

Kyle: We know that!! (sigh) Look, Rory, all we do around him… [raises his voice a bit] W-We all try to be nice to each other for his sake, ok? (pause) Sorry, am I raising my voice too much??

Rory: No, you're alright-

Bell rings…

Rory: GAH!!!

Kyle: You're still not used to the bell ring?

Rory: No shit, Sherlock. (big sigh) That thing fucking scares me… god…

Kyle: Well, you're lucky it's the last day of school.

Rory: Heh... Well, it's nice that you're one of the only people that don't make fun of me because of it.

Kyle: What's there to make fun of? I mean, I totally understand you. I don't understand your previous schools not using a bell though.

Rory: I know right? Oh and uhh thanks, Kyle, I appreciate it. Well, gotta go meet up with Kenny, I promised him some ice cream earlier, see ya.

Kyle: Bye.

Kyle looks at the floor with a neutral expression… He then remembers something and looks at the boy's bathroom door…

Kyle: (gets inside) Stan?

Stan: K-Kyle? What part of "DON'T come after me" that you didn't fucking understand??

Kyle: I know, but, dude… You're my best friend. I'm supposed to make sure you're ok…

Stan: (pause) Yeah, I… (lays his head in the toilet) suppose you're right…

Kyle: (seats in front of one of the doors) Are you ok?

Stan: I mean, I am now.

Kyle: You know you can talk with me… Are you mad because of earlier??

Stan: (pause) A little…

Kyle: I'm sorry.

Stan: (gets up and slowly opens the toilet's door, looking at Kyle)

Kyle: (gets up and looks at Stan)

Awkward silence…

Stan: Uh- T-The school bell already rang didn't it?

Kyle: Yeah, and we're late.

Stan: Then what the fuck are you doing here??

At the hospital…

Tweek: (checking DMs on his phone with all his friends wishing him well on his recovery, slightly smiling)

Craig: (gets in with two cups of coffee) Hey, I'm back.

Tweek: Hey, Craig. (turns off his phone, and puts it on the desk)

Craig: (gives one of the cups to Tweek) How are you feeling?

Tweek: (grabs the cup) Quite better actually. That fucking headache isn't hitting that hard anymore.

Craig: (seats on the chair near the bed) I'm glad to hear that.

Tweek: Yeah… (takes a sip of coffee)


Craig: So, uh… About what the doctor said earlier.

Tweek: W-What?

Craig: That thing about your parents being the possible people that drugged you?

Tweek: Oh, uh- W-Well, I don't know, dude. I mean… My parents? Drugging me? T-That's nonsense… (takes another sip)

Craig: I don't know. It's weird how many coffees you drink a day, especially when you claim yourself addicted, and your parents literally don't give a shit about it.

Tweek: W-Wait… Are you saying that my parents drug my coffees?

Craig: Well, that's what's logical here.

Tweek: (swallows the coffee, and presses the robe) I-I…

Door knock…

Tweek: Ahh!!!

Dr. Dana: (opens the door) Tweek Tweak?

Tweek: U-Uhh… Y-Yes?

Dr. Dana: Dr. Weiner just wanted to inform you that he's coming to check on you again in a bit. Then you may go home.

Craig: Oh! Well, would ya look at that? You can get out earlier.

Tweek: G-Great. (presses the robe more) That's great…

Craig: Hmm… Well, if you want, and if you're available of course, we can go to Clyde's party.

Tweek: P-Party?

Craig: You know, the one he's been planning for a while.

Tweek: Oh… W-Well, I've had to ask my parents first.

Craig: Right…

Tweek: (pause) Are you ok, Craig?

Craig: (sighs) I don't know, babe… I'm concerned that what the doctor said it's true…

Tweek: (holds Craig's hands) Craig, I'm sure it's just a doubt, ok? My parents couldn't possibly drug me. I would've noticed by now.

Craig: Eh…

Dr. Weiner: (walks in) Hey there, Tweek.

Tweek: Gah!! U-Uh, sorry-

Dr. Weiner: It's alright. Now tell me, any pain in your body right now??

Tweek: N-No, my headache just passed earlier.

Dr. Weiner: (takes notes) That is great to hear. So, as you may know, since Dr. Dana came here earlier, you're going home early.

Tweek: Y-Yes.

Dr. Weiner: You have anyone who can leave you there?

Tweek: Well, m-my parents are working, so-

Craig: I'll leave him at home, don't worry.

Dr. Weiner: Perfect. I wish you well, Tweek.

Tweek: T-Thanks.

Dr. Weiner leaves the room…

Craig: (pause) So, wanna go to Clyde's party?

Tweek: Sure, let's go.

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NOTE: cover art is a commission done by Ripcorez a fellow author on here and amazing artist. If you like his work, don't hesitate to reach out to him with a request for a commission of your own Samuel Foster would be turning 18 in two weeks. He grew up in a fairly normal low case family home with his parents and two younger siblings. The thing out of the ordinary was he knew for as long as he could remember he would be getting married at 18 to a girl he never had met before due to a promise his family had made. Lena Scarlet, Princess Scarlet was feared by many, respected and loved by everyone near her. Deadly as she was calm, her one annoyance in life was the arranged married he father decided upon before she was born. Being fiercely independent and trained to protect herself, she never felt the need for a relationship or marriage as she fully capable of taking care of all her needs. However, a promise was a promise and whether either of them liked it or not, their parents were at least going to force them to live together before calling the wedding off. Please give the book a chance. I'm not the greatest of synopsis writers, as I am sure some of you can tell and the book may be slow at first due to the setup and lead in. But I promise it will getting more interesting as it goes along. Scene excerpt from the story: "You didn't happen to think it was important to tell before now?! The princess was furious with the other woman. "I.." She paused for a second to swallow, "I never thought that it would come down to this. I promise though that they wouldn't do anything terrible." "They said the same thing to my father.. but they were wrong. I don't trust anyone's word." The princess replied standing up. The more her anger rose, the darker her eyes got. "You should just be fortunate that I am not my father. Do you know what he did when faced with a similar situation?" with no reply, she continued "He killed almost all of them. You could say it was a massacre. Me, I won't got that far, but if anything happens to him, I will personally kill the person who touches him." Books in this Series: Dear Dove (Prequel) Roses & Whips(on hold for editing)- Richard's book Discord server link: https://discord.gg/dMJaSAjtjK If server link doesn't work- please inform me. Link to patreon account where I will give brief Paypal link: https://paypal.me/DameButterfly?locale.x=en_US because every little bit helps author to write while in college. https://ko-fi.com/damebutterfly/goal?g=0

DameButterfly · Realistic
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