"Get up! You lazy ass!" said Alpine. "Yes, I'm sorry I was just very tired and I badly need to sleep" said Zenki with a grit on his face. "I'm just very tired since I've got here they always used me as a donkey, I always carry those sacks full of apples and my back always hurts. But atleast I got my body well shaped" he thought while going downstairs and getting ready to get more sacks of apples delivered to their silo. Its always the busiest day in harvesting season, at least they don't get troubles like those knights and mages have to deal when on a mission. Luckily, its always peaceful here at Missed Oak Valley, especially when harvesting season comes where people are busy with their farms and stuff. "Ughh, I hate it when harvesting season comes. Everything is just a mess, you can't sleep properly, people are always shouting at you, and you have carry heavy stuff the whole day. I wish someday I could get a job in the Empire like maybe a knight, A mighty knight with a shiny armor and a majestic horse." murmured Zenki. He's been here for 3 years, he was seen by Alpine at the boundaries, he's bathing with blood, almost dead and only remembers his name and nothing else. Since then he lived here doing stuff for Alpine, cause as what Alpine always say "You owe me your life and you have to do what ever I say as a payment". Alpine is a good man he never says something bad to Zenki except "lazy ass" of course. But that's fine for Zenki cause its not a lie afterall. "Stop daydreaming, We have lots of work to do, its just a week before rainy season comes and I don't want to ruin my apples!" shouted Alpine to Zenki. "Fine" said Zenki."Its not like you do the carrying, maybe thats why you have the time and energy to scold everyone" he thought. Then they headed to the apple trees and started harvesting, that went for three more days. Everynight before Zenki sleeps he do his routine of excercises 100 sit-ups, 100 push up and 5 kilometers run, while finishing up his run he saw something strange. At the end of the boundary of the village, there is a shiny piece of metal embedded in a peculiar looking rock beside a river. "Oohhh shiny, what's that?" he asked. Of course no one answered, then he approached it but after getting half way through the rock he heard rattling noises from the bushes. "Who's there?" he asked. Again no one answered but now the atmosphere isn't as relaxing as it was before, it was now intense. The moon is shining bright, the gushing water from the river, the whistling sound of the wind, and frogs croaking. Its quite cozy and at the same time terrifying, he continued his approach. He looked at the shiny looking metal "This seems valuable, maybe none would notice if I take it here." He just has thing for shiny stuff. But the problem is he can't take the metal out of the rock, he was trying very hard. His nerves is pumping out of his skin, his skin is red, his very sweaty and gritting while pulling the metal out of the rock. "I'll just go home" he sighed, " But the mighty Zenki will not give up easily for a shiny treasures like you!". He tried one last time, putting all his remaining strength and power to his fingers trying to pull the metal out of the rock. But unfortunately, he failed and just wounded his finger the blood gushed out of it. "Ughh! Now I have this wound. It would be hard working with this, but alas the mighty Zenki shall retreat for now. Ill be back for you!" pointing at the metal piece. Suddenly as he was retreating the rock shines that blinded him and something magnificent happened.