
Chapter 22 - World At War II [Rewrite]

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*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* 

The whole emptiness of the space was filled with shockwaves of battle as Ryo drove the Glory along with Zero Two into the space. On their way, they were greeted by thousands of VIRM, making them fight as they reached the Star Entity floating in the space on the frontline.

<Klaxosaur Queen, ready a port for the Franxx Glory to into Star Entity.>

<Understood. >

Conveying his order, Glory started to use its weaponry to destroy every VIRM-infected Klaxosaur coming their way while the Klaxosaurs started to form a path to Glory to move out of its path toward the Star Entity.


As the Glory reached the frontlines, Star Entity which looked mixture of Klaxosaur Princess and Experiment Zero (The Clone that is piloting the Star Entity with Klaxosaur Princess), lowered its head as it's head as the large horn on its forehead suddenly started to glow with bright blue light.


A powerful plasma beam was shot out from the Star Entity's horn, completely clearing the VIRM soldiers from the battlefield.

From the residue of the destroyed and killed physical body, suddenly a singular being started to form. The being had a diamond-shaped non-physical body that was glowing with unnatural white bright light.

The entity that was formed was hundreds of meters in height as millions of 'masks' representing the souls that the being gathered during its conquest.

"Klaxosaur Princess, surrender now and obediently follow our will and join us! We might even let your kins live if you join us now."

The collective consciousness of VIRM tried to give Klaxosaur Princess a chance to join them. Her presence has already brought a lot of losses to VIRM with the amount of physical body destroyed in the battle with her already exceeding their expected limits.

"Do not waste thy time, filthy creature. Your end was inevitable from the very moment you tried to bring war to my world. Do you really think that you were the only ones who were preparing for the war?"

Klaxosaur Queen who was operating the Star Entity, felt a bit angry as she replied, making the Star Entity ready to fire another Plasma blast, trying to destroy the VIRM consciousness.

<< Wait. I have a proposal. >>

A voice was transmitted to all the beings, including VIRM, making Klaxosaur Princess stop in her tracks in surprise. 

"Huh? What do you mean by proposal? Are you planning to offer the Klaxosaurs to the VIRM?", With a sharp expression, Klaxosaur Princess looked back at Ryo as he just scoffed at her.

Ignoring her, Ryo looked back at the 'VIRM' entity and asked, <So you're the insect that is causing us some trouble? Quite bold of you to assume all are truly immortal.>, saying that, Ryo inserted his 'tails' into the walls and manipulated the biomass, bringing forth a small 'bomb' from the Glory.

<<Code Omega. You have been the biggest anomaly we ever seen in our existence. What is proposal that you want to talk about?>>

The VIRM asked back. But even when this talk was going on, the battle between both sides didn't stop.

Scoffing, Ryo smirked as he looked at the VIRM and replied, <Well, you will be having a big surprise now! Heh.>, as soon as he completed saying that, all the Klaxosaurs started to retreat, confusing the VIRM.

Sadly, for him, what happened next shocked him. 


A tiny object, probably 50 meters in size, was suddenly shot toward the rushing army of VIRM-infected soldiers, moving at lightning speed.

Looking at the 'toy' sent toward the leading army, the VIRM was very confused, but suddenly as if trying to be cautious, it made all the other bodies move in retreat as a single small infected body approached the path of the quickly approaching 'bomb'.

<It turned out that you were a much more arrogant anomaly than I estimated to be- ...What?>


As soon as the bomb touched the infected entity, a huge explosion took place the entity suddenly stopped moving as it started to turn into dust, moving along the direction where the bomb was cast away.

That was not all, the dust, as soon as it came in contact with another infected soldier, made it stop in its tracks after a few seconds. This went on till a few more physical bodies were sacrificed to stop the effect of the device.

Smirking at the entity, Ryo responded, <Well, whatever you think. How about we start to talk, in a more civil way? Just case don't know, I have than enough of these bombs reduce every single one your infected soldiers into dust.>

<<... >>

Looking at every single entity that was getting reduced to dust, VIRM instantly ordered every single soldier around the explosion area to retreat. <<What do you want to propose?>>

<Oh nothing, I just want you to leave this place for a few months till we move another plant. After that, can continue your venture of capturing more physical bodies as long don't attack us at least months.>

<<... Your proposal is nothing more than a buff, Omega. Do you really think just these bodies were our army? This the smallest fraction of forces! You will be facing defeat going against us!>>

<< Surrender now and you shall be released from your mortal constraints! >>

Although confused about the proposal, VIRM rejected it instantly. 

Sighing in defeat, Ryo scoffed and looked back at Klaxosaur Princess, <Very well, I guess the peace treaty failed its purpose? Code 001, you can go ahead and fight them.>

"I will put an end to your filthy species, VIRM! Do you really think that you were the only ones who were preparing for the war?"

Klaxosaur Queen who was operating the Star Entity was waiting for Ryo to confirm and as soon as she got the confirmation, the Star Entity released a huge Plasma blast from its horn, destroying the VIRM consciousness.

While the Klaxosaur Princess tried to calm herself down, a deep voice sounded, "Do not get agitated so easily. The war was already decided long ago. You just have to follow the path that was your destiny."


Ryo continued looking at the huge explosion happening in the dark space, admiring it for a short while as Zero Two approached him and hummed as she jumped over his soldiers and stared at the scene with interest.

'I really hoped that VIRM would have accepted my proposal. I don't want any more war. I just want to form my main base on a far corner of the galaxy and chill out till the end of the world.', A small smirk formed on his face.


As the Star Entity soon started to begin the journey and reached Mars, a warp gate suddenly started to form on their path, making a path for the army to descend toward the main battlefield.






Time slowly ticked as unknowingly, one year had already passed.


Klaxosaur Princess sighed in boredom. Her eyes looked at her own body which was now more matured form compared to her previous small form she used to keep herself in.

She looked at her surroundings and saw how her partner, Experiment Zero's eyes had turned heavy as dark black circles were visible under its eyes.

"Are you tired?"

Experiment Zero closed its eyes for a second before opening them and with determination replied, "No. I do not have any time to be tired. I have something to prove to Papa."

Experiment Zero's eyes became clearer as they looked to the side of the operating room making Klaxosaur Princess's eyes follow to the other side of the control room. Just far from them were two blue eggs, five times the size of normal human adults.

During the first half of the year that Klaxosaur Princess was controlling the Star Entity, Ryo and Zero Two spent their time absorbing the knowledge, while Ryo taught and helped Zero Two to understand the concepts faster.

'What will happen to me and my kins after the war is over? He is as strong as me right now or even more stronger than me. There is no chance for me to win if his companion Zero Two assists him...'

'Should I just submit to him? With how fast Omega was getting stronger, I think that it's better for the Klaxosaurs to work under him than trying to get freedom... Or I can try to get Code Zero Two on my Side?'

Even Klaxosaur Princess was amazed at how fast Omega was learning the knowledge that was being shared with them through the connection with Star Entity. Even when her kind was at its peak, there were not many Klaxo-Sapiens as smart as Omega at their peak.

But her eyes cannot lie to her. She can see it. She can see a small weakness, clearly visible even without any need to try finding out.


Unknown to both of the 'lovers' someone was already thinking of trying to break them apart while they drifted into the dream world.






When both Ryo and Zero Two completed their absorption of knowledge, they spent the next few months gaining control over their Klaxo-Sapien bloodline abilities, reaching the peak of the limits of their bloodline.

After that, they soon ran out of tasks to do. No matter what they did, they were not able to improve further. So in the end, Ryo and Zero Two went into deep sleep as they did not have any form of way to upgrade themselves further.

In the deep sleep ability, their mind will continue to work normally but their body will be put to sleep while the body forms a protective layer, in the form of an egg. Inside it, they were able to go into a sort of 'coma', as if they were half asleep. 

"Puny Lifeforms!! Surrender to the power of VIRM. Your end is VIRM! Abandon your flesh!-"

A VIRM consciousness was suddenly formed on the battlefield, sadly for him, as soon as it appeared, a plasma blast silenced it which was launched from the Star Entity.

Klaxosaur Princess moved on her seat and readied herself for another clash as she felt the VIRM soldiers coming their way. Her eyes shore with fire as she mover her weapon and sends out another blast, trying to kill every VIRM on their way.


--( 6 Months Later )--

[ UPs: 80,000 ]

"Foolish lifeform! This is where you should stop. This is the last chance for you to join us!"

"Shut thy trap. Your end is inevitable. Follow your destiny of destruction!"

"Insect! VIRM is eternal! We cannot die! This is but a pitiful attempt to slow our forces down! Bow before us and you shall be rewarded with the freedom from the cage built from your flesh!"


Small cracks started to form over the egg-like structure where Ryo was resting as he slowly made his way through the surface of the egg. As he got out of the egg, he noticed how the Star Entity was just a solar system distance away from a planet which was the residing area of the VIRM.

As he walked out of the eggshell, he walked up to the egg in which Zero Two was residing and put his hand over the shell, transferring Zero Two into his inventory.

Looking to the side, he noticed that Klaxosaur Princess was facing difficulty facing the horde of VIRM soldiers all by herself as her partner, Experiment Zero was sitting on the Stamen seat with empty eyes.

"You will be needing my assistance. Prepare yourself for the battle. This will be the ending for the VIRMs. After this, you will not have to suffer with the burden of survival of your kind."

Ryo walked up to the stamen position and used his tail to throw Experiment Zero, who was already mentally dead to the side as he sat over the piloting seat and connected the organic connectors to his chest and side of his stomach. 

"I am thankful for the assistance."

Klaxosaur Princess looked over to Ryo and thanked him. She knew that even if he didn't help her, she would still have won, but the cost would have been taxing to the current alive Klaxosaur.

The previous Klaxosaur army consisting of billions of Klaxosaurs was now reduced to hundreds of millions. If she was fighting alone, she would not have been able to command the army properly while fighting the VIRM soldier.

"You better be. Furthermore, you should now focus more on the battlefield now."

Ryo looked over to the Klaxosaur Princess as he started to take command of the Star Entity as the VIRMs started to collide with the now reduced forces of Klaxosaurs.

Commanding the Klaxosaur army to maintain a distance, Ryo accelerated the Star Entity toward the VIRM planet base as trillions of VIRMs started to collide with the holographic and magnetic shield surrounding the Star Entity.

Feeling the full brunt of the VIRM, the shield was soon cracked as the VIRM soldiers started to pour down toward the holes in the shield, damaging the exterior of the Star Entity.

On the other hand, as soon as the VIRM soldiers started to damage the Star Entity, it started to glow with a bright yellow light. The light suddenly let out a shock wave within a radius of millions of kilometers, destroying nearly the majority of the VIRM.

This attack was specially designed by Ryo to take care of the army of VIRM when they are successful in destroying the shield.

As if feeling danger, VIRM soldiers started to join themselves, forming a few Hringhorni, a spear-like weapon that was planned to be used to attack the VIRM but was disintegrated into Klaxosaurs on the orders from Ryo.

The spears shot toward the Star Entity with great speed. Sadly for VIRM, Star Entity grabbed one of the spears with its hands, and then a yellow bright light flashed past the spear, turning the spear made out of VIRM into Klaxosaur Organic material, and used to deflect the other spears coming their way.

The spears were after all, made of dead living beings which could easily be controlled by Klaxosaurs, so Ryo and Klaxosaur Princess had control over it, making the dead body of Klaxosaurs turn alive as the violet spear turned into a spear with blue and black color.

The Klaxosaurs are generally the foremost blueprint of the living bodies. Their DNA and other organic matter are universally available and are actually the main strands for evolution.

Pointing the Hringhorni toward the VIRM planet, Star Entity started to charge the weapon for a long-range attack, making the VIRM soldiers rush toward the Franxx, trying to save their planet from the attack.





< Are you ready to die? You know your situation and you also know that this is just the ending chapter for your species, right? >

(VIRM) <<Foolish living insect! Know the reality of situation! We are immortal! You cannot kill us!>>

"Cannot kill you? That is nothing but your arrogance. Just because you live in a semi-high-dimension, it doesn't mean you cannot die! The more you fight, the more it will me stronger! It is nothing more than a waste of time from your side."

The fight had already become more and more intense as VIRMs started to merge with each other, forming tens of smaller versions of Hringhorni, surrounding the Star Entity. As these were forming into existence, Ryo looked at the weapons with a smile.

He had already calculated what they were planning, since from what they had seen, Star Entity could restore VIRM soldiers, from how he could see it if he were in their place, he would also have done the same. They do not have any information regarding the Star Entity's potential, so it would be best for them to attack the Star Entity with everything.

It will be all or nothing.

Smirking, Ryo looked at the Klaxo-Princess and asked, "Ready for the final fight?"

"I am. But are you playing dumb or do you really have a way to kill the VIRM-s?"

"You do not worry about that. The thing that I hate the most is letting my enemies live longer than I have planned for them to live. The moment someone becomes my enemy, they must be prepared to have their destiny written up by me."

"Big words."

Klaxosaur Princess glanced at Ryo for a second and then instantly focused herself on the battlefield with a small scoff, making Ryo look at her and squint his eyes.

'Looks like I will have to make her know her place. Well, she has her own part of action within my main plan. I cannot kill her right now. Enjoy rebelling as much as you want Klaxosaur Princess, do you think you can hide your negative thoughts from me?'

On the other hand, Klaxosaur Princess winced as she felt intense hatred flow through their connections, making her feel agitated for a second. 'Is it really good to betray him? His emotions... Such intense hatred... I am very sure that if I showed the slightest negative emotions or weakness toward him, he will definitely kill me.'


As the various Hringhorni formed by VIRM struck the Star Entity, they instantly pierced the holographic shield on the foremost of the defense, making Klaxosaur Princess's face turn grim as both she and Ryo instantly controlled the Star Entity to dodge the Hringhorni.

As one of the Hringhorni passed by the Star Entity, it captured the weapon and swung it on the other incoming Hringhorni-s, causing the whole space to feel the vibration and effect of the clash as several planets around them felt an impact of the shockwave as if a meteorite hit it.


With a loud explosion, the final piece of VIRM-formed Hringhorni was destroyed, Star Entity quickly swiped the Hringhorni-es in its hands, causing a plasma slash to be projected toward the VIRM planet, destroying everything in its way.

< Final offer VIRMS. How about a one-month peace treaty? I will let you off for a month, but you are not allowed to attack us for one month. >

With quick successive actions, Star Entity took hold of a small planet-sized super bomb as the rest of Klaxosaurs started to retreat to a distance and quickly thrust it toward the planet.

Just a few meters away from the planet, Ryo peered into the core of the planet, looking directly at the huge planet-sized 'imaginary' being. His face turned cold as he stared at them. They already wasted too much of his time. 

VIRM were able to feel it, their doom. They were able to 'see' the feeling. They were able to feel what Ryo was going to do. They knew this was the final warning.

<< We... surrender. We are willing to form a peace treaty. >>

The void was filled with silence as the VIRM soldiers stopped attacking and retreated into the planet.

"Omega! We can't let these creatures leave! They will return! They will betray us! Do you really think that they will leave just like that!?", Looking at the scene, Klaxosaur Princess turned grimly and looked back at Ryo, smirking. "Hehe..."


"Juuuuuust kidding~! Too late. You should have agreed the first time. Hahaha! Did you really think that you would be able to run away from me?"

As soon the VIRM heard it, their face suddenly showed shock. They never thought that the mortals would betray the peace treaty as soon as it was formed.

<Heh. Just kidding. How can I destroy our trust?", Standing in front of the cockpit, showing a betrayed face, "You have such little hope us? would never betray you~ Never~>

<< ... >>

"Che. Such a boring reaction. No Nani!? No Courting death?", Returning to normal face, Ryo started to make Star Entity retreat to a distance, even with Klaxosaur Princess trying to show resistance. Making Ryo's eyes turn cold for a second.

'This-!', Feeling literal 'killing intent' forced upon her, Klaxosaur Princess trembled. She felt it. For the first time in thousands of years, she felt fear.

Ignoring her, Ryo started to transform the Star Entity. Within a few seconds whole back of the Star Entity transformed into a booster and started to blare, making Star Entity quickly reach a great distance.

<Don't try to break the treaty~ N-e-v-e-r. I have enough resources destroy you all insects tens of times over~>, Looking back at the planet, Ryo said out the warning one last time as a huge mass of white diamond-shaped entities with millions upon millions of purple masks started to form and float in front of the planet. 

Suddenly the white figure flashed for a second and instantly disappeared as the VIRM planet started to drift away in the vacuum of space. It was unknown to Ryo and even the Klaxosaur Princess what had happened to the VIRM-s.


Ryo looked at the last place the VIRM 'entity' was and then stood up from the stamen piloting seat and walked out of the place and up to the side where a platform started to form. The platform slowly transformed and flickered for a second until suddenly a bright holographic image was transmitted, floating on the platform.


[ UPs: 100,000 -> 130,000 ]

Klaxosaur Princess stood up from her place walked up to the platform and asked, "What now? We have enough time to prepare for the next attack from the VIRMs. As long as you and your partner mate and provide eggs to me, I will help you in growing them up and repopulating the Klaxosaur population and-"

"No need to do anything like that. As I have said, do not worry about VIRMs now. You have done your side of the job. You were nothing more than a nuisance to me. How dare you try to defy me? Do you really think that just because you have a lot more experience than me, you will be able to defeat me? HUH?"

Snapping his head toward the Klaxo princess, he instantly flashed in front of her and grabbed her by her neck, lifting her up to his level.

His eyes stared into hers as he didn't hide his feelings of anger. Making sure to express all of it to her. 

Feeling suffocated by the emotions forcefully smashed into her head, Klaxosaur Princess felt fear. This was the first time someone tried this. In her whole life, never had she seen someone use this way to assert dominance.

Looking at her shacky eyes, Ryo scoffed as he "Useless. Now leave everything to me."

Ryo looked at the holograph and quickly ordered the remaining Klaxosaurs to join the Star Entity leaving behind a few ones that will come into use of small stuff. As the Klaxosaurs followed the instructions, Ryo looked at the Klaxosaur Princess, making her look back at him.

As this happened, Ryo started to walk calmly toward Klaxosaur Princess, who barely stood up, making her a bit tense but she didn't resist. She knew that Omega was somehow much stronger.

He was able to use the blood of their in a much better way than her and if she tried to act rebellious it would only make him see her 'rebellious' nature of hers, and he might kill her. After all, she was able to feel it. 

She knew that if she tried to act on her own will again, she would die.

Ryo ignored her and knowing full well what she was thinking, reached out his finger toward her and after just a few centimeters away from her, he lifted his finger and put it over her forehead, making her transfer into his inventory.

"She is quite rebellious."

'All according to plan. I had expected her to be this rebellious. The World Will will have to definitely use all its remaining Paradox Energy to change her personality to try to kill me somehow.'

'Well, I should thank 'it' for bringing my main plan forward by another step. Hehe... The 'main' bastard had planned something very complex. Too complex even for me to dismantle. To outsmart him, I will have to use my current element and the inability of the System to read my mind to my best capabilities.'

'Well, lemme look at my UPs. System, show me my UPs.'

[ UPs: 130,000 ]

'So many... System, show me the most useful thing that I will be able to buy at this many UPs.'

[ Item: Modified Byakugan Eyes (Naruto) 

Description: Modified Byakugan Eyes, from Naruto. It is a modified version that allows the user to perceive even the smallest movement of a person, allows the user to have a 360-degree view and X-ray vision, and is able to see Paradox Energy to some extent.

However, it will be a weaker version of the real eyes from the Naruto universe. It is only usable within 30 meters, and cannot be upgraded further.

Price: 130,000 UPs


'I see. I know very well that these eyes are quite useful, especially as it is able to perceive Paradox Energy. With that, I will be able to open my 'Core' and will be able to understand and use my ability to use [Infinity]'

'Still not worth my effort. It is just too weak. Furthermore, the range is only 30 meters.'

With that, everything went into silence as Ryo was the only one left behind in the deep space. Looking at the piloting room that he was in for a second, he walked up to the frontal area of the look-through part of the Star Entity and asked, "Are you there? Me from the future? Have you taken care of the VIRM-s?"


There was no reply. It was even unknown to Ryo if his speculation was correct or not. "Were you able to defeat the 'Original'?"


Perceiving no response, Ryo looked at the vast space for a while but as soon as all the Klaxosaurs merged with the Star Entity, making it grow in size, Ryo walked up to his egg-like shell and as he entered it.

As soon as he entered it, his body started to excrete liquid to protect him from the outer forces.

With the preparations done, the whole Star Entity, which was now 20 kilometers in size, almost towering most of the asteroids vanished into thin air, leaving behind a small egg floating in deep space.

Ryo, who was inside the egg, stretched his hand as suddenly a ticket like that from the late 1900s startled to form in his hand as he quickly tore it.

As soon as he tore the ticket, his body started to glow as his body glowed with bright light until it suddenly popped out of its very existence, leaving behind an empty shell of the egg.

[ UPs: 130,000 -> 80,000 ]




[ Infinity System

Name: Code 003 / Code Omega / Ryo Otsuki

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Titles: ---

Bloodlines: Klaxo-Sapien

Core (?): Infinity (Unawakened): Able to manipulate the concept of [Infinity] 



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: E+

Mind: E+ (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: E-


Unique Points: 80,000

[Show Abilities] [Show Inventory] ]


[Portal will be formed within 10 minutes. Please prepare yourself for transfer. The first portal traveling will be very painful and you will feel nauseous for the first few transfers.]

"Ugh.", Ryo felt as if his mind was spinning, making him open his eyes.

Darkness. Absolute darkness. 

That was all he could perceive. It was as if Ryo was thrown into space, except there were no stars over in the void-like space. There was absolutely nothing in the void like space.



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