2 Meeting the lyoko warriors

In a world where 80% of the world population was blessed with special abilities called quirks with the remaining 20% quirkless , This is a story of a green haired boy who was once quirkless but gained special abilities.

Being born quirkless in a world where almost everyone had a quirk was considered a curse, most quirkless people were treated badly or ignored by society.

"I'm sorry to say this madam but your son is quirkless" a doctor told a green haired woman. Said woman whose name is Inko Midoriya, came with her son Izuku Midoriya for a quirk test, to see if her son had a quirk. Living in a society where heroes existed, it was natural for Izuku to desire to be one but unfortunately reality slapped him hard in the face.

"But how ?, my husband and I have a quirk. He had fire breathing and I have weak telekenises" Inko asked the doctor.

"Well according to the X-ray scan here your son has an extra joint in his pinkie. And since those who have quirks don't have said joint in their pinkie am afraid he's quirkless" the doctor explained.

"Mom do you still think I can be a hero like All Might?" Young izuku asked with tears streaming down his face as he dropped his All Might action figure in shock. Not knowing how to respond all Inko said was, "Am so sorry, izuku am so sorry" was all that she said.

'But back then, those went the words i wanted to hear mom'

Moments later

"So Izuku whats your quirk?" Katsuki or as Izuku affectionately called him, Kacchan asked.

"Uh well you see am quirkless but..."

"But what you're gonna be a hero like All Might?!, Look Izuku, am sorry about that but I don't wanna lose you... am sorry but I gotta go see you later Izu."  Bakugo muttered as she walks away.

"K-Kacchan" Izuku stuttered out.

"Heh good for you DEKU"  Bat guy taunted.

"Hah good one dude" his lackeys cheered him on.

Bakugo growled at him,

"Don't you dare call Izu that, you hear?!!" She yelled at him and continued walking away.

Izuku was heart broken as his best friend left him.

"K-kaccan" Izuku stuttered as tears streamed down his face as Bakugo left.

From that day Izuku was always looked down on  by everyone in school and he never told his mom so that she won't worry. And since that day he tried to be confident in himself but is always pushed around till one day when his prayers will be answered.

Ten years later

"Izuku! hurry up or you'll be late for school" Inko yelled out to her son.

14 year old Izuku was busy watching All Might's first debut video with a tear drop falling from his eyes. But who knew that a single tear drop was all it took to change his life forever. As soon as the tear made contact with the keyboard a symbol appeared on the screen ( don't know how to describe X.A.N.A's symbol) and he was zapped with grey (what's the colour of X.A.N.A's electricity again?)  electricity knocking him unconscious.

In his mindscape

"Ugh where am I ? last thing I  remember was being zapped by a grey electricity" Izuku muttered whilst lying on the ground.

"Hey Einstein look the kid is awake" said a boy with blonde hair  defying gravity with a purple spot in his hair wearing a purple suit with a tail.

" Oh can it Odd you're gonna give the kid a headache" a boy wearing a yellow ninja outfit with a scarboard holding two sabers said.

"Says you Ulrich you're practically screaming in his face" said a boy wearing a blue suit with blonde hair and glasses said."

"Will you guys act matured for once in your life?" A girl with black hair (I don't know how to describe her clothes but I'll show you her pic in the coming chapters)

"Yeah you guys always act childish"  a girl with pink here said.( Same with her)

"Hey Izuku you okay ?" The blonde haired boy asked.

"Where am I ? , How do you know my name and who are you guys?" Izuku asked standing up and took note of his surroundings he noticed that he was in a place( well don't know how to explain but it's like inside the tower in Lyoko.)

"Well I guess we have to introduce ourselves" he said " I am Jeremy Belpois, the idiot with the stupid hair is Odd Della Robbia (sp?)"

"Hey I'll have you know that this is the most trending style worldwide ain't I right kid ?" Odd asked izuku.

Izuku just stared at him and said,"I don't think anybody has that kind of hairstyle anymore"

"Hah! you see Odd no one has such a stupid hairstyle" Ulrich mocked.

"But it used to be popular since 2010" Izuku added.

"Wait what do you mean 'used to be popular'" Odd asked.

"Uh well cuz we're in the year 2244" Izuku replied confused.

"Wait so you mean we've been trapped here for 234 years?" Aelita asked.

"Uh yeah" Izuku said.

Before he could go any further, Jeremy cut him off.

"Anyway the one with the brown hair wearing the yellow ninja clothes is Ulrich Stern, the black haired girl is Yumi Ishiyama, the pink haired girl is Aelita Stones and we're the Lyoko warriors"

"Lyoko warriors? What's that ?" Izuku asked.

"Ok looks like I have to explain everything to you from the beginning and how we know your name" Jeremy said.

"It all started when I stumbled upon a factory in France (I think that's where it took place correct me if am wrong)

Whilst attending Kadic Academy. I then found Aelita who was an AI or Artificial Intelligence in a super computer who I named Maya but she later regained her memories and her name which was Aelita. Anyway before that I met Ulrich at the Academy and he knew I was hiding something so he followed me to the factory and I told him everything. We later met Odd and Yumi and we started our battle with another Artificial intelligence called X.A.N.A who wanted Aelita's memory to escape Lyoko a virtual world but after many battles we finally freed Aelita but X.A.N.A gave her a virus so we couldn't shut down the super computer without Aelita dieing so we had to battle X.A.N.A with the help of William who at one point possessed by him,  helped him escape to the internet .After many had battles we finally got William back and defeated X.A.N.A once and for all and then shut of the super computer but during the shutting off,  (am changing some stuff)  X.A.N.A had amassed such alot of power to destroy our universe so we tried to stop him but it was a trap, out of desperation I entered a code to destroy lyoko and X.A.N.A with it, we quickly used the Skidblanir a submarine to escape to the internet only to find out we are in another universe  and since we had no way to return home or lack of home for that matter, we somehow managed to come to this universe of yours and since then we became some sort of spirits stuck in this very laptop of yours waiting to be awakened again. So that's a short version of everything so do you understand?" Jeremy asked Izuku who nodded that he did.

"And since you were zapped with the grey electricity we had somehow managed to get access to your memories and we learnt alot about you, and before you ask we know everything about you even your most embarrassing moments and learned much about this world and since we know about you being quirkless we have decided to give you our powers" Aelita told him.

"Yeah but it's gonna hurt like crazy" Ulrich muttered.

"Huh what do you mean it will hurt" Izuku asked scared.

"Don't worry it won't hurt at least not too much" Yumi muttered the last part to her self.

"So what do you say do you want it?" Odd asked.

But before he could answer Jeremy told him to wait so he can explain their powers.

"Okay listen kid, these are our powers stats and skills" Jeremy said waving his right hand to wave into the air making a hologram showing their names, ages and stats etc.

Name: Ulrich Stern

Age: 16

Stats (out of hundred) Strength:90




Skills: proficient in the use of swords, penchak silat ,skate boarding, good actor.

Powers:Super sprint, Triplicate, Triangulate.

Name: Yumi Ishiyama

Age: 16

Stats (out of hundred) Strength:85




Skills: proficient in the use of fans and penchak silat,skate boarding, good actress.

Powers: Telekenises

Name: Odd Della Robia

Age: 16

Stats (out of hundred) Strength:94




Skills: proficient in street fighting and good at penchak silat, and skate boarding a great DJ and movie maker good actor and nice comedian.

Powers:Laser arrow, Shield, Teleportation, Future sight.

Name: Aelita Stones

Age: 16

Stats (out of hundred) Strength:75




Skills: Proficient in hacking and computing, riding scooter, and a great DJ.

Powers: Energy field, Creation(different from momo her's appears like a glitch),Flight.

Name: Jeremy Belpois

Age: 16

Stats (out of hundred) Strength:87




Skills: Proficient in hacking and computing, riding scooter

Powers: lightning

(Don't know Jeremy's powers since he never went into lyoko apart from one time which wasn't shown and when X.A.N.Afied William forced him into lyoko and I only saw him use the lightning once apart from that, no. Unless in evolution and I haven't watched it yet but I finished watching the whole series a long time ago)

"So what do you say?" This time it was Jeremy  who asked.

Looking back at them with so much determination he said...."yes"

"Well you better prepare for this cuz you're gonna be in a world of hurt. But you'll have all our powers and skill all that is left is, for you to hone them well, make them your own if you will now prepare yourself. But you'll only have a third of our powers individually.

Preparing himself Izuku stood still and exhaled." Ok am ready"

"Then let's begin"  Jeremy said creating a keyboard out of thin air.

Izuku was then encased in a transparent scanner. "Transfer Izuku" Izuku's hair was blown up by air.  "Scanner Izuku" Izuku was scanned. "Virtualization." Izuku disappeared from his mindscape.

"Hey Einstein don't you think you could have given him our powers without doing that?"

"Sorry Odd force of habit hehehe..." Jeremy said whilst rubbing the back of his head.

"Now all we do is wait" muttered Ulrich.

Word count 1791

So how was it good, bad or outright horrible please let me know. And if there's some changes that don't correspond with the series please understand I haven't watched it in a while and about the stats I made Odd faster than Yumi for a reason and the fact that Odd, Ulrich and Yumi were good actors And actresses was because they used to act in a play at school if you watched the series. And I deliberately excluded William for a reason you'll soon see. And hopefully by tomorrow I'll update. And also pardon me for spelling mistakes but I don't have a beta so if anyone wants to be pls let me know.

PS: that's their stats in Lyoko. Izuku's stats will be five each when transforms and it will improve the more he trains and his normal human stats will be displayed soon.

Next chapter