
Chapter 9

After waking up I hot partially dressed, wearing just a shorts and walking around topless, it was really hot out today, a perfectly sunny California Saturday. I had karate practice later on, so I decided to laze around listening to music outside laying on the bed under our wooden gazebo, while maids bring me whatever I want, honestly being rich is the best.

Suddenly my phone rings, a face time from Sam.

"Alison can you please give me some privacy?" Max ask our made Alison, she's in her late 20's she has black hair with chocolate brown eyes, a sexy face with thick pouty lips, a curvy seductive body with big ass boobs atleast DD's and best of all she's wearing a French Maid outfit that shows off her beautiful juicy thighs and long seductive legs.

Really grandfather had good taste, Max thinks to himself as he watches Alison walk away her ass swaying side to side as she walks.

I sit up slightly and answer the call.

"Hey Sam." I answer with a smile.

Sam's eyes once again are drawn to my shirtless body.

"Max why are you always shirtless when I call you." Sam says rolling her eyes.

"I dunno maybe I'm trying to seduce you." Max says playfully with a teasing grin.

Well it's definitely working, Sam thinks to herself as she starts at Max's muscular chest and gorgeous abs.

"Funny." Sam says rolling her eyes.

"I try." Max says with a smirk.

"So how you feeling any hangover?" Max says.

"No thankfully, though I think my mom knew I was drunk." Sam tells me.

"She didn't say anything but she gave me this, I know look." Sam says worriedly.

"You'll be fine Sammy, aunt Amanda is cool, I'm sure as long as you don't overdo it you'll be fine." Max says reassuringly.

"Hmm... you're right, if my dad knew he'd freak out really badly." Sam says jokingly.

"Yea I'm sure he would." Max says chuckling, thinking of uncle Daniel's reaction if he found out Sam got drunk.

"So you excited to get your ass kicked in mini-golf tonight." Max says playfully.

"As if we both know i was way better than you." Sam says cockily.

"Please remember that time when...."

Max and Sam spoke on the phone for about two hours reminiscing about the past, talking about anything and everything.

After Sam hung up Max still lazed around listening to music, scrolling through Facebook and messaging a few old friends.

Max still ignored his mothers messages and attempts to talk to him, but he had to admit, he sort of wanted to speak with her again, but he was also still angry that she kept his real father from him, but he was slowly getting over his anger, though not enough to call her.

A few hours passed and it was time for Cobra Kai training.

Me, Miguel, Aisha and Hawk are all stretching before training starts.

"So Miguel I saw you and Jessica last night." Max says with a wolf like grin.

"Wha... I well yea." Miguel admits sheepishly.

"Nice going man she's hot." Hawk congratulates Miguel.

"Thanks." Miguel says embarrassed.

"Guys you know I'm a girl right." Aisha cuts in.

"Yea so?" Hawk says confused.

"So you're objectifying women right in front of me." Aisha says plainly.

"Oh sorry." Hawk apologies.

"I'm screwing with you dude." Aisha says breaking out laughing.

"Oh." Hawk says with a stupefied look on his face.

We all break out laughing aswell.

"What about you Max, how's it going with Samantha?" Hawk asks interested.

Miguel's epression suddenly turns sour, but he's also curious to know.

"It's going good, we're going out tonight to golf n stuff." Max says, with an excited smile on his face.

"Really that old place?" Hawk asks surprised, that a rich person like Max would take a girl to such a cheap date.

"Yea man, me and Sammy would go there all the time as kids." Max explains.

"Ohh Sam loves that place." Aisha exclaims.

"Yea she does, we used to go with uncle Daniel and Aunt Amanda alot as kids, when I visited my grandparents." Max explains a warm smile on his face as old memories flash across his mind.

"Cool man, you gotta tell me if you get some action tonight." Hawk says a grin on his face.

Miguel's face twists in jealously and worry when he hears what Hawk says.

"Hawk, Sam's my friend well she was my friend, even so can you not talk about her like that." Aisha says disgusted.

"Ohh sorry." Hawk apologies, but winks in my direction.

I just shake my head amused, they really are fun to be around.

"Banned!!! what do you mean banned, I'll ban you!!!" Sensei yells and we hear a slam coming from his office.

"I'll go check what's up." Miguel says getting up and walking into the office.

"I'll go aswell." I say following Miguel.

We walk into the office and notice sensei standing their fuming.

"Sensei what's going on?" Miguel asks confused.

"There's a life time ban on Cobra Kai for entering the tournament." Sensei says enraged.

"What but that's not fair." Miguel says angrily.

"It's not." Sensei said defeated.

"Sensei you need to fight this." Max says an angry frown on his face.

"Yea sensei I agree." Miguel says approvingly.

Sensei looks enlightened and says, "You guys are right, I'm going to go down there and beat their asses." Sensei says and gets up fired up.

"Woah sensei let's not do that." Max says stepping in front of Jonny.

"Yea Max is right." Miguel says in agreement.

Sensei looks at them confused.

"Sensei you should try talking with them first, you know Cobras are not only fierce sensei they're also smart." Max says trying to guide Johnny.

Sensei looks at them thoughtful.

"He's right sensei, I'll even help you." Miguel agrees.

"Alright fine, I'll try it your way." Johnny agrees albeit reluctantly, he'd rather just beat some people up.

"Alright I'll help you after training." Miguel says with a smile

After that was sorted out training begun, right now sensei was still teaching the others the more simple moves, Max on the other hand would practice with the training dummy.

Sensei already acknowledged Max's prowes in Karate, Cobrai Kai karate was very similar to Taekwandoe, only Cobra Kai karate used punches alot more than Taekwondo, luckily Max was also trained in Shotokan and his striking is practically as powerful as his kicks, though his kicks are definitely deadlier.

After practice Max greets everyone and rushes home, since he has to pick Sam up at 6.

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