



  May 17th 2018.


  I lay back on the bonnet of the car in the carpark to CLUBROOMs. I observe as the horizon gradually begins to shift. The flock of birds disperses over the sky just before dusk. 

  "What the fuck are you doing here, Layla?" 

  I sigh, knowing this isn't going to be easy but it needs to be done. 

  I jump off the bonnet of his car and hold out the backpack full of money. "I came to return this and to say I'm sorry." 

  He rips the backpack from my grasp, opening it up to check how much is inside. 

  "Most of it's there. I spent three hundred on a room, food and a change of clothes." I offer him an explanation.

  He roughly closes the bag up again and glares at me. "Do you know the amount of chaos you have caused me?" He mutters. 

  "No, but I'm pretty sure I have a fair idea." I look past him.