
Chapter 20 A DOG WITH A BONE


  May 10th 2018

  I walk into the changing room, knowing Amar is hot in pursuit after me. I stop and look to my right. Maddies standing there trying to push her tits up further that's already being encased in a push-up bra. If she keeps forcing them up any further, she'll end up knocking herself out for sure. She hasn't noticed I've walked in. Either that or she's refusing to acknowledge my existence.

  I carry on and walk through the door that leads to showers. I step into one of the vacant cubicles, shut the door and sit down. I raise my legs and pull them up close to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. Hoping and praying he won't find me.

  Seconds later I hear Maddie scream. "This room is off-limits!" 

  "Where is she?" He urges her to tell him. 

  "Who?" She answers preoccupied with herself.

  "Malayina." You can hear his irritation through his words.

  "Why would you want Yina when you can have me?" She says sounding cocky as fuck.