

[Welcome to 'The Conqueror']

[Create your Main Persona]

There was a shadow in the mirror that looks like me with just underpants. In this game, you can create 2 Characters but for the main persona, there was a locked gender so some people with weird hobbies can't make fool other people. But these rules invalid for the second persona. But for the time being, the function to unlock a second persona still a mystery. There was an age restriction for this game that 16 old year. For your information at this age 16 can be classified as an adult.

You can adjust your appearance with a 15% effect. But I just change my hair, eyebrow, and eyelash color from black to white. And in front of me Youngman with 180 cm tall with lean muscle and pale color skin with an emerald green eye and white hair. Handsome devil with a pure aura. That my persona.

[Insert your name]


[Generalizing beginner village]


FLASH!! After a flashlight that blinds my sight for some second. What that stand in front of me was a fountain with heroic statue that stands under the radiance of the sun that makes the statue shining with holy light.


[Welcome to Arden Village]

Stand in the fountain was the statue of a man with valiant armor and a great hammer. Under the statue was a plate with the name 'Joan Arden'. There was a fountain with clear water that reflects the shadow of a statue and some coins buried underwater.

There were three types of credit in this world, there was copper, silver, and golden. 100 copper was equivalent to 100 silver coins and 100 silver was equivalent to 1 golden coin.

And for a beginner like me, we got a beginner package with 50 copper and 5 loaves of bread and a bota bag.

And for equipment, we got beginner tunic, beginner pants, and beginner boot with n/a durability and untradable. that equipment didn't have stat so these functions were just like clothes.

And for the weapon, we got three types of weapons that ranged from the wooden sword, wooden bat, and wooden staff. But these weapons have finite durability and got the probability to drop if a player was dying.

Wooden Sword (Low-Trash)

Phy-Atk 5

Durability 100/100

Wooden Bat (Low-Trash)

Phy-Atk 2

Mag-Atk 2

Durability 100/100

Wooden Staff (Low-Trash)

Mag-Atk 5

Durability 100/100

Even though there was the news that says a million players sign up for this game. There are no crowds jostling or fighting over mop or quest in the village like old VR.

The information provided by the locals, this village has a population of people around a thousand. And you need to trigger the quest to interact with the locals or complete the general quest board so good luck.

The logic and intelligence of NPC were so realistic that make you feel like normal people and the background stories for a player were the tale of the lost soul that reincarnated in the spirit body. So, if players say something like game and NPC stuff to the NPC, they just got their fame to reduce for acting like a fool or crazy people. Maybe some NPC will pity for a player and some will just ignore them.

After a while, Simba takes a walk exploring the village and take a few pictures as a memento of the beginner village that will kick you out after you got your class.

There was no need to rush here, why do we play if not for the fun. So, enjoy the story and nuances of the game that you cannot enjoy in the real world.

4 hours later.


You completed the Arden's Village map.

Arden's Village maps added to the archive.

You are the first player that completed a Village Map.

You got achievement 'the One that explores the village'

You got the quest.

{Arden's Hero} (Unique)

You are a person who likes to explore and adventure. But why only explore if you can become a figure that people admire and idolize. Explore the village with all your heart and you will find yourself leaving a story like a hero.

1. Explore all the buildings in the village <Completed>

2. Duel Spirit of the Golden Boar. 0/1

3. Recognition of Village Chief. 0/1

4. Interaction to all the villager 103/1234 (click for expand)


1. Title 'Village Hero'

2. Random Epic Class Change Token.

3. Fame



WOW. Jackpot!

There a Unique Quest. There were two types of grade quest. The one with difficulty with the range from Normal, Elite, Expert, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, and Eternal.

And another grade was base on rarity that ranged from Common, Rare, Unique, Special. The common grade was the quest that you got from a repeatable quest, guild quest, and adventure quest.

The rare grade was a quest that generalizes in the event of from the first exploration that can be accepted with solo, party, or raid mode. But if the quest holder failed, the quest can accept by other people with dome restriction.

The unique grade was a quest that created for the whimsical trigger that can only depend on luck or intuition, and the quest will invalid and delete from the server if the quest holder failed to complete the quest.

The special grade was a quest that generated for the special situation with a limited time frame. This quest was created after a special trigger that wasn't pre-programmed and generated on-spot for the player that triggers a special situation.

So, for me to got a Unique quest in beginner village was just unexpected luck. And looks like I've used up all my remaining luck this year. But this quest was super-duper troublesome and a little boring.

There still 1131 people to interact and I don't know how to gather all of these people without getting my butt kick out of their house. And who the hell is Golden Boar? Is that People or Monster?

Whatever. I got a class when I'm finishing this quest so let leveling and farming.

I got to get something from some people. First, I got to learn how to make money when leveling. So, I got to the grocery to get some supplies and alcohol. Then 'bribe' the Bucher to learn how to gather 'loot' from dying mobs. I got this idea from a village boy Percy.

Some time ago he grumbles after he got an order from the restaurant. When he picks up some meat from Butcher, the Old man was drunk even though he still working, as a result, the meat that delivered to the restaurant reek of alcohol, and the boy got scolded by the restaurant manager.

Got the idea from that I bought some cheap alcohol from a tavern and going to learn from Butcher. So, here I am. In front of a drunken man carrying a sharp knife and cutting pig with blood splash in the air. He smiles gently but who can stand in from of a drunken man with the bloody knife in his hand. Come on, I'm a man of culture, not a f*cking bloodthirsty man.

After 4 bottles of beer and 2 hours of mental torture.


You learn trade art skill 'Art of Butchery'

Because you learn with skill in a special way. You got a skill 'Drunk Carnage'.

Art of Butchery (Low-Mortal)

Identification cutting line to make a perfect cut from the target.

Drunk Carnage (Low-Mortal)


A special skill that awarded for genius Young Butcher that learn 'Art of Butchery' from a drunken man.


1. Drunk (passive)

When you drunk every attack got extra damage 25%.

2. Carnage (active)

100 % chance of critical. When executing Monster with this skill got a critical drop when pairing with 'Art of Butchery'.