
Climb: Beyond Ordinary

John is a 27 year old office worker that live an ordinary life until he was summoned to another world along with the chosen heroes . after being identified as a peasant , he was banished from the castle with some gold as a compensation and became laughingstock of the King. Forced to live as a commoner , john decided to embark an adventure to find the mysteries of this world while climbing the ranks of most powerful entity of this world with his commoner skills, hoping comeback on his world and protect the innocent people.

PanDeSall · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Dark after Dark

After the meeting i decided to go out and accept task in the guild, the task billboard shows some task ranging from c to a. 

Back to the usual routine, i took a goblin subjugating quest and travels to the said spot.

"So this is a camp for goblins and there's many cave. But first i'll need to infilrate the camp. I have learned some of the stealth techniques in the games like the one that i really like and played almost all the series about assassins , i do also dream to have the same kind of that hidden blade because i thought it was but with my current forging skills i may not able to the it and i need another environmental skil aside from smith.anyways i need to enter the cave and subjugate them all." I said while planning my entrance.

I started to infilrate the camp by first assassinating the two goblins near me .then i quickly ran near the walls and silent walk until i reached the gates. With the help of my enhanced swift skills , i easily slice their neck with my katana .

I entered the camp and activates my enhanced appraisal vision i got when i forgot to turn my early appraisal vision during my fight with gresella . 

"This is almost feels like a game" i gladly whispered.

"But still a hidden blade would be nice. Now that skills came to my mind , i'm gonna check my status panel later for my level. But now let's focus killing this green creatures ahead of me." As i continue to mumble.

A goblin appeared walking beside me and quickly slash it's head.

"That was a close one"

I then cast a mini fireball to burn the tower 10 meters aways from me and quickly sprinted to the caves. My appraisal is still active to enhance my vision in the dark but what i've seen is skulls and hairs of a woman. 

"The f***" i said before i vomited as i see many skulls im the way and a naked disfigured lady. 

I remembered that i've read manga and doujins regarding goblins that they rape and impregnate the girls they abduct and eats those who are not capable in for reproduction or those that is young enough.

"It's horrible and makes me angry that i want those green eared f***ers to die , but i wanna investigate more before the subjugation.

Upon exploring i saw more skulls and bones ahead and some hanging disfigured body of a girl and a goblin.

A quickly appeared besides it and slash it to pieces asidd from the ear to bring in guild. Then i heard i crying women deep in the cave so i ran quicky with my enhance swift and kill those in my way. After 5 minutes i nearly slayed 300 of them while getting their ears simultaneously without realizing it due to rage.

I hear again a moan of 3 womans from the entrance with a light, and saw the 3 huge gobline raping one their victim while the other 2 are tied up. 

"You.." without realizing my anger bested me and realesed my mana gates the suffocates the goblin. 

"Die in vain you trash" i said with anger.


the goblin suffocates and die and three woman starts crying and beg me to save them. I then start to cast healing magic with imbued cleanse and restoration to repair their internals. 

What came to my mind is that i realized that even though i heal them the trauma this goblins inflicted to them would remain. After the healing finished, i escorted them till we reach the entrance and told them to hide for a bit.

"Enough with stealth, time to meet death " i shouted to get all the attention.

"Now what skills do i have after the war hmm?" I said while looking at my status panel.

"Hmm lvl 255 , good , good. Now the skills ? Hoho, what is this?" I said when rhe panel prompted that...


The goblin looks at me and got irritated with my laugh, and one them decided to attack me and got minced.

"Why do i try these to all of you huh?!" I shouted with a maniac tone.


Try my skills with the goblin i didn't show any hesitation and dashed toward the army of goblins and slashes , burned , melt , exploded and squashed everything i see in that battle field.

"Mana Area Distribution"

My mana distribution becames a circular area that sorrounds me and the goblins get frightened on what they've sensed and tries to run.

"No running" i said.

"Divine Blessing of the Low rank adventurer - Haste"

Everything slowed down on my sight after casting this spell , on this moment what came to my mind is ; " are they the one who slowed down , or i am just to quick" , the world seems normal and i felt relief as my rage scale has been depleted.

[New Emotion series - Relief , unlocked]

I can think , i can move without any pain. This goblins killed many humans and demis and use them as a plaything for their sexual desire. Heh, am i a goblin slayer now?...

[Maximum Output]


In a quick moment of time, all goblin that has been slowed down by time was all minced to death in rythm that's why i manage to grab their ears simultaneously.

The goblin camp become a bloody mess and explore the two remaining cave and rescued a total of 8 girls. 

We all cameback to the guild and reported this to the guild master , also to claim my reward worth of 10 gold coins and 10,000 guild points.

After awhile the guild staff came back and said that the girls origins are not from this country but from the neighboring lands of NAGASHIMA , they are wanderers and adventurers that get abducted by the goblins. they also said that the bodies i found is from the other Guild houses.

The camp was now under investigation and it's almost 5:30 pm now , the King said to me to meet him at the village to see the people of Milé and my house.

The 4 girls that is wanderer has nowhere to go said by the adventurer staff and all the guild's inn rooms available was hired and full due to the closing of Phenel borders.

I approached the 4 wanderers and ask them to accompany me to the village to find them a house, the 4 girls immediately agrees while the other 4 girls are being taken care and soon to be send to their respective guild house.

"This world is dark and i don't wanna see someone suffering again like this.".

[LEVEL 255>> 274]


To be Continued...