
Meeting the Boys

"Fuck, I really miss technology. Then I could get me some glasses." I was celebrating my 10th birthday with some anime meat I cooked from some boar. Which was extremely hard to do.

The "Foggy Eye's" flaw/perk is currently hindering my sight. As a result, I can't put my fuinjutsu knowledge to use. All I see is a fog blurring and melding all the colors together, as a result, I can't write shit. Makes me feel stupid too, as I have 4 eyes, and none of them work.

People underestimate how effective and necessary normal eyes are, and become much too jealous of all the crazy dojutsu's out there. I'm one of those hypocrites, still am, but I have a new appreciation for 20/20 vision.

If you remember, I was born with my chakra locked So I can't even use my meta knowledge to create the Rasengan or even practice my chakra control. The only thing I got going is taijutsu. Despite that, my current predicament is worse than even Lee. He can still mold chakra enough to cling to a wall or walk on water. I can't even do that, nor can I use the eight inner gates, despite already having enough strength for the first two as soon as I was 4. The only time Lee was blocked out from the inner gates, was when his tenketsu's were locked.

Anyway, I began grinding what I could for the past couple of years. Creating my own taijutsu for Four-Armed and Two-Armed combat. Igniting my flames of eternal youth through training my body. Or practicing meditation.

Despite my chakra being locked, I could still feel it in my stomach. It exists, it just won't do shit. So I tried sensing chakra around me. After a couple of months of practice, I surprisingly could. I was able to sense the insects and animals around me, though only active during meditation. Also, my range scales with my age. For every year that passes by, my range increases by one meter (3.281 ft). Sadly, I'm unable to stay perfectly still, nor do I have the tools to train my stillness (can't make the tools either). So a shortcut to sage mode training still ain't happening anytime soon, not that it would make a difference with my chakra locked.

My current goal is to make the sensing effects of meditation permanent. Then train it for combat.

"It's time for training!" I hoped way from my meal, after dousing my fire pit. Then cut off my finger, which grew a "new" one back immediately.

My "old" finger grew into a new clone of me, with all my strength and abilities. This "Blood Clone", despite its high regeneration, can die if every cell was destroyed. Or, if I will it, would dissolve away to nothingness. However, I gain none of its memories or experiences.

You win some, you lose some. It gives me the perfect training partner at least.

After several hours of practice, just when the sun is about to set, I wrap up my training. Wiping away the sweat on my face while the bruises on my body fade the way within milliseconds. I hear rustling from some nearby shrubbery. I face the bushes as I squint my eyes, barely making out two figures approaching me.

"How can you fight for so long, how do you have four arms and four eyes? What was that other you? Are you even human?" One of the blurry figures asked.

"Hamura, calm down. You are throwing out too many questions. Sorry for the intrusion, but we were quite puzzled by your uniqueness. While being so astounded by your tenacity, resilience, and strength. We had to meet you."

Fuck, the Otsutsuki twins are here, and they have an interest in me? Not only that, but I can understand them instantly. I can write Japanese thanks to fuinjutsu, but I didn't think I would be able to understand it. Hell, I think my English just got swapped with Japanese entirely. Whatever, just gonna have ta roll with it.

"How about answering a question from me first, where are your parents?"

"Not here!" Hamura cheers, he is so different from his descendants, surprisingly bubbly and cheerful. Maybe he grows out of it.

"However, Hamura. She is always watching over us. Our mother is... overprotective." Hagoromo sternly corrects.

So Kaguya now knows about me, meh. "Your turn I guess," I say while looking at the twins.

"What's your name?!" Hamura cuts in before Hagoromo could speak. "You know ours by now. We don't know yours." He was somewhat adorable, slightly annoying, but childishly wholesome.

"I don't have a name, my parents tossed me out as soon as they saw my "different body". Never even got an inkling of what it could have been." I shrug after that, even if was a beneficial outcome for me. That doesn't mean I won't use it as a way to mess with people.

Hagoromo's face scrunched up, while Hamura just fumbles around with his words.

"However, since you two are taller and look older than me, just call me Little Bro or Bro. How long have you two been watching me?" To set a trap, you first need to know what your opponents know.

"About three hours, if you know how to use a sundial. What was that copy of you?" This time Hagoromo asked the question.

"That's information I can't give so easily. how about this. If you can unlock the stubborn energy in my stomach, then I'll let you know. Doubt you could." Lies and deceit, mixed with capitalism.

"You know about chakra? We could probably heal you."Hamura pips up, after activating the Byakugan

"That's what you call it? Yeah, I'm aware of it. Been able to sense it ever since I got good at meditation, but I could never do anything with it. So, something is wrong with me?"

"All your tenketsu's are completely closed off, while you have no chakra pathways whatsoever. It's a miracle that you are even alive. I can forcefully open up you tenketsu's, but your chakra will explode out and forcefully carve out chakra pathways to complete the circuit." Hamura spoke with certainly, and even a bit of concern. "If I do this, it could kill you."

"Hahahaha!" Me, die? That's the funniest shit I heard all day.

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