6 Kaguya’s Return

Oh boy did I fuck up.

I have no idea how to maintain a leadership position. I was learning before, but I had only been in the village for 4 months before I was left in charge. I really wish I had the shadow clone Jutsu. The memories of my blood clones don't return to me after all, despite being far stronger. Not nearly as useful when dealing with multiple tasks that require my attention.

However, with the help of a couple that were good friends of the twins, I was able to manage. Renji and Rukia, were a boisterous couple, but Rukia had talent for management. While Renji was as good, he had picked up a few tricks from his wife.

Their talent eventually made me tell them a relative truth about the tribe's current situation. Kaguya's deeds with the divine tree, and what we as her sons plan to confront her.

They immediately emphasized an evacuation before Kaguya's return. They could instinctively tell that a battle between us four would devastate the land.

I agreed, I was planning on executing the same idea. Hell, Hagoromo did the same thing when he returned in cannon. I just wanted some confirmation. I also made them swear to take leadership for the tribe until we return, and if we don't return with in 3 years, then the rest was up to them.

I also gave them each a red necklace, much like the ones I gave to Hamura and Hagoromo, these could save them during times of crisis.

As the village cleared out in a day with the Healy of my blood clones. I alone stayed behind, waiting for Kaguya's arrival...

Was what I would like to say.

"Get away from me woman! Begone thot!" I shouted at the plain looking maid two years my junior. She had the face of a manga npc, brown hair and brown eyes. All while maintaining a cold demeanor.

"My job is to serve the Ōtsutsuki house hold young master." She replied with a cold stubborn stare.

"I relieved you of such duties, now go before the rest of the tribe vanishes from sight." It was plainly obvious that this maid had an weird attraction to me. I'm not an idiot.

However, all I did was be nice to her when the other servants where quite demeaning. She later became my personal maid, somehow convincing Kaguya to serve me exclusively.

Why is she interested in a four armed four eyed freak? No clue. Why haven't I rejected her? I have, she doesn't give up. Thankfully she isn't like Sakura and minds my personal space, most of the time. Doesn't stop her from poke at me when ever she thinks it's safe. Slowly and methodically grinding away my mental barrier. Why haven't I excepted her?

My last relationship was quite... traumatic, despite having "abruptly" ended roughly twenty years. Also, I feel that if I give in, I would lose... in something.

"It seems that the servant is as stubborn as the master. However I will become the victor, master." She smiles every so slightly.

"... You could die if you stay here."

"I'm prepared, I was next inline for the divine tree aways."

"You knew?"

"No, just had my suspicions like you. Though I was happy at the thought previously."

"Suicidal much?"

"Not anymore, now I wish to stay here as long as possible. Also, if I leave you, I fear that you would never return."

Her intuition was freaky, I was planing on ditching the tribal life and returning to the forest. At least until the advent of technology, then I would live in the city weeb out as much as possible. Though that is quite unrealistic, a human needs human interactions.

"Troublesome woman." She softly giggles in return.


It's been almost a month since Kaguya, Hamura, and Hagoromo left. I have been refining my own techniques and training the maid. Ya, she just came up to me and asked for training so that she can run away when it gets dangerous.

I'm surprised to say she is almost as hardworking as Rock Lee. Though it's been less then a month, she still hasn't given up my Spartan training. Not a single complaint ever came out her mouth.

As I was unfortunately admiring the maids determination, I suddenly see a massive tiger explode in the distance. One of my clones had let out a Hirudora (Daytime Tiger) in the sky.

Kaguya is here.

I immediately controled my regeneration to shoot my finger at the maid, which turned into a clone, activated the 4th gate, grabbed her, and bolted.

I turn around and see Kaguya approach me with one of her All-Killing Ash Bone stabbed through a blood clone, disintegrating it. Probably as an intimidation tactic. However, while my clones can be killed, I can't. She however, doesn't know that.

It's time to use the trap I had set so long ago.

"Hisashi, what is the meaning of all this?" Rage was quite visible in her eyes. However, as long as mommy doesn't bring out the belt... I think I'll be able to manage.

"Hmm... the best way to put it is a bad case of conflicting ideals."

"A revolt?"

"You said it, not me."

"What are you doing now Hisashi."

"I'm the... distraction? The road block... I'm here to buy time for my brothers return."

"All of you went to the divine tree? Who's idea was it?"


"...I am greatly disappointed. If it was your idea, I wouldn't feel as betrayed." Kaguya charges straight at me.

"Eight Inner Gate: Gate of Death, Open!" The aura around my body turns red and my blood becomes super heated turning my skin red as well. I looked like an actual Asura now.

Not planing to hold back any longer, detonate all four of my arms in to a bloody mist. All of them rapidly turning into 100 blood clones (the max amount of blood clones I can summon in one shot), each on having the Eighth Gate of Death active.

"100 Asuras': Sekizo Stampede!" Surrounding her on all sides, even in the air. All of my clones started to rapidly punch the air, sending hundreds of air cannons at her from all sides.


A/N: Short chapter, I know. It wasn't supposed to end here. But I wanted something published.

I caught a cold, my brain is frying. Thankfully it isn't COVID.

Also, due to a couple of comments and some thinking. I have decided to change Supernatural Infertility, and just make it really hard to have children. Complete infertility with no loopholes is a little harsh for a 10/20 roll.

I did however just randomly list a bunch of flaws and roll the dice, he got what he got so it would be criminal to change it?

If I should stick to what I wrote and reject the change or if this change should get a pass. Let me know.

The story will be relatively fine either way. I have plans for both results.


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