clef a definition of danger
He had touseld dark brown hair which was thick and lustrous.his eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue,flecks of silvery light performed ballast throughout.he had the kind of face that stopped you in your track.he had dark eye brows which sloped downward in a serious expression.his perfect lips ripe for the kissing.his name is "CLEF" he held from Italy,we first meet at literature in English class in Phil ask a question on the book the Hamlet by William sharkspare. I stood up firmly in answering the question .he rose up his hands and said I was wrong he want on defending his answer.after class we got to talk to each other and we became so close.our first date was so assiduous he had his way of getting into your heart,he promulgate me in quotidian.he was my dream guy or will I say the perfect guy.his strong hands, slightly rough from working held mine as he stared deep into my eyes.i couldn't help but blush.his smile etched its way back into his face,his body was warm and toned as he hugged me comforting to the touch.his voice was deep with a serious tone.i was being cut of from my state of elated bliss when his lips brushed my ear as he spoke, "I really do love you" Marilyn. He hurriedly jumped out of bed moving towards the bathroom I'm late for work he said, I'll go prepare breakfast,you need to eat before leaving.i was so indolent but I had to stand up I had no option. Toasted bread with a glass of orange juice perfectly prepare just the way he loves it. She yelled out his name CLEF honey your breakfast is ready,you need to eat it before it get cold.she didn't hear any response.she checked outside and then inside but she couldn't find him.were could he be she muttered within herself. she saw a pice of note on the bed .she opened it. I'm so sorry I left without eating I promise I'll eat everything when I'm back with an encrypted word at the end "I LOVE YOU MARY" clef works with as a liason in an organization his boss and colleagues promulgate him saying he a mysterious requiring arcane which none of them had. What a perfect soul she muttered within with a smile on her face, while she was whiling in thought about clef she got a call from an unknown number. She wonder who it could be. She placed the phone on her ear , hello? Hey it Kiran I just got back are you home? OMG Kiran I've really missed you and yes I'm home Kiran chipped in alright see you then. Kiran is my best friend she has always been there even when I lost my parents.door bell rings she looked through the camera from inside it was Kiran .how adorable she looks she wore a blue sexy gown showing her curves with her long brown curling hair.they both gave each other a hug with a smile on their faces.She still has her innocent face said maryelin. I've missed your intentional blandishment she answered with a smile.we should probably go out and get some ice know you've got so many things to tell me and I guess there's a new guy or probably clef.mary earned a triple shock there's no new guy,my clef is all I have no one else we love each other, Kiran stop being obdurate clef his a nice guy she stated while swinging her legs on the air. Okay fine since you said so no problem now go get dress let's go to our favorite place said Kiran with a beam.
We drove down to the parked ,just like old times.i remembered when we were still kids I was bullied by some group of kids because I had a brown teeth, Kiran came to my aid and defend me she wipe my tears which almost entered my mouth. Come here I know what you're thinking ,she hold my nose and placed her hand on my shoulder we both laughed.we sat close to a chair near the ice cream seller. I lay my head on her tigh with her comforting hands on my hair. I still don't understand why you ain't ready to find a job it being a year and it doesn't even bothers you stated Kiran. Kiran cleft said I shouldn't stress my self finding a job maryelin answered while licking her ice cream. You're acting like "A GREEN HORN" what if clef loose his job both will suffer and I don't such thing to happen Kiran said while playing with her hair ,Mary chipped in that is just "A MARE NEST" beside clef loves me even tho he loose his job "A LEOPARD CAN'T CHANGE HIS SPOTS" .it okay I just want you to be happy, I hope he isn't a "STALKING HORSE" said Kira holding her jaw .my clef is "ABOVE BOARD" he's nothing like that.i hope so they both laughed heading towards the car ,maryelin got a call from clef,hey babe how're you doing? I'm okay Kiran got back we went out but we're heading back home right now maryelin muttered.okay send my greetings,I'm really starving I wish I ate something, I told you to eat buh you were pejorative about it.anyways still when you're back I love you, said mary.clef chipped in hold on a sec I didn't hear you very well, she answered with a warm smile I love you clef. Okay love birds can we leave now I've got somewhere else to go Kiran came muttered sluggishly.marylin laughed very hard yes ma'am your wish is my command.they both got into the car drive off,while on the road. I meet this new guy while I went on vacation in Florida, he's nice,my kinda guy but I really don't want to rush things Kiran said without skipping a beat in licking her ice cream.kira looked away when maryelin glared at her but maryelin returned the glare. Seriously Mary muttered, if he's your kinda guy then it worth risking anything for. Kiran chipped in look girl I'm cognizant that he's my kinda guy but I need to him better, he might be "A BULL IN CHINA SHOP", who knows. I know Daniel hurt you in the past .it high time you let go the chip on your shoulder, Kiran passive aggression only makes you seem pathetic maryelin started." Yeah pathetic she laughed. C'mon Mary I don't want to be " A DAMP SQUIB or A DIME. Kiran said retuning to eat her popcorn. Okay miss I hope you change from this obdurate behavior of yours, both laughed.kira dropped Mary at home.see you Tommorow at the club 9:30 don't be late Kiran stated. I don't want be licentious but I'll try, i and clef had plans to go out for dinner tonight maryelin answered. Kiran gave her a slap on the wrist. C'mon babe just this one time it being long we party, you could come with clef. Okay okay till tomorrow.they both have each other a warm hug . Kiran stormed off.
It was about an hour against the clock clef wore a body fitting polo shirt that showed his Abs, he got that skin Adonis looks going on, which makes me weak at the knee and a weak smile of course the blush that accompanied it was a dead giveaway ,he was so modest with it. Despite all the opportunity that came his way he was still a one woman man. I still wonder why Kiran doesn't like him, maryelin whispered to herself. She all dressed in a sexy lemon shirt gown revelling some part of her body. Clef walked towards her ,giving her a kiss shall we? He said holding her hands. She answered nodding her head with a smile.
A medley of voiced sounded inside the club as different classes of people ,some with "an arm and a leg" some dancing but all in the same boat. She sighted Kiran afar she was dancing with a guy, she whispered softly to clef I'll go dance with Kiran see you later.she walked majestically toward were Kiran was.they gave each other a warm comforting hug. A young handsome looking guy stood beside her,he wore a yellow turtle neck top with a blue jean.his eyes are so blue, maryelin muttered within herself. Maryelin this Jed Liam from elegant modeling agency here in California, Jed this is maryelin Ben my best friend stated Kiran. Nice meeting you beautiful, you're fried recommended you to me. you're such a beautiful creature you will absolutely make a brand out of your name, giving her a kiss on her cheek, Maryelin laughed enough of the blandishment. Clef in the other side was looking at them, maryelin tuned around to pick up her phone which fell off , she saw clef face change his eyebrow furrowed in anger, she was confuse her notion went very far.his eyes were like that of a lion ready to attack his prey.he walked towards their direction.all of a sudden he punched Jed kicking and hitting him right in his face. Clef stop hurting him ,it not what you think, screamed maryelin and kira.she tired to hold him but he pushed her away.jed in the other side was half dead blood oozing out from his nose and mouth.kira hurriedly rushed him to the hospital.clef forcefully dragged maryelin to enter but she was pejorative, he slapped on her and pushed her inside the car. They both got home he pulled her out of the car dragging her hair he open the door and slammed it back. How dare you cheat. You could have let me travel or something before thinking of having an affair outside, huh!!! she exclaimed you're talking nonsense . How callous of you , I seriously don't understand what you're talking about. Jed is just a business partner nothing else. Let go of my hair she kicked him and ran out ,she hide beside a tree. You can't hide from me forever if o don't have you no one else will.mark my word mary.he bustle into the car and drove off.
Jed unconsciously laying on the bed trying to talk. I'm rely sorry Jed I didn't know a thing like this will happen please forgive me, I need to go and see Mary right now a nurse as being assigned to check up on you. Call me when you're fine.kira said using her hands to comfort him. Kiran rushed out of the hospital her phone rang it was Mary , please come and take me out here I can take it anymore she sobbed slowly. Okay don't panicked I'm on way just wait outside for me alright. Kiran arrived at maryelin place she came out of the car and they both hug each other, don't cry get in the car right now , not so fast I have to get my stuff said maryelin, forget about it we should go now that he's out. We'll go for shopping tommorow. Kiran answered.
It was early hours in the morning Kiran stood up and prepared for work. Hey babe I made breakfast for you I'm out, you know you haven't tasted anything since last night see you when I'm back , Kiran yelled from the parlour. She stoop up straight to the bathroom thereafter she got to the dinning .still she lost appetite to eat.her brain flash back on the event that happen yesterday,tears dropped rolling down toward her mouth. Why didn't I see this coming.kira warned me but I didn't give listening ears. I still love him but how could he be so phlegmatic.while she was whiling on her notion, a knock at the door she wondered he it could be definitely not Kiran she muttered within herself. Come in said maryelin. WTF!! are you doing here. I don't want to see you. I'm rely sorry maryelin please forgive me I know I've hurt you , but I promise it won't happen again. Please take me back clef kneeled down begging. We've been together for five years cleft, I've never thought of cheating on you because I loved you. But you're actions yesterday proved that you're just a stalking horse. Maryelin answered with tears. Mary I can't leave without you please don't go , just one more chance I'll never hit you or have any doubt please, he hugged her leg so tight and cried. She couldn't bare to see him cry like that. You've to promise me that this won't ever happen again. I promise it won't said cleft with his lips on here's. I'll go prepare another breakfast this is already cooled , he dashed to the kitchen. Door bell rings,who could it be again this time please come in. I just came to check up on you said Jed,she was flabbergasted when she saw him, I am deeply sorry about yesterday it my fault forgive me, she answered holding his hands. It not your fault, anyways about what we talk about are still gonna make it happen? Jed asked, I just want to get everything off my mind first I'll give you a call when I'm ready thanks for the care. Take good care of yourself bye she wave with a smile Jed wave back and left.
You need to taste my meal said cleft to maryelin. Okay but you have to feed me. Sure anything for my princess they both laughed.
It was already 8:30pm Kiran stop by a store to get chocolate chip cookies for maryelin, she drove back home. She pulled the door handle step in ,she fell down on the couch , maryelin I got some chocolate for you, she screamed, she waited for some minutes but she heard nothing, Mary don't act deaf ,you better stop crying this chocolate will help you Kiran stated. Still yet she heard nothing. Her heartbeat pounded she hurriedly stood up went straight to the room. Maryelin was laying lifeless on the bed ,white fluid oozing out from her mouth, Kiran kneeled before the bed screaming for help with tears in her eyes. She rushed to the couch picked up her phone, please there's an emergency right now ,my friend is dieing she need help ,48 old school road please hurry up, maryelin please don't leave me. Remember we had plans for shopping tommorow, she cried placing maryelin head on her chest. Sounds of siren, medley of voices outside, the emergency ward went inside took maryelin body straight to the hospital. Miss you have to calm down and talk to me, what happen here? detective vin asked, she answered with tears ,I left early this morning to work she was sleeping tho.i came back home very tired last night I even bought chocolate for her.buh when I went to the room I saw her helpless I couldn't even help her said Kiran with her hands on her head. Okay you should go to the hospital I and my men will search around.
At saint Louis hospital, Kiran went straight to the receptionist counter , my Friend was admitted here, her name is maryelin ben, stated Kiran to the receptionist. Okay you need to wait for the doctor he will see you soon. She was walking around and crying , suddenly the doctor came , are you Kiran Forbes ? yes it me she answered. We did everything we could but we lost her.your friend died from Poison, Kiran earned a triple it can be true, while she was arguing with the doctor , detective vin walked in. Miss Kiran I have no other option than to take you in for questioning. I didn't Poison her. I wouldn't kill my best friend she answered. I'm sorry but we have to go. She was handcuff and taken away.
We found this note at your place ,can you read it out said detective vin. She read it out sluggishly.
Dear Kiran,
I know your heart will be crushed by what I'm about to say, life is all about me and nobody else I'm just gonna end it. You've always being like a mother, sister and everything, you're like an angel someone would ever wishes for.thanks for being a shoulder to lean on .I wish I could correct my mistake, I don't want you to suffer anymore for me. This is a Goodbye until will meet again I love you Kiran.
I don't understand what going on here. The doctor said she was poison.but this letter says she committed suicide. I don't know what to believe anymore I'm confuse right now. I really need to go home please Kiran said with tears in her eyes.
Okay I'll see you tomorrow goodnight sorry for your lost.
Chripping of birds and a golden Ray's of sunshine spread various hues of whiny silver and gold. Kiran woke up looking all depressed with a bottle of Jack Daniel beside her bed.she found her way to the bathroom, she took a long shower, came out all dressed up in a black gown ,with a black sunglasses.
Mr Fred maryelin former boss.and other people she knew when she was still alive were present at her funeral all dressed in black, they all gave their condolences. Kiran step out to tell her friend goodbye.
Who is gonna struggle chocolates with me? I promise to keep you safe but I failed.
My tears flowing into the sea because I know you're no longer with me. My hands shake with sorrow, my soul forever lingers.
And I am surrounded by my heart will forever bleed in pains wishing you could have stayed. I'll forever miss you.
I LOVE YOU MARY. Until it time to meet again Goodbye.she dropped the flower. Clef step out too.
I feel so empty since the day you left.
My heart use to have a joyful feel.but now
Nothing but coldness of fear and death.
You looked so beautiful laying there .the pain I hide is too much to bare I wish we could be together again. But one day I shall see you and give you the strongest hug and kiss. Sleep on Mary I LOVE YOU. He walked away with tears rolling down into his mouth.
People started leaving one by one.Kira and clef sat beside Mary's grave side mourning.
I don't know what you're doing here you son of a bitch, your the reason why she is dead. If you hadn't cause that havock she would still be here with me. Kiran yelled out.
Look I'd really love Mary, I know I made a very big mistake.i regret my action. I'll leave now bye.cleft said. You weren't even welcome get lost Kiran muttered. She continued crying, she felt a tapped on her back, with a warm comforting voice .miss Kiran you need to be home it really cold out here ,she raise her head up it was just detective vin. I'll drive you home.
Thanks detective vin I really appreciates Kiran said with a smile. You're welcome if you need anything just call me stated Mr vin.
Wait any news about maryelin case? Asked Kiran. No we're gonna close the case. Why no please don't do that can't you see it still not clear , there's something behind her death ,just wait for me I'll get something inside. She came out with a camera. Just check maybe someone visited or anything. Help me please maryelin won't kill herself.
Okay I'll help you as soon as I check on the camera I'll give u a call . goodnight Kiran stated detective vin.
chapter two will be out soon.Give me a star 🥺❤️