

The gods were created by two. The sun and moon. The two were complete opposites but each a side to a coin. Hating each other even after years of solitude together and after so many years couldn't keep up living alone so combining their blood, they had four children. The first gods and with each god they created their own things to rule. First was the sky god then water, fire, and finally earth. The four ended up ruling each part of Life.

But still the two couldn't get along nearly destroyed the earth and the life on it. Nearly wiped-out entire species at a time. After years of fighting the moon ended up giving up sick of a life with the fighting. She asked for her favourite child the water god giving all her power to the little water god. But light can only exist with darkness and the sun god swallowed in sadness realizing the odd love the two shares, so the sun god also gave his power to his favourite child the fire god and both parents bodies bursting into the stars. The wind god stood up for the position to take care of the star and as long as the stars at night glow the two will always be together. Now the three busy the earth god took the job to take care creation the earth helping the development. But slowly over time the gods got older making children to be a replacement before joining their patents in the sky.

But the more generation the lazier the gods got greed ran thought their veins now having fun forcing human to bare their child for soldiers to do their work. The gods were still looked up to just sitting on a gold throne human made for them. Picking wars, they didn't fight in.

Breeding like rabbits and leaving their demigod kid with the poor human parent to make into a soldier. Waiting for the kids to grow to their teen years so the demigod their children had to work. Working to try and get even close to the same place as the godly parents were at just to die at an early age.

By doing deadly missions for humans, a task given by their godly parents. Fighting just to earn the smallest bit of respect to get their names known. To not live in shame and shadow if they didn't not fight.

Having to fight to live with a target on their back from the few of the unblind humans or even some of their jealous half sibling. With the rare pity of the few that felt bad for the demigods but most just looked up to them to save them then thanked the parents. Looking at the demigod as a glorified soldier. Expecting their kids to be just like them, hating the same people and respecting the same people without reason of even raising them to be like them.


Under Editing

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