1 Arrival of the transfer students

so you both finally arrived its a pleasure to see you both

?[Boy] : The pleasure is ours Mr Tsukishiro for giving us this chance

Tsukishiro: you both be careful because ayanokoji is a both intelligent and strong don't underestimate him

? [Girl] : Don't worry Mr Tsukishiro if we both work together we will surely expel him HAHAHA

Tsukishiro: I believe you both can expel him

? [Boy] : Don't worry we will take care of it

The next day

Ayanokouji pov : After a long yet short golden week came to an end and on the next day I was walking to school when Horikita called me from behind

Horikita : 'Have you heard about the new transfer students'

Hmm? I replied cause I didn't know anything

Horikita: I heard from someone that Class D is going to have two new transfer students it seems

I was surprised to hear this and started thinking is it possible to transfer in middle of the year so I asked Horikita

Ayanokouji: Is it possible for anyone to transfer in to this school in ending of the school year

Horikita: it seems that both of them were recommend by Japanese government and by the Acting director Tsukishiro they got in to the academy

Its seems kind of strange that the two students under the recommendation of Japanese government and Tsukishiro got in to the academy but I have to keep my guard up

Ayanokouji: 'I hope those two are not like you' I said teasing

Horikita: 'And I hope that those two arent going hide there strength and play dumb like you' said glaring at me while hold a cursed compass in her hand

Time skip at classroom of class D

As I was sitting at my desk the Ayanokouji group came to me asking about whether I knew about the new transfer students

Haruka: 'Say kiyopon have you heard about the new transfer students'

Kiyotaka: 'yes I heard about the new transfer students from Horikita'

Yukimura: 'Don't you think its strange new students transferring in middle of the year what do you guys say'

Akito:'I also think so Too'

Airi: 'I think its good to have classmates to become friends with'

Haruka and akito agreeing nodded to airi

Before yukimura could say anything chabashira arrived to the class and instructed us to go back to our seats

Chabashira: 'As some of you in this class knew we have two new transfer students with us joining today'

Ike: 'sensei are they both girls I can't wait see them' shouting in class

Chabashira: sighs 'ike patience is required. And sorry to inform you but one of them is a guy'

Ike: 'its alright sensei at least we got a new girl to our class right everyone' shouting in class

Boys like sudo, professor nodding there heads Every girls in class looked at him with disgust calling them 'preverts'

Chabashira ignoring everyone in class calling the two students inside

Then a beautiful girl with long black hair like Horikita with a black eyes came in to the class gaining all the boys attention towards her beauty

And after her a handsome boy with red hair like sudo with silver eyes came in the classroom gaining all the attention of the girls

Murmurs started among both boys and girl

(Girls side): he is so handsome I hope I can become his girlfriend

(Boys side): she is so beautiful is she a actresses or is a angel

Almost everyone in class were talking about both students except Me, Horikita, Kushida (probably jealous), Hirata, kei.

Chabashira: 'OK class can sit quite And let them introduce themselves

Everyone became quite as they were excited to know them

? (Girl): 'Hello everyone I am sherya sakura nice to meet you all please take care of me as I don't know anything in this school '

with a lively smile

ike and sudo screamed ' don't worry sakura-san we will take care of you'

Sakura: 'thank you ike kun sudo kun'

While sudo and ike were blushing I thought that maybe others noticed but she knew about ike and sudo

? (Boy): 'Hello everyone Tejas Tsukasa nice to meet you all please take care of me too. I hope we could all get along together'

After the introdution he continued

Tsukasa:'Everyone I would like to say that me and sherya are not normal students like you'

Everyone: WHAT????

Sakura: 'Everyone please let us explain we came here from a parallel universe of a parallel earth. In our universe we call this as the anime world and their respective world attributes like light novel, novel, anime, manga etc as saying that took out a book like thing something written on it.

Ike: 'are you guys saying that you guess consider us as characters in your world as you can see us through anime'

Tsukasa:' yes ike kun as you said we can watch you guys as characters and this is not the only universe there are many anime universes we travel through completing our mission'

Hirata:'amazing that these kind things exits in real like an isekai' nodding exited

Horikita: 'you guys said completing missions and what might that be' who was silent until now spoke up

Sakura:'to have you guys watch your own anime'

Everyone:Eh?? Nani??

Tsukasa:'isn't it a wonderful opportunity to discover the past events happened in this class'

Horikita:'wait a minute what is a anime'

Tsukasa: °holding his laugh°' you seriously don't know what is a anime is'

Sakura: 'stop it tsukasa kun let me explain Horikita san. Anime is a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children'.

Horikita: may I ask why are you guess doing this? Is their any benefits from doing this.

Sakura:'we are not doing this for any benefits or other reasons. And besides is it wrong to see the anime which which was prepared by our anime cast.

Horikita understood and sat down quietly and the whole class became silent, while some were silent calm, excited, shock, disbelief from the situation

Sakura: 'Anymore question'

Ike: 'sakura chan if we are going to watch a anime, then who is the main character

Sotomura(professor) : 'oh yeah, great point. Who is the main character. Is he from our class'

As I was thinking about this I suddenly realized that Tukishiro is involved means they are going to expose me and my secrets done behind the scenes

Tsukasa: 'yes he is from your class and has contributed more than anyone else here' and as he said that our eyes met and instantly averted his eyes from

Girls in the class: ' I am sure it is hirata kun. He has contributed the most than anyone else' praising hirata

Sudo: 'I am sure horikita is the main character she made our class win in many special exams and even saved me from expulsion ' praising horikita and everyone agreeing with him

Sakura: 'no I am afraid you all are wrong hirata nor horikita are the main character'

Everyone: 'then who is the main character' surprised as they didn't figure him out

At this point I knew who the main character was that was

Sakura: 'we will tell who he is but you all have to wait'

And with that everyone became silent and muttering.

Tsukasa: 'Alright since all question are answered and you guys really have no problem taking few days off from your regular, boring classes and don't worry I have the Acting Director's permission so shall we begin' saying with enthusiasm asking the class

Everyone: YES!

Then those two were setting up something like a screen and projector and sat down on there desks

Tsukasa: 'Shall we begin'


Sakura:'as the anime starts you can see the main character

When the projector turned on everyone were shocked to see who the main character was.

And that was me
