
Classroom of The Elite: A New World

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka finds himself transported to another world to defeat the Demon Lord along with the help of the other summoned heroes. But all is not as it seems in the world of swords and magic. Will he find the freedom he's been searching for? Will he continue his new life or attempt to find a way back? ---------------------------------- Chapters are around 1100 words. Don't expect a steady upload of frequent chapters. I'll work on this when I have time. ---------------------------------- I'm still doing Remnant's White Shadow but this idea came to my head and I haven't seen many COTE fanfictions. As they say, if you don't write it down, you'll forget. --------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Classroom of the Elite or any property related. This story heavily draws inspiration and ideas from Arifrueta (At least for the beginning parts). Check out World of Isekai by Alphine992. This is where I stumbled upon the idea for the story. Beginning parts are the same or similar to that of the story. (Gotta give credit to them) The only thing I own are my semi-original characters and world plus plot

Voltaire · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The King

"Appearances can be deceptive."



Ayanokouji slowly opened his eyes, showing golden irises. The first thing that he registered was a massive mural that stretched across the wall. It depicted a large figure with a crown, standing with a scepter in hand. Behind him was an angel dressed in white. A halo adorned the angel's flowing blonde hair. Surrounding the two figures on either side were a group of people holding swords and staffs. Each was shown as the other two, beautifully dressed with a golden aura around them. While a majestic work of mosaic, he couldn't help but feel unease and disgust.

With his senses finally adjusted, he realized he was in a large circular room of white stone. Windows were built every couple of meters, lighting up the room with natural light. Strange symbols similar to the ones he saw before littered the floor in a circle.

Next to him were students of similar age to himself. Each wore a bewildered expression with minute fear. There were around 26 of them, including himself.

Ayanokouji remained calm with his usual apathetic expression as he continued to observe his surroundings. Scanning the room, he found an unusual empty altar of sorts. It was clean… except for a single bloodstain that wasn't noticeable unless you focused on it. "Why is there blood?" he thought to himself.

While thinking, a woman in an elegant white dress stepped forward, catching the attention of everyone, especially the males. She was beautiful with alabaster skin that seemed to glow. Long blonde hair fell freely, accenting her emerald eyes. Guards dressed in Medieval armor filed in behind her with swords at their waist.

"O heroes I beseech you, respond to thy request and aid us in the quest that we seek, for this world is in desperate need of those such as thou," the woman spoke in a melodious voice.

The dramatic speech only served to confuse the majority of them more. After all, they were pulled from their world or worlds and told something absurd by people belonging to the Medieval era. This situation was beyond them.

Sensing their confusion, she pleaded, "Please, calm your minds. I understand that your world has been shaken, but fear not, for I, Elaine le Calliwell, bare you no ill."

"What's happening here?" said a guy with short blonde hair and blue eyes, speaking what most were thinking.

"I've summoned you to this world," Elaine spoke softly, her voice echoing throughout the room. "To a world not like your own, for we desperately need your help."

"This is it!" yelled a shorter boy with messy brown hair. He had a distinctive pair of large glasses. The shout had startled many as well as the guards, seeing as they gripped their weapons. Oblivious, he continued, "It's just like those Light Novel scenarios! I'm totally ready for this!"

"Do you have a screw loose or something!" a tall figure with red hair next to him shouted, grabbing the boy by the scruff of his shirt. "Take in the situation!"

Meekly, the one with glasses said, "Sorry, sorry. I'm just really pumped for this."

"Calm down. And should you really be telling someone to read the situation?" a girl voiced out, causing the one mentioned to glare at her.

"Why have you summoned us?" the blond from earlier asked.

"Don't be stupid," said glasses, walking up to the front of the group. "It's to defeat the Demon Lord, am I right, my Lady," he said in what he thought to be a suave tone, earning some groans from the others.

"You are quite the knowledgeable one," the woman replied. "You are right, the Demon Lord has tormented this world for countless years, bringing suffering and turmoil for all those who inhabit these lands." She paused briefly before dramatically spreading her arms out and saying, "But with your help brave heroes, his tyranny will end."

"Why should we help you?" the girl from earlier said bluntly as she folded her arms and stared at the woman. She kind of reminded him of Horikita. Elaine wasn't taken back in the slightest as she patiently waited for her to finish.

"Aren't you a little excited about all of this?!" glasses whined. All he got in return was an icy glare, shutting him up quickly.

The black-haired student continued, "I'm interested to know why we, mere high school students, that have no knowledge, nor connection to this world, suddenly have to defeat this Demon Lord of yours."

Despite the harshness of those words, he couldn't refute them. As someone who dislikes trouble, this situation was quite unfavorable.

"By no means do I ask that you put your lives on the line for nothing," the woman said while bowing her head. "Please, rest assured your efforts will not go unrewarded. You will be given anything you desire if you help our poor kingdom."

"Reward or not, I see no reason to risk my life for something that does not involve me. You've summoned us here and I assume you have the means to bring us back. You have brought us here against our will, equal to that of kidnapping. I ask that you return immediately." Murmurs and quiet discussion erupted among the students at those words.

"It's true that we have the means to summon those from another world to ours, however, the reverse is unfortunately impossible at the moment," Elaine said sadly. Dead silence passed over the small group of students.

"What do you mean at the moment? Are you saying it is possible?" the girl asked.

Pausing a moment to find the right words, she replied, "Indeed, however, that would require an immense amount of mana for the ritual to succeed. The earliest the ritual that could occur would be in a few years." Bowing again, she said, "You have our sincerest apologies, but there was no other way. Our land is in dire need of your aide."

Ayanokouji could tell the woman in white wasn't completely telling the truth. Although a skilled lie, there was something off with the way she spoke that gave him the impression there was more to it than was told.

After bowing once more, she said in a light tone, "Let us not waste time as the king is waiting. All your questions will be answered then."

With no further explanation, she turned and walked out with guards in tow. With nothing else to discuss, the rest of them followed.

The room they were in seemed to be part of a larger structure. The stone walls, knights, and large towers indicated an immense castle straight from a storybook. Knights by the dozen lined every hallway, all withstanding with discipline. Elaine didn't say anything along the way until they arrived before a large set of heavy marble doors.

"The king is aware of your circumstances and will be lenient to a degree. However, remain respectful in front of him," she instructed as the knights opened the doors, revealing a regal throne room. A red carpet with gold trimming met them at the entrance. Pillars of stone and sculptures were carved with skill that rivaled Donatello and Michelangelo. At the end of the crimson carpet was a throne made of precious ores.

And upon that throne, sat one man with a woman by his side.

The King and Queen.

No other description could possibly fit the two. Seated upon a throne of gold and ivory, with a crown aglow, the man who gave off a pressure that forced you to lower your eyes. He had piercing red eyes and golden hair along with a beard fitting of a king.

The woman beside him was gorgeous beyond all description. She was tall and curvaceous, clad in silver and blue cloth. A royal cape lined with fur draped across her shoulders. Authority, yet a hint of warmth emanated from the figure.

Both were around the age of 50 from his guess. The woman looked greatly younger. There was no doubt these two were the King and Queen

"Your majesties," Elaine greeted with a low bow with eyes lowered, "I present to you the summoned heroes." The King rose from his throne, showing his true height that towered over everyone else.

"Raise your head," his voice boomed across the throne room, silencing the whisperings among the students. "I am Zyphar Valkyron, the King that rules over the lands of Frelia. Welcome chosen ones. While your confusion may be understandable, allow me to explain everything from, starting from the beginning." Every word dripped with authority and carried an undertone of steel, despite the welcoming introduction.

In short, the world was called Aeloth, a globe-shaped planet like Earth. Within Aeloth are three different races: humans, demi-humans, and demons. Humans lived on the southern continent, along with the demi-human race known as elves that remained reclusive. Beastmen lived on the western continent and was the largest landmass. Demons lived on the eastern continent, the smallest island of the three.

Humans, demons, and most demi-humans had a strained relationship. While demi-humans and humans could tolerate each other, demons had been at war with the other two for hundreds of years. While lacking sheer numbers, their individual strength and technology far surpassed that of humans, balancing out the difference.

Currently, they were at a stalemate, that was until the demons invaded human territory recently, showing disturbing movements and plans according to the kingdom's spies.

Lastly, he stated, "...And that is why you heroes have been summoned. To defeat the Demon Lord and save all of humanity."

Many people within the class looked overjoyed for this opportunity. After all, who wouldn't want to live their own fairy tale, full of adventure and excitement?

Of course, there were a few that were uneasy, but the majority looked delighted.

They would soon come to find out that not all is as it seems. If only they had heeded the signs earlier.