
Chapter 7: Class B's mysterious weapon and preparing for Midterms

Ayanokouji POV

It's currently the afternoon and I'm strolling around the campus by myself since Katagiri decided that he wants to get some tutoring for the midterms from the students that got 100 on the last quiz I know that his score is acceptable on the quiz, but the midterms are different, so it makes sense for him to find someone who can tutor him. He asked me but I respectfully declined. He understood so he went to ask someone else. It was a peaceful walk, some students walking around here and there. Suddenly I felt someone bumped into me. I didn't flinch a bit and when I looked at who it is, it was Ichinose, Class B's leader. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to- ohh it's you, you're Ayanokouji-kun right?" she asked 

"Um yes, are you alright?" I asked

"I was just finding where Shinomiya-san is, do you know where she is?" oh right I remember, both Ichinose and Kaguya became friends and sometimes I see them hangout a bit from time to time. Even though Ichinose is from an enemy class, it doesn't hurt for someone like Kaguya to make friends with one of the other classes. 

"I think she's currently with the Archery club right now" I said 

"Ohh ok, I guess I'm going now. Thanks Ayanokouji-kun" she said as she ran off to find Kaguya. 

I went back to my peaceful walking until I passed someone who for some reason caught my eye. I stopped for a bit and suddenly he also stopped as well. We had our backs in front of each other. It was silent until he spoke. 

"What are you looking at?" he said in an uninterested tone. I looked back and replied 

"Is there something wrong?" I asked as he turned to face me. The boy had medium black hair, has a set of dead-fish eyes, and his face is as expressionless as mine. Hold on, doesn't he match the description that Kaguya mentioned? So, it's him huh? 

"I'm guessing you must be from Class B, am I wrong?" 

"hmm, how did you guess?"

"Let's say that I had some information that I gathered" 

"Ohh I see now, you're from Class S right?" that was an intelligent guess coming from him. I wonder just how much he knows 

"Who are you?" he asked 

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, yours?" 

"My guess is correct right? You are from Class S" 

"What do you want?" 

"Nothing much, but since that I've figured out that you're from Class S, then I want something from you"

"And what would that be?" I asked as he puts his hands in his pockets and said: 

"a challenge" 

"a challenge?" 

"Yes, ever since I came to this school. I thought it would be boring and meaningless for me to be in such a school. But I guess you could say that something changed, and that change is hearing about Class S" 

"Is that so?" 

"My class doesn't seem to be the type that enjoys a bit of conflict and they have too many nice girls there." Well Kaguya did say there were some nice girls in that class including Ichinose. I guess he's not interested in socializing with girls. 

"If they're not going on the offensive themselves then why don't you lead Class B?" 

"If you're not then why not help that class of yours to some extent?" 

"That would be ok, but I'd rather take on my own challenge rather than help the class. I'm only interested in Class S or anyone that can pose some challenge" Hikigaya said

Hikigaya doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that wants to lead his class but if he's that confident in facing Class S or anyone stronger, then he must be pretty strong himself. 

"You know, you can be Class B's ultimate weapon if you decide to help" I said


He looked at me, I can't tell if he's confused because of his expressionless face. I can't even get a read on him either. Just who is this guy? 

"Weapon? I told you I'm not interested" 

"You may not be but if you want to challenge Class S or anyone. I think it would be better for you to have a class that you can work with" 

"Who knows, you might be our biggest obstacle in the future" I said. 

Hikigaya closed his eyes probably thinking about it. He might have the potential to be one of my toughest rivals but if his class isn't showing any threat to us, then he might just lose without putting any effort. 

"I'll think about it." he said as he turned his back. 

'Ayanokouji, right?" he said while his back was turned then he looked back at me with those cold dead-fish eyes. 

"If you are as strong as what I've heard, then my school life wouldn't be so bad after all" he said as he walked away. 

Hikigaya Hachiman..... 


Just what kind of person are you? 







It was almost the midterms, and I can see that most of my classmates are studying. Kaguya and Shirogane are currently tutoring both Kirigaya and Yuuki. Is it just me or whenever I see those two pairs in particular, I feel like they could have a double date together at some point. Kei is currently helping Katagiri study while Karma and Lelouch are doing the same with Kururugi. 

"Guys, I just had an idea!" suddenly Kei stood up from where he is and went to the front. 

"I know that we are all studying and working hard and all, but I have a better idea" he said a everyone's attention is now on our leader. 

"Since we're all striving to have high scores on the midterms, I suggest that we should look at the midterms of the senpais that were previously in their 1st years." 

"Wait what do you mean by midterms from the senpais?" Kururugi asked 

"Well, you see there is a probability that the midterms of the senpais could be the same as our midterms down to the questions in particular"

"Wait, how can you be so sure that the questions of their midterms could be the same as ours?" Aru asked 

"It's not" I answered as their gaze point towards me. 

"Although our midterms and the senpais' midterms are completely different, however think about it, the questions would be similar in some way even the quizzes. With that said I'm sure you know exactly where I'm getting at." 

"That is true" said Shiro 

"Of course Ayanokouji-san, let me guess you want one of us to get those midterms from the senpais?" 


"Alright then I'll do it since I am the leader, and I don't mind taking some responsibility." 

"Oreki-san I think it's time we test our little theory" Theory? wonder what Kei has in mind. 

"Fine but you do all the work" Oreki said lazily 

"Alright, alright, Mr. Lazypants, guess we should make our move soon" 

Shinomiya Kei POV

I'm currently with my good friend Oreki-san. I wouldn't say good since he doesn't interact a lot but having someone as smart as him (aside from yours truly) would be helpful in any other situation and I think it would be better for him to socialize more since it would suck if the class that I'm leading isn't united after all. 

Now what is this theory that myself and Oreki-san that we came up with? Well actually I want to take advantage of something that Shigeru-sensei told us as I bought from him certain information using my points. 

It was already after class, and we found ourselves two random senpais who were getting what looked like cheap food. Seriously they look quite pitiful if you ask me. 

"Excuse us senpais" I said as the two senpais turned to me and glared at me for interrupting their little lunch time. 

"What do you want from u-" 

"We don't want any violence gentlemen, besides there are security cameras everywhere remember." 

"Fine, speak up now, you're wasting our time here." the senpai said while irritated. 

"Listen I'll make you a simple deal. How about we buy your midterms from your 1st year. How's about 10,000 points?" I said while bringing up my phone 

"Make it 30,000!" he argued back, ohh great we are not making this easy are we. 

"15,000" I retorted 

"25,000!" Seriously this is getting annoying. I don't want to waste my points on these idiots, but I knew something like this is going to happen. 

What these fools don't know is that I'm actually holding the dummy phone in which I have Tatsuya-san to thank for the little app he made. 

'Time to swindle these bastards' I thought to myself with a smirk 

"Alright, how about this then." I said as the two senpais are now confused. 

"Instead of points, how about I help get you two to Class A in an instant?" 

"What!" the two shouted 

"Woah, calm down there" 

"You're joking right? there's no way you have enough points for something like that" 

"Are you sure about that?" I said as I opened my dummy phone and showed it to them 

"NO WAY!!!" they said as the two were in shock. 

"There's no way someone like you can have these many points!" 

"Except for me, anyways what do you say? your midterms for Class A?" 

The two of them looked at each other as if they hit the jackpot, seriously just how gullible these people are. I can hear myself laughing on the inside right now. 

"Sure, but we'll send it to you later." one of them said 

"That's great, nice doing business with you" I said as we shook hands and waited until we get those midterms. 

After that me and Oreki-san went back to our classroom and told everyone the good news. 

"We got the midterms, here you go" Oreki-san and I distributed the papers to everyone in the class.

"So this is it huh?" Light-san said 

"Why yes" I said with a smile 

"So how did you convince them?" Ayanokouji-san asked 

"Well, remember about what I said about me and Oreki-san doing something else on the 2nd day, but I didn't tell any of you?" 

"I recalled" he said 

"Well actually I wanted to meet with Shigeru-sensei and wanted to know something about class transfers. Since this school allows you to buy anything, I also thought that it would also include transferring classes" 

"So, I used this information to take advantage of those senpais who I assumed must be in a lower class and tricked them into thinking that I can provide them 20,000,000 points for them to do a transfer"

"20,000,000, is that how much a class transfer is?" 


"Like what I did there? Also of course, I used the dummy phone to trick them into thinking that I can help them transfer but I fooled them and only gave them a generous 100 points" 

"I see, but how did you figure any of this by the way?" he asked, and I looked at him with assurance. 

"Because I'm a genius" 

That's Chapter 7 and yes Class B's mystery student is Hachiman himself. What does this mean for Kiyo and Class S? Will Hachiman be the ace of Class B? Also, yes Kei said the line. Next chapter is coming soon 

Thanks for reading :)

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