
The Spurious' Choice (2)

"So in other words you want me to make Elios hate me?"

I tried my best not to shout but this is about Elios' future. Why is he handing me the future of my little brother to me? And Elios always dreamed to study in Lupus Alma, are they just telling me to make my brother quit his dream?!

"Marc, I know this is a tall order. But think of it as a way to protect your brother." Doctor Belforma tried to convince me.

"I don't want to hurt my brother's feelings. This isn't fair. Not to me, and certainely not to him!" I said flatly.


"Don't make me do this." I walked out towards the balcony, the setting sun was dreary and the clouds were moving slowly. So this is what it means to be sad. Time seems to slow down and the day just wouldn't end.

Then I sensed someone approach from behind, it was Doctor Belforma. Looking all haggard and pensive with my mood.

He didn't say a word but instead, he offered a stick of cigarette.

"I don't smoke Doc." I said pensievely.

"Don't worry, it doesn't have nicotine, it's purely medical." He said and I took the stick and he lights it up for me. A few breaths in, my head, which was aching and distorted from fatigue, was gradually getting better. Is this a miracle stick?

"Sorry for forcing you something you didn't want to hear." Doc said as we both blow out the smoke from our mouths.

"I can't do that to him Doc... I just can't." I said shakily.

"But can you protect him when you can't even protect yourself?" Doc truth bombed me all of a sudden.


"Marc. I'm telling you, as the medical expert. Elios needs a change in his environment to recover fully." Doc said.

"So why didn't you tell him that?" I asked.

"I did. But like you, he is obstinately stubborn and refuses to leave you here alone. And with your increasing emotional instability, he's right to worry." Doc's words stung.

"I can't do that. I know in my heart that Elios is in danger here, but I just can't." I said sadly as I stopped smoking the stick.

"Marc. I know, it's not fair. It shouldn't be you but it has to be you." Doc said and pats my shoulder. "Elios will understand. You two are brothers right?"

Brothers... Yeah, we are. But still, it didn't feel right for me to just do this to him.

"The longer Elios is here in Clandesca, the more he'll suffer." Doc said as he leaves the villa. When night finally settled in and I ate dinner inside my room. The loneliness... If I send Elios back home, I have to get used to it. But I just can't...

"Big red? Are you awake?" Elios knocked on my door and he was sounding... scared?

I rushed towards the door and opened it. He was surprised to see me, his dull red eyes was slowly regaining some light but his complexion is still pale.

"W-what is it E?" I asked and he just entered my room, but I could still see that he is limping and trudging towards my bed.

"I want to go back home." He said. And I must've heard him wrong. Then I closed the door behind me and knelt down beside him. And... Why was he crying?

"I'm sorry big red... Your school liffe is ruined because of me. If only I was stronger none of this-" He cried but I stopped him from finishing his sentence.

"Don't say that Elios. This is all my fault. If I only kept my anger and my emotions in check, we could've had a easier time. And I'm sorry for not being stong enough as your older brother."

I hated this feeling. This feeling of weakness, knowing that my brother will forever be scarred by his experience from Lupus Alma. His dream school has become his source of pain and nightmares. We both said nothing after a few minutes

"I... talked with mom and dad." Elios said suddenly and I almost fell on the floor.

"And?" I dreaded the answer, will they be disappointed? Will they abandon me as well for not protecting Elios? Those thoughts swarmed my head once again, my shoulders and my hands were shaking violently again, the thought of abandonment was making me sick.

"They were asking if you were all right." When Elios said that, I perked up. I... wasn't going to be abandoned?

"Marc... are you okay?" Elios asked.

"Huh? Um yeah. I am." I said, being caught off guard made me flustered. "So... what else did you guys talked about?"

"I'm planning on transferring to Regis Dragonia." Elios said suddenly, as I looked at him as if he was joking, his eyes were dim with sadness. That means... He was telling the truth.

"When?" I asked quietly.

"I'll be returning home tomorrow night. I gave my letter of transfer to Blake a while ago." Elios said quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him and he wasn't looking at me.

"If I had... You would've stopped me." He said quietly and my face went red.

"Of course I would! I'm still here aren't I? I can always protect you and -"

"Marc I don't want to be a burden to you anymore!" Elios snapped at me. We never had any arguments, well, Elios and Conner were always arguing from time to time, but us? This is new.

"What?" I was shocked. "What are you saying? Elios, you're never a burden to me, why would you think like that?"

"Do you think I like being protected all the time? Yeah, that's right Marc. I hated it. I hate that you are always rushing in to come to my rescue. I hate my own weakness... And I also hate how you act like its your job to take the hits for me! I hate that part about you Marc!" He shouted with so much indignation that I couldn't talk back.

I feel a glass crack in my heart. Elios hates me? He hates me?

"Did... did I make you look weak?" It was my turn to ask quietly. Seriously why are we dancing around like this?

"You actually made all three of us look weak. We never told you but, we hated that part about you. We're not little kids anymore Marc." Elios said while wiping his tears away.

"Not a little kid, yet you can't stop crying." I teased him for a bit and he scowled.

"S-shut up! Anyway I hate you but." He said but at least he was smiling a bit. "I just don't want you to feel burdened."

"Hey E... Didn't I tell all three of you? You guys, along with the kids and our parents, are my source of strength. Sure, they will exploit you guys to control me, but that doesn't mean I can't break their bones." I told him but he just scowled at me. "Sorry... Poor joke."

"Can you promise me one thing." Elios asked.

"What is it?" I was worried about his request.

"If you find the person responsible... And about Kaiser... Give them hell." Elios said and he finally smiled.

I clapped his shoulders and gave him a grin. "That I can do. But until then... I'll see to it that you go back home safe."

The following day, I went back to school. There wasn't any news on the attack on the school council, my guess is that they don't want to appear weak to anybody. What useless pride. Plus, everyone started avoiding me. Everyone except...

"Remind me again why you two are following me?" I asked while trying my best not to look too embarrassed and angry as Vann and Diego both hound my flanks.

"What do you mean? We're just heading towards the classroom." Vann said in feigned ignorance, his acting skills need work.

"I was assigned this job Noan..." Diego grumbled and covered his ears with a pair of red headphones.

We reached the Classroom like a pair of troublemakers, Vann for his notoriety in being sent to the office and truancy, Diego with his tendecny to be blunt with his words, and me, being Kaiser's #1 target. Still...

"I understand Vann being near me... But why are you still here Diego?!" I hissed.

"Blake and I intercepted something. Apparently, there are some students going missing. And most of them are the ones we've scouted. So for your protection, I was assigned near you." Diego sighed, as if he didn't want this assignment.

Class has been dull eversince Elios stopped coming. It was only four days, yet a lot has happened. So this is the condition of being inside the famed strongest school in Deus Alma. The lessons, though interesting, flew off my mind. I didn't have the time to study as well, knowing Elios is leaving this place. But I still have unfinished business here.

I felt a tug on my left hand, Vann was passing me a note.

'Training starts at 7 later. Venue: The Alley Ring'

Alley Ring? Isn't that a gym? I stared at Vann and he was pretending to be listening... He should really practice on his acting skills. But still... I was grateful, it means that Blake's offer wasn't a total lie.

After school Vann pulled me aside... No wait, he straight up nabbed me.

"What's the big deal sea jock?!" I protested and he just gave me his signature moronic grin.

"Hey hey ease up on the hostilities sea pup." Vann smiled. "Look, you left a rather... negative impression within the group. Especially within our platoon."

"Gee, I wonder why I acted out." I said sarcastically and he howled.

"See this is why I was right to say yes in our deliberations." He smacks my back and keeps on laughing.

"Wait... deliberations?" I wondered aloud.

"Between the five of us with Diego's sister and Lady Emma. Me, Blake, and Erika voted a yes. While Diego, Eula, and Phoebe voted no." Vann said and he immediately closed his mouth. Did he just disclose vital information?

"Dude... You're bad at this." I raised an eyebrow and teased him. "But thanks... I guess?"

"Don't get me wrong Marc. I voted yes because I enjoyed our fight. And I want to fight you again when the time comes." Vann said and... was he blushing from embarrassment?

"Sure... whatever you say. Now, I'll just head for the gym later right?" I asked and he nods.

"The person there will be your personal trainer, and don't worry about the fee. He said he'll do it for free." Vann said and he just left me alone. What a strange guy... Still. He's honest to a fault, I'll give him that.

Before I head for the gym, I went home first. Tonight... will be my last dinner with Elios at Clandesca and at Lupus Alma.

"E! I'm home!" I announced and Elios jumped from his spot at the sofa and almost throwing his book at me. He looked so disgruntled I fought the urge to take a picture.

"M-Marc! Don't do that!!" Elios frowned but was glad to see me.

"Welcome home young master Marc." Hal said and winked at me. He took a photo of Elios' face and I just nod at him.

"Dinner will be ready in a few short moments. please get dressed." Hal said and I obliged. Heading for my room. I changed to a clean set of clothes after washing and sat beside Elios. He and I were treated to Hal's exquisite cooking skills. The salmon was pink and the sauce was sweet, the vegetables were cooked at the right temperature and the orange juice was freshly picked and squeezed.

When we ate that night, we laughed a lot and talked a lot. Elios was telling me that his telekinesis was returning, but he still has nightmares about that incident. I told him about Vann's lame acting and how strange Diego was. But I also told Elios that he had the same music taste as Diego.

A little thing about Elios, he is a beast when it comes to playing as bass.

"Really? That's a bummer... Guess I won't be able to be friends with him." Elios sighed.

"Hey hey... Don't say things like that. Who knows, Diego might sought you out through me or Blake." I said, trying hard not to make him feel sad about leaving me alone.

"I guess... But you'll visit right?" Elios asked.

"Yeah, Winter break." I promised and he smiled widely.

When the clock strucked 6. It was time for him to go. I accompanied him to the bus station and carried his stuff using my powers. He was too shy to admit it, but he was grateful for my help.

"Make sure to stay warm in the journey. Okay?" I told him before he got on the bus en-route to Noctagal. "And remember to keep the aircondition out of your head."

"Marc you're sounding like Mom." Elios rolled his eyes and surprised me with a hug. He was good at hiding it, but he was shaking.

"Last minute before departure!" The driver called and Elios smiled at me.

"See you at winter break big red." He waved good-bye as I did for him. The bus drives away towards the exit of the city complex, a few minutes later, the bus was out of sight.

I then took out the calling cards that Blake and the headmaster gave me yesterday. They really were identical.

The Mask of the Trickster God, Loke. So... Are they telling me that if I want to join, I should first learn how to abandon my name? They really don't know who I am. But I remember. I always push the memories away, the pain never went away. But I only look at that pain as a hindrance, not a source of strength.

Now that Elios told me to avenge his honor, I was more than happy to oblige. Because in reality, being the nameless son of the Scifios family is my discarded self. Now... I won't let anyone take away my happiness.

I am Marc Callahan Noan. And I'm done playing nice.

Sorry for the long wait! Graduation is right around the corner for me :D

SibboMarcocreators' thoughts
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