

“Starting from here is where you will create Civilization”. It was the first sentence heard by over a million different players. A new VR game is released in a more advanced world than ours. A game where the objective is to start from nothing and make something with your own hands much like our ancestors. Build a village, build a city, build a kingdom, forge friendships and keep your friends close. Make weapons and grow stronger. What will our protagonist do in this world? And will the real world affect him in any way? The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Discord https://discord.gg/E7GXc456Kk There isn't much here at the moment will slowly grow it :) please be patient ^_^

DaoistZqipHd · Fantasy
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353 Chs

Chapter 37 - Blood Ogre vs Alpha Golden Wolf

"Ian, hurry up and keep moving we need to get to Luke as fast as we can."

Howard whispers behind me lowering his voice as much as possible. There were no movements from either the wolves or the monster so we weren't sure if they noticed us yet. To be safe we were further away from the edge of the clearing and proceeding slowly and quietly. Each step as though three or four steps in advance to reduce the amount of noise while increasing the distance as quickly as possible. I look over to the monsters and observe their movements every so often through the gaps in the leaves. The red monster was surrounded but it looked calm and dare I say happy. Whereas the wolves all had an agitated expression baring their fangs. The alpha wolf with the silver fur around its head looked anxious about the situation, constantly glancing in Luke's direction.

"I know Howard. We need to get Luke out of that situation. The longer he is there the higher the chances of him dying."

It was the crack of dawn and a golden wave creeps over the tips of the trees washing over the forest of darkness. The sun peeking over the canopy momentarily blinds the alpha wolf making it close its eyes. At that moment, the red monster makes its move. Stomping off the ground and dashing forwards towards the alpha wolf with a grin reachings its ears. It raises the log in its hands and slams down at the ground. Swiftly and gracefully the alpha wolf dodges to the side while howling to the other wolves signaling the attack. The surrounding golden wolves dash at the monster swiping with their paws or baring their fangs to bite. Uninterested the monster swings its log around it making the wolves stop in their tracks. Unfortunately, one of the wolves was hit by the log and is launched far into the forest slamming and breaking a tree.

Howard and I hasten our steps while the monsters were battling they will pay less attention to the environment further away from them. We were behind Luke now and only needed to approach him but a loud howl stops us from moving.

The alpha wolf howls towards the sky and a golden light fall on it. The light gathers around its body making its fur shine a brighter color and its amber eyes are replaced with golden ones. It dashes forwards leaving behind a trail of golden energy and dodges the incoming log swiping at the monster's chest. The sound of screeching metal invades the surroundings and then a loud thud as the monster starts to slam the log on the ground around it shattering the log into large splinters. It roars and spreads its arms wide charging at the alpha wolf with big strides. The golden wolf blinks behind the monster like lightning and leaps forward opening its jaws wide.

Straight out of a comic book the monster leans towards its side and jumps sidewards. Kicking upwards at the unsuspected wolf slamming its legs on the wolf's head. The alpha wolf is sent flying into the forest crashing into multiple trees along the way. While another yell and banging on its chest like a gorilla the monster charges after the alpha wolf followed by the other golden wolves.

An opportunity arises, Howard and I rush towards Luke.

"LUKE! Are you ok?"

Howard, obviously faster, reaches Luke before I do and quickly checks Luke's injuries.

"I-I'm fine. How are you here?"

Luke had a blank surprised expression as he sees Howard and me emerge from the forest behind him.

"We ran. From HavenFall to a trail of destruction and then to here."

Luke seemed to take a minute to process what happened and then all of a sudden burst into tears. Like a newborn baby, Luke cried his eyes out.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry. *hic* Oscar *hic* Oscar *hic* H-he is d-dead."

Through the torrent of tears streaming down Luke's face, he was able to make out those words. An apology was all he could say. My chest tightens as I know, I too was at fault for sending them. I couldn't make out any words either as I look at Luke crying.

"Luke, Luke it's not your fault. Let's go home ok?"

Howard tries his best to comfort Luke. He wraps his arms around the fragile boy and pats his head and back as Luke cries into his chest. Howard lifts Luke up and starts to move away from the clearing and back into the forest. I turn my back away from the clearing about to follow Howard but suddenly a blast of winds hits my back.

"More...Humans...Boy, where are you...Going?"

I turn around and see the towering monster. Its red skin is covered in a glossy scarlet liquid as it licks the same liquid off its fingers. Its grin is wider than ever as it looks at Howard, Luke and me. I could only gulp nervously as I stare back at it. My palms start to sweat and I could only hear my heartbeat ever so faster with each passing second.

The monster leans forward while reaching out with its hand placing it on my shoulder.


The smile disappears from its face, replaced with a face of disgust and annoyance. It looks back to see the alpha wolf bloodied and limping. The monster clicks its tongue and starts to walk back towards the alpha wolf.

"Howard, run."

I whisper as quietly as I can while motioning Howard to run away. I don't hear any reply from Howard so I turn around to see what was wrong.

It was another one. Another monster.

It looked human at first but then you notice the large horns on its head and scaly wings on its back. It is wearing black pants and leather shoes accompanied by a white button-up shirt, black tie and suit. At the same time, it had white gloves and thin black-framed glasses. The new had an uninterested expression as it looks at us. Howard and I were frozen like statues while Luke had already stopped crying and was motionless staring at the new monster with his red eyes.

It starts to walk towards us with slowly steps looking at us uninterestingly and then glancing away before pushing off the ground towards the Blood Ogre.

"Rautt. Stop. Do you want the master to be upset at you?"

The new monster placed its hand on the Blood Ogre's shoulder stopping it from punching the alpha wolf.


"Yes. He is waiting for all of us. Now let's move. Leave this mutt."

The Blood Ogre looks at the wolf and then at us.

"Boy...I...Will be...Back."

The pair of monsters jump into the sky and the one with wings shines a bright blue. Its body expands, the wings stretch across the sky, its body is replaced by a lizard and the head emerges out from the light breathing fire at the sun. The glistening jet-black scales cover its back, head, arms and legs while its stomach is covered in pearl white scales. Two large black horns sit on the top of its head and between them is the Blood Ogre.

"Ian...Did I just see a dragon?"

"Howard. I just saw some monster ogre, a wolf bigger than the both of us combined and a dragon. Do you think I can think right now?"