
Prologue: Choice

[12 - 02 - 2011]

A father and son were walking down a hospital hallway.

The boys mother had given birth earlier that day, so his father decided to bring him to the hospital to see them.

They arrived at the room, the father opened the door, and they walked in.

As soon as the boy entered the room, his eyes fell on the baby that was in the arms of the mother.

He quickly ran up to the bady, and he got on the stool that was there to get a better look at the baby.

"Say hello to your little sister Leya."

The boy looked at his sister, how small she was, her little hand, and her fingers. He then gently held one of her tiny hands.

This was his sister now. She was smaller than him, so he should be careful with her and wait until she got older and bigger.

Then they could play together, he could teach ride a bike, and they could go on rides together, though that us going to take some time.

She then opened her eyes, they were blue like the sky, she had his mother eyes while he had the dad's, they were black.

Needless to say, he was really happy.

[20 - 10 - 2011]

He was going home.

School had finished for the day and month because it was Christmas.

He got out of the school bus that had stopped. The bust stop wasn't that far from his home, so he started to run.

After a few minutes, he arrived at his home. The gate was opened by his mom, who saw him from a window that faced the road.

He ran from the gate to the front door, opened the door, and went in, and the first person to greet him was Leya.

She had started walking a few months ago, so she was walking fast. Well, for her, it was fast toward him.

"Brother home!"

She then opened her arms for him to hold her up. He would always hold her when she could walk, so now she asks him to hold her up every time him back from school.

"Up! up!"

"Come on then."

Then he picked her up, placing one hand under her and the other supporting her back so she would fall backward.

"Come on now, let your brother put away his take of he's shoes first."

His mother then came from the other, gave a kiss on the cheek, and took Leya from him. Of course, Leya protested.

"Heh, it's your fault for spoiling her."

"Brother, stay with Leya!"

She demanded stretching her arms toward him with an angry expression on her face.

"Let put my bag. In my room fitst then I'll stay with Leya all day."

Then he took off his shoes and went to his room, put his bag down, and placed his jacket inside the cupboard.

Soon after that, he went to the living room, and there was Leya waiting for him. He picked her up and sat on the couch, placing her on his lap.

They began watching cartoons.

There wasn't much they could do, and it was cold to go outside with the stroller, but they always watched cartoons together.

It was the only way to keep her still since she started walking, so every day when he came home after school, he would watch cartoons with Leya to give his mother a brake, do the cooking, and among other things.

[12 - 02 - 2012]

It was dark, cold.

Today was supposed to be a happy day, It was Leya's one year birthday celebration.

Instead, he was in a van with a blindfold over his eyes, a gag in his mouth, his arms tied behind his back, and his legs tied together.

Then he was picked up after a bit of being carried he was dropped to the ground.

Soon, his blindfold was removed, arms and legs released, he was a warehouse, he looked in front of him, it was his father tied up and blindfold and gaged.

On the ground in front of him, naturally, he got up and tried to go to his dad.

"Don't move."

A voice came from behind him. He turned to it to see two men dressed in black wearing sky masks, but what made his eyes was the baby stroller, which one of the men had gun pointed at it.

He could see Leya in there, but thankfully, she was asleep.

One of the men placed a hand gun on the floor and slid it at him. This confused him. why would they give him a weapon.

"You to choices."

"Kill the man, or we kill the baby.

Did . . . . did he hear them correctly? did they tell him to choose his father or sister.


"You hear us."

"Father or Sister. Choose."

Why, why would they do something like this?!



What!? no, no, no, no, NO!


He can't now one can.


"Please, no!"


Arrrghhhhhhhhhh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.




I changed my mind.

I think this will be a better start.

I hope you'll enjoy my writing.

Please keep in mind that I'm a professional writer.

I just do this a hobby to pass the time.

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