"Circus Mistique can become both your passion and downfall." - Jeon Jungkook Jeon Jungkook is a distant and cold boss of Circus Mistique - the circus which is built on the grounds of hidden secrets of the crew and Jungkook's unfortunate past. Hyun Areum is a stubborn yet broken girl who just escaped prison and so happened to end up in Circus Mistique train, clashing straight into Jungkook's life. Will Areum melt the ice that is Jungkook or will she end up being torn by her fate that was determined by false accusation of a murder?
Jeon Jungkook
- 28 years old
- The boss and former trapeze performer of Circus Mistique
- Is reserved and cold
- Due to his past, Jungkook has trust issues and is afraid to trust his crew completely.
Hyun Areum
- 20 years old
- Was abandoned by her parents at age of 8 and grew up in nunnery
- Was mistreated by nuns
- At age of 18 was falsely accused of a murder
- Was imprisoned and tortured for 2 years until she escaped
- Areum is kind and is willing to face her life bravely despite so many downfalls
- Stubborn
- Has a weird fascination in cows
Baekhyun (aka Bacon)
- 26 years old
- Knife thrower
- He's a friend that anyone needs
- Would die for Jiu
- Jungkook's Fan #1
- Expert in love
- Can be cringe
- 25 years old
- Tightrope Walker
- She is very sweet and caring
- Rejects Baekhyun at any occasion possible
- Became part of the Circus Mistique because of her sister
- 27 years old
- Fire eater and Doctor
- He's very calm and composed
- Baekhyun tends to get on his nerves
- Likes to tease Baekhyun
- Loves his job
- Gets along the best with Jungkook
- 28 years old
- Trapeze artist
- Is bitchy at times but in reality just hurt inside.
- Can be nice when she wants to
- Jungkook's ex best friend
- 29 years old
- Lion Tamer
- Kind of mysterious but has a soft spot for Soojin
- Can be nice whenever he feels like it
- Killing stare and intimidating aura describes him perfectly
- Loves lions more than humans
- 26 years old
- A sidekick (basically holds the lowest status in circus)
- He's very lonely
- Scared of Taemin
- Wishes to have at least one friend to keep him a company