
Real horror movies

 Before today, Ye Xiang couldn't imagine that in just a moment, his life had completely changed drastically.

  At this time, Ye Xiang found himself in a gloomy wooden house.

  And in this wooden house, he found that he only had a head left!

  And in front of him, he even saw his headless corpse, bound high, and then, in the darkness, a chainsaw suddenly stretched out, and then it started, constantly sawing his corpse!

  Why... Is this a nightmare? But if so, why is it so clear?

  This unimaginable horror made Ye Xiang almost go crazy, he really hoped that everything in front of him was an illusion at this time, but the scene in front of him continued.

  His body was constantly sawed open, his arm fell first, and then a large amount of blood spilled out and sprayed onto his face, and the warm blood brought him a real touch!

 It's not a dream, it's not an illusion!

  A huge horror shook his mind, and then, the chainsaw sticking out from his back gradually sawed his body in half! In the next time, in the sawn body, as blood sprayed, many organs began to spill out, heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines... All began to spill on his head, and the blood soon soaked his skull completely...

  However... But he couldn't even scream!

  In the end, the corpse was completely dismembered, and Ye Xiang looked at his own corpses around him, he was already about to collapse!

  And in the process, his mind was like a tide, pouring in a lot of information. This is all information that does not exist in his memory, but now it is automatically generated in his mind as if it has been entered into data.

  At first, he couldn't believe the content of those messages, but now he had to believe them. He cried out inwardly: I believe, I believe! I can do anything, don't do it again, don't do it again...

 In the darkness, the chainsaw reappeared, and this time, it was aimed at the top of his head!

  At this moment, his eyes suddenly went black!

  When I regained my vision, I found myself in a bus!

  This... What the hell is going on? Now his body has changed back to its intact state!

  From the outside of the car window, it is a very remote mountain scene. In the dark, the scenery clearly shows a backward appearance, as if the car is driving at high speed, but at the moment it is in a state of time stagnation. There were no lights in the car, but he could see clearly that there were quite a few people seated.

  However, he couldn't speak, or even move his body!

 His memory drifted back ten minutes ago.

  Ye Xiang is an ordinary office worker who works as an accountant in a company and lives an ordinary 9-to-5 life.

  Today, he worked overtime until eight o'clock, and most of the people in the company had already left work. Because the elevator has been under maintenance recently, he took the stairs. He descended the stairs, and gradually, the surroundings began to get dark.

  It was about the time he reached the stairs on the third floor when he suddenly noticed a piece of paper on the diagonal side of the floor. There was nothing strange about having a piece of paper in the first place. However, Ye Xiang may have been too bored at this time, so he bent down and picked up the paper.

  This piece of paper is actually a movie poster! And on that poster, it is a bus, and the background is very dark, and countless ghosts can be faintly seen! The poster also has four blood-red characters written on it, "Horror Bus", and there is a detailed cast list below. At first, Ye Xiang thought it was a promotional poster issued to promote the newly released horror film, but the next moment he saw that in the cast, a place suddenly vacated, and then his name "Ye Xiang" appeared on it!

 Then, he felt pulled by a huge force, and the scenery around him changed instantly, and a moment later, he entered the horrible wooden house, and saw the scene of his own head broken and his body dismembered!

  Then he began to organize the information in his head.

  At this moment, he is in the world of the horror movie "Horror Bus" on the poster! And picking up that poster means shooting one real horror movie after another for the "Hell Cinema". In horror movies, you will encounter real ghosts and curses, and as an actor, you have to face all these horrors according to the script, and then find a way to live until the end of the film.

  For the actors who are selected, there is no other choice, they must cooperate with the movie, otherwise they will die!

 Next, the first act of the movie begins.

  Ye Xiang can move next. What he wants to play is a character named Xia Yun. This movie tells the story of Luo Haosheng, who is a college classmate, Kang Xueyan (male and female protagonist) and other six people, who went out on a trip and took this tourist bus. And now, the movie is just beginning. According to the script, countless terrible things will happen next, first the car broke down, and then, everyone had to be trapped in this barren mountain, and because this is in the mountains, there is no signal, and it is late at night, everyone finally decided to spend the night in the car, and wait for the next day, find someone to go down the mountain to find a way to find someone to tow the car.

  The film revolves around this bus parked deep in the mountains at midnight...

  At that time, at night, many people fell asleep, but at this time, Luo Haosheng, as the leading actor, was awakened in a nightmare, and the nightmare he had was that the driver was covered in blood, constantly shaking his body! And when he woke up, he saw that the driver was really dead in the driver's seat! And at that time, the time was exactly midnight, which was also the end of the first act. The script behind it didn't come out, and Ye Xiang didn't know it.

  At this time, he looked at the driver's seat and was extremely sympathetic to the actor who played the driver, judging from the important position that he was the driver, he should be a senior actor, otherwise if he was a newcomer, he would sit in the driver's seat, if he couldn't drive or fell into a panic, the next scene would naturally not have to be played again.

 Ye Xiang gasped, he couldn't imagine that there would be such a thing. However, the information coming from the brain is anything but fanciful. The fact that he saw his body sawn alive just now was not an illusion, but that this movie theater let him know that this was not some artificial force, and that they could make his head separate and his body still immortal, and even restore his sawed body to its original state! Therefore, no matter how incredible it was, he must play the role according to the rules given to him by the movie theater! Otherwise, the horrific scene of the dismemberment of the body just now would be recreated! At that time, it would be real death!

  He has become an actor in this real horror movie, and he already has the script for the first act in his head, and every line, every action is firmly remembered, and even a single punctuation mark will not be mistaken.

  The next thing he found was that he could move.

  Of course, he didn't even dare to scream at this time, the terrifying scene just now completely made his soul fly, no matter how good his psychological quality is, watching his body being dismembered alive, but his consciousness has been awake and has not died, anyone will collapse, right? It stands to reason that he should have a feeling of nausea that overturns the river and the sea, but at this time, he doesn't want to vomit at all, he only feels very tightness in his chest.

 The people around him are also actors who entered this movie with him.

  At this time, in the front row of him, there were the heroes and heroines, Luo Haosheng and Kang Xueyan. The cinema has automatically passed all this basic information into his mind. He remembered that on the movie poster, the first two names on the cast list were "Yang He" and "Tang Hailan", could it be their real names?

  At this time, the actor Luo Haosheng in front spoke, of course, he said his lines.

  "Xueyan, this may be the last time we will travel before graduation. "

  Ye Xiang clearly remembered every line of the script in his mind at this time, including other people's lines! And the lines Luo Haosheng said at this time were the first lines of the whole movie as the protagonist!

  Ye Xiang immediately began to adjust his mind, and the strong fear of death prompted him to calm down, and he had to enter the state of acting immediately! He didn't have the slightest doubt about the horror of this movie theater, and if he didn't want to die, he had to keep acting!

  "Yes. The next person to speak was the heroine Kang Xueyan, "This time may be regarded as our graduation trip." "

  The plot has already begun. The two actors in front of them were quite calm and calm when they said their lines, and they didn't feel like reading their lines at all, judging from this, Ye Xiang judged that it was not the first time they had acted in this kind of real horror movie!

 Next to Ye Xiang's seat, there is a flat-headed young man, the young man's character is named Zhang Nianzhou, and he is also one of the supporting roles in this movie, and he and Xia Yun (that is, the role played by Ye Xiang) are close friends in the movie. The other two college students were in the two seats next to them, one male and one female, the man was a young man with a mustache, and the woman was a rather beautiful woman with curly hair. Their character names are Du Yan and Jiang Youlin.

  At this time, it can be clearly seen that Zhang Nianzhou and Du Yan's faces are extremely pale and frightened, and they do seem to be rookie actors like themselves, while Jiang Youlin seems to be more calm and composed, isn't she an old actor?

  "There was nothing fun in these two days. At this time, Zhang Nianzhou spoke, and when he spoke, he obviously seemed very flustered, and he did not contain any emotion when he said his lines, and he felt like a sentence in a book. From this, Ye Xiang can be completely sure that Zhang Nianzhou is a rookie actor like himself. So did he experience the same horrors as himself?

  According to the plot, it won't be long before the car breaks down. Now, everyone is definitely nervous because here they will encounter real ghosts!

  When they thought of this, everyone was terrified to the extreme, if it weren't for the lines that could be clearly displayed in their minds, they would be so scared that they wouldn't dare to say anything.

  At this time, Xia Yun also immediately said his first line in the script: "Yes, I don't know how long the car will have to drive to the hotel at the bottom of the mountain! Alas, I will go back tomorrow! I feel that I still haven't had enough fun!"

  In any case, the first thing to think about now is to save your life. Since this curse is real, he can no longer care about the shock in his heart, so he can only read it out according to the script lines that appear in his mind. Of course, it is also unemotional to read, but fortunately, the curse of this horror movie does not require the acting skills of the actors to be very high. In other words, acting skills are not necessary for survival.

  At this time, Zhang Nianzhou began to say the lines again: "Xia Yun, haven't you had enough fun?"

  It was obviously a daily conversation, but Zhang Nianzhou said it with a sad face, and the voice was as if he was reading a report card that failed in the college entrance examination. Counting up, Ye Xiang can be regarded as having a better psychological quality.

  He can understand that the other party inexplicably became an actor in this real horror movie like himself, and he also knew that he would meet a real ghost, and anyone would be terrified, and it was good that he didn't collapse on the spot. Now they have to read the lines completely under the threat of death, but it is impossible for them to show their acting skills naturally.

  "Hmm... It's not the same as the one in the tourist brochure. At this time, Ye Xiang's tone of speaking lines began to become calmer. He also realized that fear would not solve the problem. If they ask for life, they can only abide by this rule, fortunately, their way of life has not been blocked, not to mention being able to predict the next plot is also a big advantage! In any case, survive this so-called real horror movie first, and then think about others!

  At this time, Jiang Youlin, who was sitting opposite, also spoke. Of course, Ye Xiang, who always has a clear script in her mind, also knows what she will say.

  It's just that her voice is unexpectedly good.

  "Xueyan, you and Haosheng are also about to be a good thing, right?"

  After Jiang Youlin's line was spoken, Kang Xueyan, the heroine in the seat in front of her, turned around, smiled, and said, "Hehe, we're ... Not in a hurry yet. Haosheng wanted to finish his studies first. "

  At this time, Kang Xueyan's head turned back completely, allowing Ye Xiang to see her face clearly, but she was indeed a quite beautiful woman. Could it be that because of such a face, she is qualified to be the heroine of the movie? And the actor Luo Haosheng also smiled at this time: "Our parents have already met each other, and I think after graduation, we will be able to hold a wedding soon." "

  Kang Xueyan had a bigger smile on her face, and her acting skills were extremely natural, which made Ye Xiang even more sure that she was definitely not a rookie actor like herself! No one could laugh after seeing her corpse!

  Xia Yun is just a supporting role, and the next dialogue is mainly focused on the two heroes and heroines Luo Haosheng and Kang Xueyan. And he didn't have to do anything at this time, he just looked outside the bus and thought about countermeasures quickly. Frankly, he only has the script for the first act in his hand, and all he knows is the horror and weirdness that will happen next and who the first person to die will be. But there's no value in that alone. At the same time, the script specifically stated in red letters that when the bus broke down, you should sit on it all the time, and you can't even leave your seat.

  He knew the next dialogue between the hero and heroine, so he didn't listen to it at all, and at this time he just analyzed the current situation. Ten minutes later, the bus would break down. Next, the crowd will temporarily sleep in the car. Mainly because it is too remote and too late. However, at the end of the first act, the driver is the first to die!

  Of course, Ye Xiang didn't think he would be able to survive the script. Through observation, he clearly saw that he, Zhang Nianzhou, and Du Ruowu did not have any personality characteristics, and obviously belonged to the kind of dragon character who couldn't remember his name even if he died. Although it's a classmate who came out with the protagonist, the fate of this trick naturally can't be shaken off. Luo Haosheng and Kang Xueyan will definitely have a chance to live for a while longer, but they are completely different!

  So, if you are set to die by the script, you will definitely die, and there is no way to change it?

  Not really. Even in this real horror movie, there is still a chance to survive. This point, as early as the beginning, had clear rules that came directly to my mind.

(My first horror novel! new book upload, ask for clicks, ask for recommendations, this book is very, very important for me!)