1 Chapter 1: The beginning

The sound of birds' cries arise when a doctor pick up the small body of a child from the pool of blood carefully and smile to welcome the child to the world.

The nurse hurried to wash the child and the doctor hurriedly stitch the wound on the mother again.

Fara laid on the bed looking very pale without an ounce of energy, she hold her husband hand looking excited because this is the first product of their love. A very beautiful daughter.

"You had it hard right? dear." Ourel kissed his dear wife when he walk into the delivery room, he know of the difficulty of his daughter birth.

"I love you dear." Fara kiss her husband with a blissful face "where's our daughter? i really want to see her."

Nurses hurriedly cleaned the baby but after seeing the child face they look shocked....

Even if there's a bit of reluctant, the nurse still put the baby on the mother arm. Fara hurriedly lift her baby as she cries "uwa, uwa" (baby crying sounds), the mother's eyes open widely at her child's look.

"This....what happened?!" she shouted while asking in disbelief. Ourel also look shocked frozen looking at the birthmark that shouldn't be there.

All babies could have birthmarks but it could have been anywhere...why did it have to be on the face of a girl?

On the right cheek of her little baby there's a huge black birthmark as big as her entire right side of the face.

"Err..some child only have it when they are young when they grow up the mark will be gone." the doctor tried to console them.

"Really doctor?" the doctor words gave them hope.

"Not possible..." Ourel felt distress looking at the black mark on his daughter face, unable to come to term with it, it should be false. This is the 21st century where technology dominate why is that curse still there?

"Dear!" Fara suspect when seeing her husband face that showed the mark will never disappear..

"There's a story...long long ago within our family" he murmured before telling the bedtime story his father used to tell him when he was little.

In an ancient time long ago almost undocumented, the Lin family like today, before the leader was a spoil and unruly person like to use force and harm citizens all over the place as he has power even generals or politicians all fear him.

When that Lin family head took a liking to a beautiful woman and use force to threaten her, force her to divorce from her beloved husband that just start their married life and use underhand methods to lead that guy into jail and got tortured to death then forced the girl family to give her to him.

That girl named Teavyi aged 15 years old, could only coked on her tears in exchange for her family's happiness but it's not even 7 months after the married that lead found a new girl and throw Teavyi who's pregnant away, leaving her to fence for herself and got bullied by others.

She delivered a premature baby of 8 month and then died due to excessive blood loss. The leader don't bother not even pity her just order the midwife to preserve the baby's life while the mother's life if can't preserve then throw her to the back of the mountain.

The midwife can't help either the mother or the child and she died unwillingly, the midwife relay Teavyi's curse before her death "because she carry the child for 8 month so she will curse the 8th generation of the Lin's family to have horrible face that make everyone dislike/hate, unlucky, no one willing to come near, unless, married with the one who carry a birthmark in the shape of a butterfly on the hand or else this curse will follow that child for life!"

After that, the curse become a general joke within the family and a bedtime story before bedtime for all the next generations and no one care about it.

Until now, the 8th generation born.

"So, our pitiful baby girl will become the one who hold the bad karma? just like this?" Fara shouted. "It is unjustified! our ancestor is the one who is at fault and should be punished why is it my daughter to shoulder the blame?"

"My dear! I never thought that it's the truth!" Ourel hug his wife in console "but now the technology is really advance, there has to be a way! I will find all kind of dermatologist, body enhance or beautified doctors, no matter what we must remove the birthmark from our baby."

Fara can't cry while the baby in her body slept peacefully.

The face when sleeping look so pure like an angel if not for that ugly birthmark, and in the future the little girl will be a lady and become a pretty girl for sure.

After all the cries, both Lin's couple agreed that even if they go bankrupt they must remove that birthmark from their daughter face!
