
Chapter 1: The Prince of Broken Hearts

Under the twinkling stars, two lovers embraced.

A man, with hair brighter than the finest gold and eyes bluer than the deepest seas, held a woman close to his chest. The nine’s can only be envious of his perfection in every crease of his suit, the even little bowtie around his neck. None were more handsome on this cool night.

“This night has been perfect,” She sighed into his hold, a light pink brushed across her delicate features. Dressed in a gown made of silky twilight, eyes glittering under the light of a full moon. She shines like a woman in love, resting her palm gently on his chest. In her other, she held a glass of a deep red wine, half-empty in the cool air.

He leaned down to his lover, lips brushing against her ear as goosebumps erupted down her skin from the thrill.


Her name fell from his soft lips like a caress of the air on her skin.

Then he whispered in her ear, as the stars leaned down to listen to his confession.

“Let’s break up.”

From just inside the balcony, leaning against the plain wall, Dexland Lind sighed. The sounds of a sobbing girl reached his ears, and then a loud smack of palm hitting skin.

The pitiful girl went rushing past him, sobbing into her hands, her perfect night ruined. The door slammed shut behind her tearful figure.

“That was quick,” Dexland called out with a boring look.

The man on the balcony entered the room, nursing his red and swollen cheek. He entered his study, carrying two full wine glasses in one hand. He placed them on his desk carelessly, some splashing onto the expensive, hand-crafted mahogany desk.

“What did you say this time? Ugly? Fat? Too stupid?”

“Shut up, Dex,” The man scowled at him, downing one glass of wine and tipping it over. “I just told her we weren’t meant to be together.”

“I mean, she only lasted what? Two days this time?” Deland pushed himself off the wall with his foot, striding over to the desk.

“Four days,” The man downed the second glass of wine.

“Just what I’d expect from Nikos, the Prince of Broken Hearts,” Dexland snorted.

“I’m technically not a prince,” Nikos retorted, crossing his arms as he sank into his desk chair.

“You might as well be,” Dexland sarcastically said, “Closest descendants to the formal royal family and son of the Prime Minister. If anybody’s a prince, it’d be you. Not to mention, you have an actual princess after your tail. By the way, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t break up with her after four days too. That’d be kinda bad.”

Nikos groaned, laying his head onto the desk with a thump, “Mum and Dad are still set on that, then?”

“Seeing as you’ve had twelve girlfriends this year alone with no stopping in sight, I’d say yes.”

“That’s not that bad,” Nikos pouted.

“It’s only March.”

Nikos rolled his eyes, “They’re such hypocrites. They fell in love, didn’t they? Why can’t they let me have that?”

Dexland only snorted, grabbing one of the magazines from a box labeled “Hall of Shame” and tossing its front page up in front of his friend.

“How about that time you said you’d loved Cassandra?”

The tabloid picture was of a beautiful girl and himself photographed secretly in a restaurant, caught mid-action as the girl threw a drink at him. ‘ANOTHER GIRL BITES THE DUST!’ was the headline.

“She wanted me to pay for her third plastic surgery!”

“Or when you insisted that Emily was different from the others? Not even twenty-four hours.” He threw the next magazine. This one of a blonde girl in tears clinging to his legs.

“To be fair, she was just insane. She had a mural of me on her wall, including my hair.” Nikos shivered.

“Or how about when we warned you about the supermodel but you said ‘She’s the one.”


The third magazine was particularly damning. The front cover was a photo of him completely disheveled, wearing only half a suit and sleeping inside of a dumpster.

Nikos opened his mouth to defend himself but then shut it. “Alright, that one was my fault. I deserved that completely.”

“What did you even do to her?” Dexland shook his head in disgust at the picture.

“She asked me to babysit her fish while she was abroad,” Nikos shrugged, “How was I supposed to know it needed to be fed once a day?”

“I don’t know why I put up with you,” Dexland sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“You’re kinda stuck with me,” Nikos grinned, “Plus, you know you like me.”

“I’d like you a lot better if I didn’t have to clean up your messes!” Dexland dropped the rest of the magazines on the table, fuming as they slid off the desk, all his mistakes in one place.

Nikos swallowed, looking away from the mess. “I don’t know what else to do to find her,” he admitted softly.

“You and your mythical ‘One’! Have you ever considered that maybe ‘the one doesn’t exist? You barely even dated any of these girls. How do you know they weren’t your mythical ‘one’?”

“I just know!” Nikos got up from his desk, “None of them felt…right.” At his friend’s deadpanned expression, he threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t know, Dex! It’s hard to explain! It’s like..like-”

His eyes lit up, turning to his best friend with a grin, “Like Cinderella!”

“What?” Dex glared at him. “The fairytale?”

“Yes, exactly!” Nikos nodded, “When Cinderella and the Prince met at the ball, they just clicked and they knew, without even having to talk. It was just fate. That’s how my parents met, too. When you meet that person, you just.. .you just know.”

“You’re insane.” Dex shook his head.

“Maybe,” Nikos admitted. “But I know I’ll do anything not to be forced to marry Princess Yulia. So, please, please, you’ve got to help me. For old time's sake.”

Dexland and Nikos stood around the desk, staring at one another, neither backing down. But like always, he was no match for Nikos and his puppy dog eyes. Dex sighed and Nikos silently pumped his fist, already knowing he won.

“Maybe I’m the one who's insane,” Dex shook his head with a sigh.

“We’ll be insane, together,” Nikos grinned, sitting back down and leaning back into his recliner. He was truly the cat who’d gotten his cream, the wide grin plastered over his face.

“What’s the plan?” Dex asked.

“We’ve just gotta Cinderella them.”

“I’m sorry? What is it with you and Cinderella?” Dexland demanded, crossing his arms.

Nikos rolled his eyes. “It’s Mom’s favorite fairytale. She used to read it to me every night. Dad was kinda her Cinderella, right? So, we just need to create my own Cinderella!”

“But a fake one?” Dex raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah. Look, the princess is coming next week, right? Just in time for the Festival. If I find someone willing to play the part of my Cinderella and then bring her to the Masquerade, they can’t exactly suggest I marry a princess if I’m with another girl, especially on the last day of the Festival. That’s when Dad confessed to Mom. I make sure we’re together at midnight and she won’t say a word. Then, once the festival’s over and the princess leaves, we can just break up.”

“That is one convoluted plan.” Dexland rolled his eyes.

“Look,” Nikos sat back, arms crossed, “I’ve tried to tell them over and over again. If they want to be sneaky and try to checkmate me by social convention, I can do the same. I won’t be marrying Princess Yulia.”

“And how do you know the Princess isn’t your so-called soulmate?” Dex teased, “Wouldn’t that make for a fantastic fairytale.”

“I’ve met her before,” Nikos waved him off, “She’s nice but really boring.”

“Which means she’s actually responsible,” Dexland huffed. “How do you even plan on finding a girl willing to agree to this? Especially with no strings attached? They’d have to be as messed up in the head like you.”

Nikos shrugged.

“There’s got to be at least one girl, right?”

At Dex’s doubtful look, Nikos only smirked, “I’m rich, I’m good-looking and I know how to seduce a girl. Who wouldn’t want me?”

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