
Chapter one

"Walking down the street's only for ice cream is sound crazy because who go out when there is heavy rain outside and not even care what happens next maybe cold well yeah but who cares if I die through they don't give a shit to me they hate me".


"Thanku for the ice cream saying that I leave the cafe rain is still going on but not that heavy it's just too relaxing you know people who love rain like me feel this relaxing don't know why but i love it whenever weather change into rainy or cloudy".

"I love it I love this feeling XD while walking home I see people eye's on me and I know why I am not that Slim you know lol i am chubby actually how i wish to be a Slim Shady 💃 but here I am fatty ~_~ my cheeks are very chubby to sometimes people ask me can we touch your cheeks and being a happy girl who think maybe they become my friend i say YES to them but it goes the opposite AHH stupid me".

"Hey Look at her soo chubby yeah see what she wearing how she get those dresses she probably exported this cause it's not available here".


Ahh i see two girls talking about me as we crossing roads I don't mind through.

"I listen this everyday and try to pretend i don't care but inside its hurts it's really hurts why people treat me like this it's not my fault I am like this I wish someone probably take my side".

I wish they don't see me the way i look I wish they see me the way I see you