
Life or Death

2 months had passed since the council meeting and the trip was already about to start. Everyone on the trip was on the bus and I sat in the front of the bus so I could be alone with my wireless headphones on waiting for the bus to pull off. The ride to California would take 18 hours so I closed my eyes until I felt someone sit down next to me. Opening my eyes, like it was a reflex I turned my body in order to not be close to that person. I turned back around after noticing what I did and she had already closed her eyes. I couldn't erase the shock on my face because the person who sat next to me was Nicole.

[ I shouldn't care about it this will be a long drive so I should sleep as well.]

Turning so that my back was against the seat I lean my chair back slightly and turn my music on so that I can go to sleep while on the drive.

The drive started and I feel asleep quite quickly we stopped twice for bathroom breaks and once to eat and got back on the road after eating since we were almost to California. Since we were almost there I decided to rest a little more before we get to the hotel. Closing my eyes and leaning back once more I feel the slightly smooth ride of the bus until I feel space itself distort around me.

"(Automatic Analyzing system activating)"

Feeling the space around me and hearing the message ring in my head I'm reluctant to open my eyes as I close them tightly.

[My eyes haven't automatically activated since my junior year what the hell is happening out there.]

Finishing my thoughts I slowly opened my eyes to see the world around slowed down to the point where I could see everything and my eyes analyzed everything. When my eyes were fully opened I saw why my eyes activated and was shocked at how this could happen now of all times. What I saw was a car crash, to be more precise a construction truck with huge metal poles attached had crashed into the rails of the bridge and the metal poles on the back came loose while our bus was behind it and on the flight path of one of the metal poles.

"(Flight path analyzed. Confirmed emanate danger please move out of the flight path.)"

Hearing those words shocked me even more. Looking at the flight path along with analyzing the surroudings I could see everything. The pole would hit the bus and break through the window since the bus driver was already about to press the breaks the bus wouldn't be completly impaled, but since im sitting at the front I would be impaled and the pole would stop after doing so. Not only that the pole was big enough that both seats were in the radius of death.

[Hmmm. Wait both seats? Doesn't that mean...]

Looking over I could see Nicole looking out the bus with complete fear in her eyes. In that instant emotions even I didn't know I had washed over me and I had the feeling to save her no matter what. Looking away I suppressed those feelings and started to think.

[Come on Johnathan think rationally if you save her you will die. Although I can analyze things with my eyes my body is still normal i'm not a super hero with superspeed. When I do move it would seem like an instant movement or rather an instinct so my movement speed may be high but saving someone else other than myself will lead to absolute death.]

"(Host is correct. Saving another person in this situation will kill you.)"

Hearing the voice again confirmed what I was thinking. Looking at Nicole again and looking into her eyes I could see the thing I never had 'Life'. Ever since birth I always analyzed everything in sight nothing felt real to me but to her everything was real.

[I will save her even though it's against my code to think rationally i'll do it.]

My movements were slow but I moved to push her out of the danger zone everything was happening slowly and it couldn't be stopped now that I made my decision or both of us would die.

[This life was always boring to me anyway maybe I can be better in my next life. I can see everything happening so slowly even my own death is being analyzed by these cursed eyes. As long as I can shut them off at least my death will be quick.]

Closing my eyes I move the energy in my body to take back control of my eyes. My eyes start to sting and I know that i've taken control opening my eyes I see the speed of the world started to speed up slightly. Confirming that I finally pushed Nicole out of the way I close my eyes to deactivate them and my body is instantly impaled. My ears ring with screams as my classmates panic and the teachers trying to assess the situation and calm the students.

Opening my eyes once more I can see someone in front of me crying and saying something to me. My vision starts to clear up slightly and I notice it's Nicole who is crying. I read her lips since I can't hear her over the yells and she is crying while saying 'Why did you save me?' .

Noticing her question I smile. "Because I wanted to." My eyes close as my vision finally stops and I stop breathing.