
Chronicles of the dragon slayer (old version)

A revamped version is out by the same name so check that out instead. Ze link for it is right here https://m.webnovel.com/book/chronicle-of-the-dragon-slayer-%5Brevamped-version%5D_23982009306177705 ***************** Julian was your normal happy go lucky kid in his younger years. He did everything that a normal 10-year-old that came from a relatively middle class family. Playing around with friends, going to school, and going on trips with his parents every once in a while. But life had other plans for his future than letting him grow like any normal teenager. At a young age his parents were killed, his friends slaughtered and family stolen. This had broken Julian completely, and hence he left on a journey to find strength to seek his revenge. But life was not yet done playing with his life, so it showed Julian that he had no talent to do anything that would lt him gain his revenge. It had become clear to Julian that the heavens did not favor him, so he left on one last journey when… ***** Ahhh I don't really know what else to add but ill write it here anyway, this is my first time writing a story, so I am still experimenting with things, so it is possible that you might find the beginning of the story to be a bit slow, but I assure you the later chapters and things I have in plan will not disappoint you. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I have taken inspiration from waaaay tooo many novels that I liked, and while there aren't any specific ones that I based this upon there are a few that I definitely took inspiration from like : the author's POV, chronicles of the heavenly demon [you can probably see where this inspired me ;)], etc. I created a server for this, so you can join it right here at: https://discord.gg/KtR59EdPcS You can also send any suggestions you have right here.

Wolfknight1571 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 15 – Disciple

'Well I'm here, this is miss Andra's room' I thought looking at the sliding door before me.


"May I come in?"

"Come in" Andra's came from a desk that was covered in stacks of paper.

Andra walked out from behind the massive stack of paperwork on her desk, and sat on the couch. "Sit down" Andra said in an authoritative tone, as she pointed to the chair opposite of her.

I sat down and crossed my legs and looked at her unfazed by her tone.

"Well, miss Andra what is it that you wish to talk to me about?"

A smirk appeared on Andra's face,as she picked the folder on the table. "Quite an odd one aren't you, rank 127- Julian Forester, father – Jacob Forester, mother – Amanda forester, sister- Lia Forester, parents own a bronze grade guild, mana absorption affinity- D grade, written test score – 57%."

A frown appeared on my face"those are my details, but I do not see a problem with that."

Clasping her hands Andra began to speak "It is normal, all of it, but what is odd is you not these documents. You belong from a normal family, and aren't gifted with great mana absorption ability either, but the way you behave and the results you produced today in the test are truly odd."

"You competed with a few of the best cadets we had in terms of endurance today in the test, yet you seemed to have no signs of tiredness in you. When I asked about this you said it would be simply bothersome to perform any better, that right there is what I'm finding odd" she said pointing right at me.

"Your reports say that you are quite weak however, the strength you displayed today is definitely unfitting of your rank, you beat Anthony who is 60-ish ranks above you twice in one day and both times quite easily, and the way you fought against the count almost making contact with him, are both things that should be impossible for someone at your level."

"So how do any of these things make sense?" she said leaning forward and staring straight into my

I stared at Andra who was speaking of the things I had done today, and all of them were certainly true, so I could not even refute them.

"Hmm, I wonder, I could have just eaten an elixir that temporarily boosted my abilities? So I don't think my endurance was oddly suspicious, and as for technique the school should have no idea on how good we are in battle, so I don't quite understand your interest."

"While your words are true, and you could have just taken a stamina enhancement potion, and you could be smarter than stronger, but that was never the suspicious part."

"Oh! What is it then?"

"That carefree attitude you have right now, most cadets would have pissed themselves in your position"




"Well I get it you are suspicious of me because I'm 'carefree', so what do you want me to do now?" I said as I leaned forward in my seat.

"Well I don't want you to do anything, I just need an explanation, I can clearly see that you are hiding your abilities to a certain degree, but why do that?"

"There are a few reasons, but the most important is that it's annoying, and dangerous for a commoner like myself to be strong, it attracts too much attention, all of which I am not a fan of."

"Hmm, well I will leave you alone for the time being, you may leave." she said in response to my reply as she waved her head sideways.

I stood up and got to the door and stopped before saying one last thing to Andra"Oh! Before I leave, I wanted to ask if the academy does regular identity checks on the drivers for our busses, the driver who I saw today was someone I didn't recognize, so I thought I should ask this?"

"That so? Well I will look into it" Andra said as she stood up and moved back to her desk.

"Great, I will be taking my leave then"


Inside the room Andra was on her chair and was having a wide smile. 'That kid is definitely interesting'. She took out her phone once done talking to herself.

*Beep beep boop*

"Hey Ronald would you mind doing checks on all the drivers for the busses." Andra spoke.

"Yes mam I will get to it right now"

"Great I will leave it to you then, tell me if you find anything suspicious"

Done with the call Andra placed her phone on the table and looked at the mail she had just received from the principal.

"Ahhh this is going to be a headache, did count Alfred really have to choose someone from the bottom of the class, this going to cause a fuck ton of issues with the high ranking nobles and the noble teachers"


Meanwhile, outside in the hall.

'Hooo to think that my behavior would have been what she was most suspicious of, how am I supposed to act when I don't even remember how I used to be when I was 10 years old.'

'Idiot, you already exposed part of your ability to those with even half a brain, you think acting differently would change anything?'

Julian walked towards the field as he argued with the voice in his head.


"Become my disciple."

"What did you say?" Andrew said.

"I said I want you to be my disciple." count Alfred said

"Huh" Andrew flinched

"Hey Alfred at least let the boy sit down first" the principal told Alfred who had started to speak the moment Andrew had entered the lavish room they were currently in.

"Principal sir could you please explain what is going on right now I don't quite understand this" Andrew said in a very confused voice.

"Well it is understandable that you are confused, but first I want you to take a seat."

*Snap* the principal snapped his fingers and *slide* the chair slid back a bit making room for Andrew to sit.

Andrew took his seat and looked at the principal and the count, who were looking right at him.

"Listen well young one, for I do not like to repeat myself" the count said to which Andrew nodded.

"Child you have been gifted with the 'eye of martial arts', it is a gift that only a few individuals in the world possess, and it is a necessity to inherit my style of martial arts, I also checked your mana absorption affinity, and at a ridiculous s grade affinity you are likely the best candidate I can find." after he was done speaking the count halted his words.

Then in a soft tone the count said"So what do you say are you willing to become my disciple?"

Andrew looked at the count after he had listened to every thing the count had to say.

"I …"

While I did say this yesterday on the review section, I forgot to edit the last chapter to mention this, but I had to take a break yesterday cuz IRL stuff, well anyway things are getting interesting… I think. Oh! also if you have any suggestions, then you can either leave a review or join the extremely rudimentary discord server I made and send them to me there, the link is in the novel description.

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