
Chronicles of Noir

Noir, a realm entirely separated from the Mortal Realm, Ecrin, is filled with mythical monsters, species, and even Demons. Long ago, there was a war between Noir and Ecrin, with Noir coming out on top. The very first leader of the First Family had taken pity upon the Humans and their world, thus leaving them alone and withdrawing back to Noir. The Humans began to prosper and thrive after the forces of Noir had vanished entirely, but they soon grew greedy and possessive of their money and lands. The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Beastmen began to wage wars with each other out of greed. After many years, the wars still had no clear winner, however, that was when the Humans had come into contact with a rogue Demon from Noir. They befriended this Demon and, in return, it had shown the Humans how to harness the worlds natural energy to create what it called 'abilities.' With these newfound powers, the Humans easily dominated all other races when, suddenly, the Elves retaliated with their own abilities. The Dwarves and Beastmen were soon joining the fray with their own abilities as well, once again turning the war into an absolute stalemate for years to come. One day, the Humans had appointed a new King after the previous King had fallen due to illness, and this man strived for peace with the other races. Eventually, the others saw how pointless it was to continue killing each other and signed a peace treaty that had lasted for thousands of years. Now, the Human continent of Vislax has become restless, and the Eastern part of the continent had erupted into a civil war with each other, forcing many people to migrate to the Capitol, Archven. This story follows a young boy who had lost his parents after migrating to a seaport city named Azmarin. He was adopted by a prestigious Nobleman shortly after, but he soon finds out just how evil the world has become

Raijuo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The sun began to shine through the windows, and the birds began to sing their sweet melody. I sat up in my bed and adjusted my hair. I didn't get any sleep last night but, thankfully, I wasn't feeling mentally exhausted. I stood up and stretched my body before moving over to the dresser and getting dressed into my uniform.

I strapped my daggers and quiver behind my back before slinging my bow over my shoulder and walking out of the room and into the kitchen. I saw Arisu cooking away and I took my seat at the table while memorizing the feeling and experience I had last night in the forest. I needed to be ready to use my ability at all times.

"Is something troubling you?" My head shot up as Arisu set a plate down in front of me and took a seat. "Ah, no I'm fine. Just training for a bit that's all." I took a bite out of the omelet and found that it was perfectly balanced between the spices and vegetables inside. Arisu smiled before saying "I decided to do a little bit extra this morning. I can assume you like it from your expression."

I took a large bite before responding. "Of course I do, you made it after all." She had a pleased expression on her face as she ate. We finished our breakfast and made sure to lock the door before leaving for the academy. The air was getting colder and most people were wearing thick sweaters or jackets with gloves and scarfs. It didn't take near as long as last time to get to the academy, and we opened the doors before walking to our first class while conversing a bit.

"Will he forgive me?" My question was sudden, and I was thinking out loud, but Arisu seemed to know exactly what I meant. "I believe he will in time, but the same can be said for you. Are you willing to give him one last chance?" I snorted and shook my head with a small smile. Of course I wouldn't just give him another chance. He had to earn it.

We neared the classroom door and I opened it. We walked in and walked up to our seats; Orzo and Sylia were already there and talking to each other. "Yo. Miss me?" Orzo turned his head with a bored expression before saying "So, you decided to come back after all? I should be saying the same thing to you..."

I chuckled before sitting down next to him with Arisu at my side. We were casually talking when a spiky, black haired boy had entered and began to walk up to us. There was a visible amount of tension between us four as Azrael walked up and did something unexpected. He bowed down low to the ground and apologized.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I just...when I saw you with Ari for the first time, I felt a strange presence invade my body as a soft voice began to whisper into my ear. I know this may sound like excuses to you, but I truly am sorry. If you want me to go away and leave all of you alone, I'll do so." His head stayed bowed as he waited for my answer.

I sighed and gestured for him to lift his head. "I won't tell you to leave the group, but I will let you know this one thing. You will have to prove to me that you deserve a second chance. For now, you're still a piece of trash in my eyes, but you might prove me wrong." Instead of getting angry that I had called him a piece of trash, he smiled sincerely before nodding his head and taking a seat next to Arisu.

Orzo leaned over and whispered into my ear. "Are you sure about this? I mean, hell, this guy almost assaulted Arisu, and you both are just going to let him get away like that...?" I nodded my head and said "I have my suspicions, but I've decided to change my ways a little. Besides, his story might not be that far fetched..." in a voice all five of them could hear. Orzo cocked his brow before sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms with the same bored expression.

The Professor came in and wasted no time in starting his lecture about when the first abilities had been created. I hadn't learned much about this, as I had no ability at the time, so I was genuinely intrigued. "In the beginning, as most of you know, the four continents waged a long and bloody war against each other after the Demons left our realm. However, we Humans had come into contact with what we believed to be a rogue Demon, and it taught us how to form our own abilities.

Eventually, the other races retaliated with their own abilities, causing several times more casualties than before. However, we are here to discuss the very first abilities that were formed. These abilities were eventually diluted in power as more and more people had awoken them. These abilities are very familiar with most people these days, and are the foundations of our military.

The fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, darkness, and light abilities are all very powerful today, but they are nothing compared to what they used to be during the First War." I raised a brow and glanced over at Orzo, who had a bright red aura surrounding his body. Curious, I began looking around and saw that Sylia had an icy blue surround her body, as well as Arisu with a placid green, and Azrael with a dark orange.

'I think I've caught on to something...' These eyes must be able to sense one of two things. Hostility towards me, or the ability one had, and my money was on the latter. Just thinking about the advantages this would give me in a fight where I have no intel on my target gave my goosebumps. I quickly got a hold of myself as I realized that I was beginning to become a battle-junky, almost like how Syn was.

Looking around, I saw that many people hard dark blue, brown, dark red, and light green auras, while others had white, black, yellow, or even purple auras. Suddenly, a voice whispered into my ear. "Cut it out man...! Your eyes are doing the glowing thing and it's freaking people out!" I quickly deactivated my ability and looked over at Orzo with an apologetic smile and a small laugh.

The bell rang and it was time to head to our second class, one I was actually looking forward to for some reason. We entered the class and the Professor was already inside, standing behind the podium with a concentrated look. We walked up to our seats and sat down as the rest of the students came in and took their seats, signaling for the start of class. However, the Professor was still standing there, looking at something on the podium.

The students began to talk among themselves and wonder why she was just standing there and staring at the podium. Eventually, a student walked over and tried to get her attention, but she never responded. They then looked at the desk and squinted their eyes in confusion before motioning their friends over. Soon, the whole class was down there looking at a strange eight pointed star burnt into the podium.

One student looked at me before pointing to my earrings and asking "Hey, did you do this or something? It's the same weird star that you have on your earrings." I shook my head as I stared at the star. It was either made by the academy director, Damien, or some other person from Noir. But the question is, why would someone go out of their way to give such an obvious sign, saying that the forces of Noir were still watching.

I looked over each student to see if they had any reactions, and that's when I saw Sylia's face pale slightly before regaining its color. "Hey, Sylia, do you know what this is?" Sylia looked up at me before walking over and leaning in close to take a look at the star. When she looked back up at me and said "No, I have never seen this before..." her eyes started to turn into a dull red. I blinked and shook my head slightly and her eyes were back to their normal icy blue color.

I must've imagined it.

I nodded my head and said "All right, I was just checking." before moving over toward Orzo and looking over the class once more to see if I could find anything. "So, who do you think did it? y'know, the thing up there on the podium." Orzo asked as he looked at me out from the corner of his eye. I shrugged and answered honestly. "I have no clue. I didn't do it, and you all know that much."

Orzo began to stroke his chin before muttering "That means it has to be someone who's obsessed with you. I mean, I've only seen that star on your tattoos and earrings..." I chuckled and shook my head in exasperation before saying "That is indeed a possibility." I would've liked to believe that it was someone obsessed with me, however, everyone here hated me. Plus, I didn't mention that I could see a faint trace of a blood-red aura on the star.

I'd have to look at everyone's aura and see if it matches up. I couldn't have the suspect thinking that I knew it was them, so I had to be discreet and make sure I chose my words carefully. This could very well be a test after all. I sighed and began to rub my temples as I racked my brain for every possibility, a common sight these days.

Just then, the door swung open and a man with long, unkempt, oily dark-green hair, heterochromatic blue and green eyes, small framed glasses, and handsome features entered the room with an expressionless face. Then, I could see it. The sickly, blood-red aura drooping off of his body like a thick goo.

I narrowed my eyes and matched the man's gaze before asking "Hey, do you know anything about this star? You look like you have quite a good bit of knowledge stored up there." and pointing at his head. The man cocked his head while looking at me before shrugging his shoulders and walking over to the podium. I noticed Sylia was tightly gripping her hands behind her back, so I moved over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax. I won't let anything happen. Not now." I whispered into her ear and she visibly relaxed. The man looked at the eight-pointed star and let out a low 'Hmm' before saying "This looks to be a sort of summoning circle used by the Noir army back during the First War. As to why it's here, I don't know." The man noticed I was practically staring daggers at him, so he walked over and extended his hand before introducing himself.

"Ah, you must be new to the Academy. My name is Yuji Wakizawa, but you can just call me Professor Wakizawa." I froze at the mention of his surname. 'It has to be a coincidence...he can't be related to me...if he is, then how, he's not even Human...' I snapped out of my daze and shook his hand before saying "Nice to meet you. My name's Take Wakizawa."

Now it was the man's turn to freeze as he stared at me with his mouth opened slightly. He took a deep breath and a look of confusion crossed his face before disappearing entirely. "Is your father's name perchance Mukan Wakizawa...?" Mukan. The name struck my heart like a heated nail as memories of my father began to appear in my mind.

It was no coincidence that he knew my father's name. "Yes, how did you know?" I asked with a wary look. Yuji laughed and his next words echoed in my mind as they repeated over, and over again.

"I know him because I'm his brother, which makes me your uncle, Take."