
Chapter fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

"Good night," Hazel said to Chen. " Daisy is already asleep in her room."

"Okay, thanks so much," Chen replied giving her a quick embrace at the entrance of the door.

He went over to the sofa and tilted his head backward. Abigail has not arrived yet.

All of a sudden, he felt a pain in his neck. He stood from the chair and went over to the mirror. He traced his hand down to where he hai feeling the pain. He saw a mark that could only be made by a sword.

He could not remember how he got that scar. The pain increases. His head started throbbing and he started hearing different voices echoing in his head.

"I told you am going to kill you, "one of the voices said.

He felt his muscles weaken and he went down on his knees gasping for air.

It was an excruciating pain he could not explain. The pain in his neck became so painful. It felt as if a sword his cutting through his neck. He fell on his knees and slumped down. His eyes reddened like the fire.


"Chen," Abigail called shaking him violently. He jumped from the bed looking surprised.

"Do you want to use the whole day to sleep?" Abigail asked.

"Was it a dream?" He thought. "No it looked more real than for it to be a dream," he realized.

"Where do you find me yesterday night?" He asked.

"On the bed, of course," she replied. " Let go it almost time. Everyone is waiting."

He went over to the mirror and checked his neck but there were no traces of any mark.

"What is wrong with me?" He asked himself. His hallucinations have increased terribly these days

He put aside the thought and went to have his bathe.


Abigail dressed Daisy in a black boot, a sand-coloured skirt with a matching blouse, black tights, a waist-length jacket, and a beret.

"How do I look like?" Daisy asked Abigail.

"Beautiful," she said." I wished you were not blind to see what you look like."

"I still have a lot to be grateful for. I can't see but I can feel. Is that not awesome and I even have Chen. There is nothing that delights my heart more than to jerk his voice every day," Daisy said.

Abigail sigh. "Yeah. Yes, of course, you are right. Nothing delights one's heart than to see him every day. He is such a blessing," Abigail said.

" What is today's occasion?" Daisy asked.

"Hazel. Hazel is coming over to greet you," she lied. However, she does not know the reason why she mentioned her sworn enemy.

"Hazel," Daisy repeated." Heard she had become the best musician," Daisy replied and Abigail replied nodding though Daisy could not see her.

Chen would have become the same thing too. I took away his dream from him. He and Hazel would have soared high in the sky together like an eagle. I knew he and Hazel were made for each other but I was too selfish. He stayed with me when his grandfather died and made him give up on his dream. If only I had persuaded him to go to the concert instead of talking with me, he would have been in the same place as Hazel. An awful mother, aren't I?" Daisy asked with a tiny regret in her voice.

Before Abigail could remember she continued," I tried all I could do to make him happy but I can't. What I got is the word fell etched on my forearm. He was the one who always made me happy. I could not do anything for him. Sometimes, I heard him scream in his room but I could not do anything. Sometimes, he returned back home crying. He had been bullied yet, I could not do anything. Then I came to realize, I could not do anything for him. I can not be part of his life. He has to fight for the kind of life he wants alone. He went through the hurdles alone and he did not forget me. Abigail, I know this must be hard for you but please I don't want to see Chen being hurt again. It does not matter if I can see or not. What matters is that Chen is alright. Chen deserves to be happy and okay," Daisy said in a pleading tone.

"I will make sure he is happy. I promise. But for now, let go others are waiting," Abigail said supporting Daisy outside.

Hazel is dressed in a black trousers, a white blouse, and an elegant grey jacket. She looked gorgeous and radiant. She looks younger than her age and more beautiful and Abigail became jealous.

Amanda went in to change her dress. She changed into black jeans, a black T-shirt, and an obligatory leather jacket. She also looks beautiful and younger.

Abigail wore a full, black wool skirt and a tailored, white silk shirt. She looks adorable, beautiful, and looks younger than her age.

Chen wore a dark blue blazer, a pale shirt and a tie, and gray slacks. He dominated the whole house with his height and his arresting looks, his inbred confidence, and his commanding air of authority.

"Happy birthday," they all shouted the moment Daisy entered the sitting room.

Amanda brought out the bake she had made and gave it to Daisy.

"Say ur wish and blow out the candles on the count of three," Amanda said beaming with a smile.

Daisy stretched her hand and Amanda helped her in holding the cake.

Everyone else brought out their presents and presented them to Daisy. There was so much fun.

They settled down for the dinner. All the discussions were mainly based on Hazel and Abigail felt left out. She went to her room and lay down on the bed.

Minutes later, Chen entered the room slowly. He sat beside Abigail.

"What is wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing just that I miss you," she replied.

" And here I am," he said.

"Kiss me," Abigail requested. I will not be able to feel that lip of yours on mine for some days.

"Why?" Asked the bewildered Chen.

"I will be traveling," Abigail said." No more questions."

"Before he knew what happening, Abigail came over to him. Her lips came down hard on his. Stunned, he tried to turn his head away but the pressure of her mouth was relentless. Her hand clasped the back of his head, her fingers twining in his hair to hold him captive. Her other hand folded like a chain-mail glove over him, preventing him from pushing her away.

"Stop fighting and kiss me back, I know this is what you want," she hissed against his lips. He stopped fighting and struggling and let hai body relax.

She slowly released her lips from his. " I want more," she whispered.