The Kingdom of Byan is situated at the centre point of trade route between east and west, north and south. When the strong Imperial Army staged a coup, the only princess found herself stuck between reclaiming the throne and avenge her father or abandon her royal duty and lives a commoner life.
The morning sunlight penetrated through a bedroom and concentrated its radiance onto a sleeping figure. The sudden intensity awoke the feminine figure who lazily sit up on her bed and stretched out. She let out a big yawn and rubbed her eyes with her delicate hand. She adjusted her eyes to the morning light and slowly stood up.
Her messy hair can't mar the beautiful features on her face. Her auburn hair loosely hanged behind her back. She walked in front of life-sized mirror and meticulously braided her hair. She hummed to herself a tune from her childhood. Her mood was good this morning.
A soft knock came from the bedroom door pausing her humming.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, your Highness. Orta. I'm here to enquire whether you want to have breakfast in your room or at the dining hall."
"I'll go to the dining hall. But let me finish my braid first."
"D'you require my help, your Highness?"
"No need. I'm almost done. You can tell my siblings I'm joining them for breakfast."
"As you wish your Highness."
With Orta's voice no longer heard from the door, she continue braiding her hair. When done, she went to a wardrobe and picked out a long beige dress. After washing her face from a wash basin prepared last night she walked out of her bedroom and greeted the three stout looking bodyguard of hers.
"My lady." The trio quickly kneed down in respect to her. She had already told them to stop being formal with her. Some of her guards heeded her pleading but only a few. She cannot blame them as discipline in the Guardians was a must so she must respect their customs. In truth she loathed the royal treatment directed at her. She always wished to be a normal people, doing chores like cooking or laundering, watering plants or cleaning the house. This was one of the reason Orta didn't push to help her braiding her hair. She wants to do things by herself.
Oh, by the way the narrator forgot to introduce the young princess here. She is Remalia Ri Bycroft. Also known as Rema. The one and only princess of the Byan Kingdom. She was 20 years old at this point of the story and this is a mundane life of her not-so pampered princess.
Escorted by the three bodyguards, she slowly made her way to the dining hall located at the third floor of the castle. She greeted every castle's workers she met along the way. Not long after, she reached the dining hall. From outside, she heard the voices of her step-brothers bickering. She laughed in her heart as she stepped into the dining hall.
The dining hall was a large hall originally used as the main chamber for royal decree. After the castle was expanded and the Royal Chamber was built, it was changed to dining functions. Rows of large desks lined up neatly with the main royal desks overlooking them from an elevated floor. The two princes was attacking their food with relish. A middle aged woman was looking at both of them with love in her eyes.
"Sis Rem, quick Refa is finishing your portion. I tried to stop him but he won't listen." One of the prince said when he noticed her arrival. The other prince who's back was facing her quickly turned around and stare at her. A look of happiness shown in his eyes but his mouth was still chomping down on food. This caused him to look chubbier than normal and Rema grinned openly.
"You look like a pig if you stuff your mouth like that," Rema mocked. She approached the table and moved to wipe Refa's face with his napkin.
"I already told him but he won't listen."
"Remat, stop teasing your brother and finish your meal. You have Instructor Lawson's lesson after this," the middle aged woman reprimanded the young prince.
"Yes, mother," Remat replied meekly and turned his attention to the meal in front of him.
"Mother," Rema faced the middle aged woman and curtsied.
"I'm surprised to see you at the dining hall today. You usually had meals in your room or at the viewing wing," the middle aged woman said.
"Yes, I guess I missed having dinner with my family," Rema replied while taking a seat. "By the way, where is Father?"
"He went to see your uncle, General Ralf. The General arrived late last night and the King wants to have breakfast with him."
"I can't wait to see uncle Ralf as he always bring presents to me every time he's here," Refa said.
The four Bycroft's chatted over their breakfast happily. Then Refa and Remat went to their lesson for the day while the middle aged woman who is the Queen went to join King Roger.
Rema was left to finish her meal alone. This was a regular occurrence when she joined for the meal. She always took her time enjoying the taste of her meal. She relished the meal cook by Mrs Gia who was also the one to teach her how to cook. She ate slowly to guess the ingredients and condiments used in the food. After done, she went to the kitchen to help washed the dishes and seek Mrs Gia.
She asked about the breakfast today and chatted with the kitchen crews. When they started to prepare for lunch she went out to the garden for a stroll.
The castle's garden was a unique one. It was located on the fourth level of the castle. This was artificially created to celebrate her sixth birthday. When it was done a year later, the garde had became her favourite place in the whole castle.
She was strolling around happily following a trail made from pavement. Then she heard the sound of swords slashing the air and went to search for the source. She arrived at a small clearing about 5 feet wide. A small pavilion was erected at the end of the clearing. Just in front of the pavilion stood a tall young man swinging his sword around. She stood and observed the young man's movement.
The young man is Captain Jon, the captain of her personal bodyguard. He didn't noticed her arrival and continue practising his moves. Her current bodyguards wants to report her presence but she blocked them.
"Let him continue his training. This is his off-time isn't it?"
The bodyguards obliged. She moved on to the edge of the garden that overlooked the capital city. This location was another of her favourite spot as you can see the sea to the left and to the right.
The Kingdom of Byan was surrounded by sea to its north and south with the capital city was located at the intersection point of both seas. This allowed the kingdom to prosper with its maritime trade and being the centre of the east-west trade route.
Rema took a deep breath and looked on the impressive sight in front of her. The bustling streets of the capital was filled with peoples of all ages and races. From her vantage point, she can even see the farmers tilting their crops outside the capital, children playing near the shores and merchants arriving to start their businesses in the city.
She then noticed a delegation arrived at the castle courtyard. She saw her parents and smile happily. Her father had grew a beard just as white specks began to infiltrate his bushy long hair. His figure had bulked up a bit but he still possessed the gait of a warrior.
She recognized her uncle General Ralf, dismounted from his steed, and joking around with his younger brother. The camaraderie between the two brothers reminded her the two step-siblings.
Then she watched her father had his back to General Ralf. She saw her uncle unsheathed his sword and stabbed at his father. He pulled back and stabbed again and again. She watched silently as her father fell face first on the ground