
Turning Pique Down

A few moments later, they were driving out of college.

Felicia was the type that liked having a moderate type of fun. She was cool with going to parties but also disciplined herself to make sure this wasn't a frequent thing.

Her parents trusted her enough and she was already an adult at this time so they didn't want to butt in with her living her life the way she wanted to.

She couldn't turn down invitation parties where her friends were also attending so this particular one was a must.

Also, Pique was one of her childhood friends so of course, she'd attend his party.

They got there about thirty minutes later. It was situated somewhere around the west of Maryln Island. A big and Luxurious looking abode where the shore is visible from within.

Trees and flowers with other types of vegetation could be seen planted in the surroundings which made this place look quite secluded.

Young adults from all over the place were already gathered in front of the home.

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

Loud voices of these youngsters, giggling and conversing with one other reverberated across the place.

Some were dressed in swimming outfits, playing around at the shore area. Drinks were being passed around and some couples were already making out in the bush by the side while some youngsters stood at the balcony area of the house.

Everyone had a group that they were attached to and the whole place was really lively.

Loud music was blasting forth across the place from the DJ.

More and more youngsters continued to arrive.

Felicia and the other three had parked behind the house and were currently moving towards it together.

The instant all four of them were spotted, the entire vicinity turned noisier.

-"The H4 are here,"

-"Oh my gosh Felicia is looking stunning as usual,"

-"Avery is just so breathtaking, look at her hair,"

-"Candice is hot as fuck,"

-"I would do anything for Nicole to just stare at me even once,"

The voices of admiration in the background continued for several minutes especially with the fanboys who had these four as their crushes.

A young lad who looked no older than twenty walked up to them from the balcony area as they arrived in front of the house.

"Welcome ladies," He said while displaying a full set of white teeth with a charming smile.

"Pique," They all voiced out together, greeting him back with a smile as well.

Pique was a 6'2 tall young chap with a great male athletic figure. He had dark blue eyes and blonde short hair. He was among the most popular kids on campus with his physique and handsome looks.

He was well known for being on the football team and his father happened to own the largest milk factory on the island.

"Come on over, there are drinks and many other fun things on our menu today," Pique gestured to the girls as he moved towards the balcony area and grabbed some drinks before passing it to all four of them.

Just when Felicia was about to collect the drink she recalled something and stopped herself.

"Nah I'm good, I'll take a soda instead," She voiced out, declining the alcoholic drink.

"What? You're kidding right?" Avery voiced out as the other girls also stared at Felicia with a weird look.

"Did I stutter?" Felicia responded with a decisive look.

"Alright girls, there's no need to get feisty," Pique stated with a smile and moved indoors to go get a soda.

"You don't wanna get wasted this night huh?" Nicole asked while raising one of her eyebrows with a suspicious gaze.

"Yeah... it didn't turn out so well for me last time," Felicia replied while recalling the incident where she nearly crashed into a tree.

"Tch what a killjoy," Avery responded with a snicker before gulping down a bit of alcohol.

"Shouldn't matter to you, it's her body, not yours," Candice voiced out with a slightly repressed look.

"Whatever, I see a cute dude over there giving me sexy stares... see you girls later," Avery stated before walking forward in the direction of a group of two boys and a girl.

"Just ignore her, you know how she is," Candice said to Felicia.

Pique arrived with a soda a few seconds later and passed it to Felicia.

Felicia received it and instantly took a sip.

"Now this is way better, I ain't about to bother anyone with carrying my sorry ass home," She stated with a sigh.

Pique laughed lightly at that statement and a conversation ensued between them.

Pique was a childhood friend of Felicia since their parents were close friends and both influential all across the island.

They had grown up playing and building sandcastles together by the shore.

The party continued and after about thirty minutes, only Pique and Felicia were standing together in front of the balcony area.

The others had gone forward to dance and play games in the shore area.

"Felicia, can you come with me to somewhere a little more private?" Pique asked with a sweet smile.

"Hmm...Where exactly?" Felicia asked but instead of a reply, Pique grabbed her right hand.

"Come on, let's go," He said as he pulled her along with him while giggling.

Felicia followed him and they found themselves on the west side of the house within the bushes.

At first, Felicia wondered where they were headed but in a few, they arrived before a slightly cleared space where a big tree could be seen.

A good-looking treehouse was constructed right there.

Felicia smiled as she spotted the treehouse. She and Pique climbed up together, arriving at the top, and went inside.

"Do you still remember all our memories here?" Pique inquired with a cheerful gaze as they sat opposite each other within the treehouse.

"How could I forget? This was always our hiding spot," Felicia responded with a smile.

"You were also so mischievous when we were little," Pique stated.

"Who says I've stopped being mischievous?" Felicia's response resulted in both of them bursting out in laughter.

After a few seconds, the place quietened a bit as Pique stared into Felicia's eyes.

"Felicia, I have something to tell you," He voiced out with a slightly tensed expression.

"Hmm?" Felicia exclaimed with a slightly suspicious look.

"We've been close since we were kids... We share a connection deeper than many people," Pique began speaking.

"I get you, you get me... And now we're both adults," Pique added.

'...I hope he's not gonna say what I think he's gonna say,' This thought appeared in Felicia's head with an internal sigh as Pique kept speaking.

"I cherish you as one of the best people in my life,"

'Don't do it Pique... don't do it...' Felicia kept saying in her head as she displayed a wry smile.

"What I'm saying is... I want us to date," Pique finally stopped beating around the bush and stated.

"I've always had a huge crush on you since we were kids, that's why I never dated anyone. I have been patiently waiting for the day I summed up enough courage to ask you and that day is today," He added while reaching out to grab her hands and rubbing them gently.

"...Sigh, not you too Pique," Felicia voiced out with a heavy sigh while withdrawing her hands.

"I'm sorry but it can't happen... Since you know me well enough you should also understand that I am not interested in dating anyone right now," Felicia said with an apologetic expression.

The image of a particular person appeared in her mind but she quickly discarded it before it invaded her thoughts.

"But we know each other so well, we would be good together... even both our parents will be happy if they found out we were dating and they'd support us," Pique stated while leaning in closer to Felicia's face.

"Look, as much as I'd like to indulge that opinion, I am not interested in dating anyone right now or even in the future..." Felicia responded with a sigh.

"You're such a good guy with a blossoming character and a face that could rival that of princes,"

Pique chuckled lightly as heard Felicia say that "And here comes the but..." He muttered with a sigh.

"But..." Felicia still said it regardless, "It can't be me... many other beautiful girls would be happy to date you, they would be thrilled..."

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