
Chapter One: Graduation

Dayn wiped the moisture from his brow, he looked at himself in the bathing rooms large mirror, he had changed a lot over the past six years, looking back at him was a man grown, The green had come in more strongly in his eyes making them gleam like the brightest emerald. He hadn't begun to shave yet and a light shadow of stubble had grown across his strong jawline. The mirror showed his muscular arms as he combed out his long earthy brown hair which cascaded to his strong square shoulders.

He didn't want to owe the Kanara family anything so when he had arrived he took on an apprenticeship at a local smithy for coin, the years of hammering metal and practicing with the blade had brought his physique to new heights.

Dayn pulled on a plain onyx tunic, he left the copper buttons open as he laced up his ordinary tan breeches, he made for the door tying up his hair in a leather strip at the base of his neck. Dayn was the only ordinary aspirant at the Temple Paladius, he was surrounded by nobles and the sons of rich merchants, he would have stood out as the only ordinary man if not for his physique.

He passed into the main hall where Zak stood in full ceremonial armor upon a raised dais at the back of the room, behind him rose the intertwined statues of the silver Selvarthrallax and the golden Giarallis. The room was vast, below the dais were the rich redwood pews where many of the aspirants already sat waiting for the announcement. Great marble and quartz pillars held up the great vaulted ceiling which depicted the many battles of past Paladins of the order, Dayn noticed a man leaning against the wall as he entered, the son of the Bassack family.

The man was weaselly in appearance and personality, he stood a full foot shorter then Dayn and his arms looked like they'd snap if they lifted anything heavier then a pen knife, during training the boy had always had his private lessons with an instructor who was the son of a lesser noble family.

His clothing was rich with gold and silver embroidery his current tunic had a few small precious gemstones inlayed into the platinum buttons, anything to take attention away from his face. Dayn had seen many of the peasant maidens fall victim to the mans cruelty and lust over the last few years which truly disgusted him.

"Dayn, so the peasant has shown up to witness my grand induction into the paladins," the man said with what he believed to be flair, "You should feel grateful, its not everyday lesser folk are witness to my elegance."

Dayn rolled his eyes while the ridiculous man was in one of his gods awful poses, in truth Zakary hadn't told anyone what today's announcement was about, it was widely believed he'd be inducting new paladins today from amongst the aspirants. Dayn moved passed Girrem and settled on a seat in the back, the noble boy smirked at him as he moved to the very front row, forcing another aspirant to vacate a seat, Dayn shook his head at the fools audacity.

"As many of you have guessed I have called you here today to perform my final induction as your Grandmaster, following today Paladin Godric will be taking my place" he allowed his voice to trail off. Dayn assumed today would be his last day at the temple, none of the nobles had ever shown him much hospitality since his arrival here at the age of ten, "Well.. lets get to it then."

Zak had aged over the last several years, his hair had whitened and skin wrinkled, he had lost much of his former strength, he had deteriorated to such a degree the council had called for his replacement. Although he still had a fire in his eyes and a spring in his step his decision to adopt Dayn had made him widely unpopular amongst the nobility.

His own son the king led a campaign to discredit him during the first three years following Dayn's arrival, the boy had constantly been harassed by what were supposedly his betters. It wasn't all bad however, he had made many friends amongst the folk that lived in the poorer district during his apprenticeship with the blacksmith Sebastian.

Zak was nearing the end of his list of names now, "Palmer.. Florian.. Giles.. and finally, Dayn" he had to keep from laughing aloud, he hadn't expected Zak to do this. As his last act as Grandmaster Zakary had given Dayn his graduation, whether he remained in the temple or not now he was officially a paladin of the order Paladius. What's more he had denied Girrem the right of the same status, he no longer had to worry about pressure from the Bassack's with his retirement, the ceremony only happened every two years.

Hopefully the snobbish aristocrat would lose interest in that time, the inquisitors suited him better anyways, they were full of self entitled fools of noble birth.

Zak stepped away from the dais and Godric took his place, Dayn could see Girrem clearly in the front row trying to contain his rising fury, "You honor me with such a prestigious position, I hope to do my ancestors and our former king" he motioned to Zakary "Proud." Zak nodded in the direction of the man as he made his way to the back of the nave, he tapped Dayn on the shoulder motioning for him to follow while Godric continued into a tedious speech.

Zak led Dayn to their home across from a park near the poorer district of the city, "It's time for you to carve out your own place in the world now lad" he said, "They allowed you to call yourself paladin on the condition you not return to the temple following today." They arrived at the front door, it wasn't a bad home, it was richer then most nearby, it had two stories, and was made from solid material there were no leaks or drafts either.

Zak fit a small iron key into the lock and opened the door, the dining room was just off the main hall and resting upon the table was a large package wrapped in cloth. "Go ahead its for you" Zak said resting on a small couch so he could pull off his boots, Dayn kicked off his own boots and quickly moved to the large parcel.

He slowly unwrapped it revealing the very claymore Zak had used when the two of them had been trapped in the Underealm, "I..I can't accept this" Dayn said truly astonished. "I no longer have a use for it, its yours now" Zak said waving away Dayn's protests.

The weapon had been handed down in the royal family for the passed several generations and by rights it should be going to the king next. "My son isn't worthy" Zak replied when Dayn brought it up, "I only wish I had never given him the thrown, I was young and blinded by nepotism" he said feeling nostalgic and foolish at the same time.

"Well round up your gear, I sent a letter to Sartann saying you'd be by for a visit in a few days, times wasting" Zak rushed him not giving him time to protest. Dayn pulled on a set of chainmail armor, tied his travel cloak over his shoulder and strapped on his bag, "I'll expect you back in a couple of weeks" Zak said shaking a finger at him, "Don't make a nuisance of yourself."

The streets were eerily silent as he made his way towards Sebas' shop, it was strange only a moment ago the market was bustling with activity, Dayn knocked at the door... no answer, he knocked again a little harder.... again no answer. He tried the handle and found it to be latched tight, all the windows were shuttered as well, "What's going on its prime business hours" Dayn muttered to himself.

He turned to leave and found himself looking at a group of dock thugs walking up the street, "Well this's an easy job innit" the man in the lead sneered, "Fancy bloke dun cleared the streets fer us." "We can earn a roight bit a coin from that uns corpse as well I figger" a second ruffian laughed, "look at is fancy coverins," Dayn instinctively knew there would be no talking his way out of this.

He drew out his newly acquired claymore, "I don't want any trouble lads, you let me pass and this doesn't have to get ugly," "Look at the balls on this un eh" the lead man said "You daft? there're three o us, and only one o you." "Some bloke payin us a lot a coin fer yer head ya git" another said "You ain't gettin out o ere alive."

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