
Chapter 40 : Pecking Order

Koneko: Zero-nii ?!

ORC: Zero?!!!

Zero: Yo, everybody, how are you doing since the last time?

Rias: Why are you here?

Zero: What, I'm not allowed to visit my friends who are training non-stop because their future depends on it?

My words put a smile on all the members of the ORC

Rias: I see, thank you

Rias says to me, smiling and blushing a little

Venelana: Ara~ ara~

The ORC members turn to Venelana with different expressions, but most of them wonder who it is

Issei: Wow, who is this beautiful person, Bucho, your big sister?

Then all of a sudden Rias looks shocked.

Rias: Mother?!

Rias asks uncertainly.

Venelana: Yes it's me, Rias.

Issei: Huh?! That's Bucho's mother, I didn't recognize her, she looks younger than yesterday.

Venelana: Thank you for the compliment, Hyoudou-kun

Akeno: But how is that possible? You don't seem to have used any magic, what happened?

Venelana: That Akeno-chan, that's my secret.

Rias: Putting the question of your sudden change for later mother, what happened here? I felt a great concentration of PoD and then we heard a great explosion coming from here.

Venelana: Oh it was nothing serious, it was just my hand slipping.

Zero: What do you mean it was just my hand that slipped? Venelana-san, that dragon made of concentrated PoD was probably, no, I would say completely intended for me.

Venelana: What are you talking about Zero-chan, I would never do that to you, fu~ fu~.

Zero (thought): That woman.

Zero: You know what, I'm going to pretend none of this ever happened.

One of my eyebrows twitches as I am so outraged by this woman's behaviour, before I head to the destroyed part of the garden, then switch to Sage mode.

Marks appear on my pupils and fox whiskers appear on my cheeks and my eyes become fox eyes, then I start to absorb the natural energy around me.

Aine: Features of a fox?

Then I perform a series of hand seals very quickly

Zero: [ Mokuton: Wild Nature ]

The destroyed area comes back to life instantly, the ground returns to its original state and is covered with fresh grass, and trees and shrubs grow back.

Zero: That should do the trick.

I think to myself as I turn off my Sage mode.

Ladies, Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Issei: Wow?!

Grayfia: Senjutsu?!

Rias: Senjutsu?! How?

Kuroka: Zero is a member of the Shinto and Yokai faction, that's how nya~

Koneko: Onee-chan???!

Kuroka: Hi, Shirone, I came to see you, nya~.

All the Senior devils become dumbfounded again by my new ability while the young devils look at me with piercing eyes full of questions.

Amarylis: Senjutsu? And what's next, are you going to tell us you have a Longinus-type Sacred Gear?

Lady 1: Haha that's not possible he can't be that lucky to have that too, right, Zero-kun?

I avert my eyes to avoid everyone's gaze

All the devils expect ORC: ...

Lady 1: I'm telling you Amarylis, Kia but that boy is a real walking powder keg.

Kia: ...

Amarylis: Tell me more.

Misla: But back to the subject of Senjutsu, I heard that those who use it become intoxicated by its power, how come when you use it you have nothing?

Zero: Oh this information is misinterpreted, you should know that only people who are attuned to nature can use Senjutsu without side effects like the Yokai because they know how not to absorb the malice that exists in the natural energy but some exceptions are favoured by nature and these exceptions must undergo more rigorous training than the Yokai or else they will turn into stone for eternity if they fail, not to mention the malice in the natural energy, these exceptions are known as the Sage

Aine: Does that mean you are one of these exceptions then?

Zero: I am, indeed, I study under the Seiten Taisei Son Wukong, he taught me almost everything I know about martial arts and the basics of Senjutsu but it wasn't until recently that I started practising it actively.

Misla: You study under the legendary Seiten Taisei?

Amarilys: That explains why you could beat these young devils with only a stick now.

Zero: Well being close to the goddess Amaterasu of the Shinto faction I had the chance to meet him several times and learn from him.

Rias, Akeno and Kiba look at me with disbelieving eyes.

Rias: ... Are you the Zero we know?

Zero: Excuse me?

Rias: I mean the more I'm learning about you the more I think that the Zero before me is different from the Zero I have been around until now and during these last few months all the changes around you only reinforce this impression.

Kiba: I agree with her, even I almost didn't recognize you.

Akeno: Indeed, your new appearance makes you more handsome than before, that I want to eat you. Sona and Tsubaki are lucky. Tell me, you wouldn't be interested in having an affair with me.

Akeno says to me while approaching me when suddenly a shadow comes between me and her

Ingvild: Could you not flirt with my King, please?

Asks a lavender haired girl to the black-haired girl, with a not so warm smile.

Venelana: Ara~ ma~ someone is on the defensive, it seems.

Akeno: Who am I speaking to?

Ingvild: Ingvild Leviathan, Queen of Zero Akatsuki-sama peerage, and I am also one of his fiancées.

Rias / Akeno / Kiba / Issei: Queen and fiancée?!

Rias: Wait a moment, did you say your name is Leviathan as in the Leviathan household?

Ingvild: That's right, Rias Gremory, I am one of the last descendants of the Leviathan household.

Rias: I thought the last remaining descendant was part of the Old Maou faction and I never heard of another one still in life.

Ingvild: It's understandable since I was born half-human, half-devil so I spent most of my life in the human world when I caught the devil's sleeping disease, it seems I was taken to the underworld to be cured and hidden from everyone for a hundred years until Zero-sama cured me of my disease, and gave me a place in his family that I can call my own now, that's why I decide to become the queen of his peerage to support him and repay him for his kindness.

Ingvild comes up to me and hugs my right arm, which of course seems to annoy the young Gremory and her Queen enormously until Koneko came toward Ingvild and extend her hand to her.

Koneko: Welcome to the family, sister Ingvild.

Koneko say to Ingvild with a smile

Rias: Koneko ?!

Akeno: What do you mean when you call her sister?

Koneko: Because we are harem sister

Kuroka: Nyany ?!!

Issei: Wait a moment you mean your part of Zero harem too?!

Koneko nod at Issei affirmation.

Zero: Indeed she was one of the first members of my harem, never thought that Koneko will mark me as her mate.

Kuroka: Zero-san why didn't you tell me about that?

Zero: Because you didn't ask me, about it.

Kuroka looks at me with a sulking face.

Ingvild: You must be Shirone-san also know as Koneko Tojo, I hear of you from Luciela-sama and the others, it's pleasure to finally meet you.

Koneko: Nice to meet you too, now that I'm there, Zero-nii?

Zero: What's up Shiro-chan?

A little blush appears on Koneko cheeks.

Koneko: After all of this... you know... I thought we could

Zero: I get it you want to go on a date? Right?

Koneko smile while nodding her head happily, she must be really happy to spend time with me

Rias: Since when did you become this close, you two?

Koneko: Since I meet him 9 months ago

Akeno: Ma~ who have thought that our little Koneko could hide this from us for so long

Rias (thought): How? How Koneko, my beloved little sister figure can be more in advance than me?

Kiba: Well I didn't see that coming at taught you have more a sibling bound but to become something like that I'm impressed, but the question I'm asking myself is since when do you have a peerage and you don't seem to have become a devil?

Zero: Classified... I'm just kidding, I'll tell you about that at another time.

Issei: Why are almost all the pretty ones attracted to him, is there no Satan left on this earth?

Issei says with envy

Zero: Issei... you are pitiful sometimes, you know that my friend?

I tell him a little disappointed at his reaction but find it understandable.

Issei: Shut up, mister I'm a woman magnet, you don't know the pain I'm going through right now to see my dream being fulfilled by someone else and so easily too.

Zero: Huh?! Sorry?

Issei: Don't apologize and why are you using an interrogative tone, you're not making any sense, man.

Zero: You know what I'll tell you my secret.

My words seem to give Issei hope.

Issei: Really, enlighten me with your wisdom, Sensei.

Zero: In truth, I don't do anything difficult to attract all the women in my life now, they seem to be attracted to my warm and friendly aura, I show respect to them and most of all stay myself and show them a good time and if they seem to be attracted to me, I analyze their personalities and their true feelings towards me and of course they are willing to share me with others without fighting too much, after that the rest is up to my response

Issei: ... Are you serious?!

Zero: I am, oh and a tip from your senpai in life.

Issei: What?

Zero: If you want to keep your harem afloat, I advise you to find a way to make a lot of money legally because let me tell you, it's going to cost you a lot of money.

Issei: ...

Issei stands in a corner and seems to be rethinking his life's purpose, no rather his entire existence.

Hikari: I think you just broke his understanding of the world

Zero: I think I did.

In the meantime, the two sisters are together for the first time in years.

Koneko: ...

Kuroka: ...

They stare at each other for a while now, until Rias decide to talk

Rias: Kone...

Zero: Shhhhh

Only for me to shut her up from saying a single word

Koneko: Uh...

Kuroka: Uh...

Koneko and Kuroka look at each other without either of them making the first move, of course with the looks of the people around them it doesn't help.

Zero: *sigh* Seriously what does it take to make your loved ones happy


I snap my fingers, Kuroka and Koneko disappear from the terrace which surprises everyone.

I sent them to a comfortable ID where they can talk in private without the gaze of others

Rias: What happened, where is Koneko?

Zero: Who knows?

I say shrugging my shoulders with a neutral expression.

Rias: You're not answering my question

She says to me with a, not at all satisfied look on her face.

Zero: Because I don't want to answer you, it's that simple, isn't it?

I answer her with a smile on my face

Rias: You're just doing this to piss me off, aren't you?

Zero: I'll leave the answer to your discretion.

Rias: Zero, I hate you.

Zero: Hai, hai I love you too Rias.

I answer her which makes her angrier, everyone starts laughing at Rias being bullied by her junior.

Aine: You two seem to be getting on well together, it's almost like a brother and sister bickering.

Kia: Fu~ fu~ Rias-chan you are so cute when you sulk.

Rias: Aine, Aunt Kia, are you here too?

Aine: How are you Rias? Is your training going well?

Rias: I'm doing very well and our training is also going well, everyone has improved and increased in power, but it's rare to see you two visiting us?

Kia: Your mother invited me to come today to celebrate Misla's recovery and Aine wanted to visit her sister so she just accompanied me but who would have thought that during this simple visit, something so interesting happened

Rias: Something interesting?

Aine: Yes, I'm announcing that from today I'm engaged, impressive isn't it?

The news intrigues and surprises Rias, which scares her a little because deep down she feels that she knew where this is going.

Rias: Oh, congratulations Aine and who is the lucky one, as I remember you said that no man interests you

Aine: Before maybe, but when I saw him for the first time it was love at first sight, and about who it is I would say it's someone you know

Rias: Someone I know?

Rias feel the dread increase in her

Akeno: Heh, what kind of man is he?

Aine: He's kind, funny, caring, protective, strong, a great musician, popular, a great cook, loves his family more than anything, very protective of his own but from what I've heard he can be scary when he gets mad

Zero: Oh stop it Aine-chan you are making me blush

Rias and Akeno look at me before their eyes open wide

Aine: But I'm only telling the truth, my love

Aine responds by hugging my other arm, making Rias and Akeno turn their heads towards Aine and then make the connection rather quickly.

Zero: Don't think that just showering me with praise will be enough to earn you points over the others

Aine: Don't worry I have more than one trick up my sleeve

Zero: Oh, I can't wait to see that.

Kia: Really, youth today

Rias (thought): Please don't tell me it's that. Please...

Aine: As you can see I am engaged to Zero.

Rias: I see.

Rias (thought): Why, why? I am supposed to be there, I am supposed to be the one who is closest to him, why do other girls appear one after another to take what is mine, first Sona, then this Leviathan girl, then I learn Koneko is part of it since a moment and now it's Aine turn, why not me?

Rias: Congratulations again, Aine.

Rias (thought): Calm down Rias you still have a chance.

Congratulates Rias with a smile but she doesn't know out of the corner of my eye, I can see her bubbles with jealousy.

// Timeskip //

After the drama, the aunts of the other families decided to go home to test their beauty elixir, Amarilys went back to the Sitri estate as she has patients to see.

Leaving only the ORC, my group, Venelana, Grayfia, Aine and Kia-san.

Kuroka and Koneko returned from their discussion each with a smile on their face and traces of tears.

Now everyone is in one of the training areas of Gremory Manor. When at this very moment Sirzechs, Serafall and Ajuka appear via a magic circle

Venelana: Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall what a surprise to see you here, what brings you here?

Sirzechs: Mother?!!! Is that you?

Venelana: You don't recognize your mother anymore, I'm disappointed Sirzechs.

Serafall: Wow, you look beautiful Lady Gremory.

Venelana: Thank you Sera-chan.

Sirzechs: Grayfia contacted me and told me what happened with Zero but now that I see it up close it's impressive. Who would have thought that the Shinto and Yokai faction would have someone so competent at that age?

He says as he looks towards the ring to see Zero, Ingvild, Homura and Hikari and the ORC members facing each other for a match.

Sirzechs (Thought): So the Lavander hair girl beside Zero is the descendant of the Leviathan? and the two others are not normal at all I can feel some remnant divine energies from them, what are you plotting Zero Akatsuki.

Zero: This match is to see how far you've come in your month and a half of training, and a word of advice, go in with everything you've got because we won't be holding back our moves.

Issei: I'll show you how much I've improved

Kiba: I agree with Issei-kun, I want to measure the result of my training

Koneko: I will go with everything I have.

Akeno: Zero-kun what sound are you going to make me hear.

Akeno says while licking his fingers, not knowing that this is getting on the nerves of a certain water serpent goddess.

Rias: Everyone, be prepared.

Zero: Ok I think I'll go with...

[Urgent Annonce]

[ Announcing to the Gamer you have been chosen by the multiverse to receive an Ultimate Skill ]

[ You have received the Skill 'Meta Luck' ]

Zero (thought): Meta Luck?

[ Meta Luck - Ultimate Rank -

Description: The power to have infinite luck. Sub-power of Meta Probability Manipulation. The ultimate version of luck.

The user is endowed with such a high level of luck that he bends the very structures of reality, constantly rearranging them to his advantage, whether he wants to or not. His luck affects him to the point where probabilities no longer mean anything, i.e. he is immune to the laws of causality and does not suffer the consequences, lives a life without consequences, is destined for wealth, forges his own path to what his heart desires and fulfils all his wishes, etc. This enables users to achieve amazing success in all activities and aspects of life, to overcome the most impossible odds, to conquer the most difficult tasks and trials, and even to defeat the most unbeatable opponents.

Their luck can be so powerful that no force within their universe or reality can take it away, not even death, allowing their luck to continue into the afterlife or into their next life if they die. Erasing luck will only temporarily reduce its effectiveness, rather than removing it permanently]

[Title 'Ultimate Chosen One' and 'Ultimate Protagonist' obtained]

Zero (thought): ...

???: Please wait a moment, Waga Maou...

All: Huh?

A man in a grey coat with a scarf that serves as a hood appears near me, when he removes his hood and sees his face I am surprised to see that he is the best hypeman I know.

Zero: Woz?! You are Woz, aren't you?!

Woz: Yes, waga maou it's me, your most fervent right-hand man, Woz.

Ingvild: What's going on Zero-sama?

Zero: *Sigh* Nothing at all, just my luck acting up, as usual, Woz if you are in front and address me by that title it means I was chosen by him, right?

Woz: Good deduction my king, Sogou has chosen you to carry on his legacy.

Woz prostrates himself before me presenting me with a cushion with a Ziku Driver and a white ridewatch on it.

Woz: You know how to use it.

Zero: I know. But you picked your moment to initiate my coronation.

Serafall: Coronation?

Sirzechs (thought): What does he mean by coronation?

I pick up the Ziku Driver and the white ridewatch glows and turns into a gold ridewatch one that I know very well, Oma Zi-O ridewatch.

[ Oma Zi-O ]

Then at that very moment, all the existing ridewatches appeared one after another around me before they entered my body creating a shockwave of power concentrating all the power of Zero that spread throughout the world.

All the gods of the various pantheons of the world as well as the other faction leaders have felt the shockwave and that it is phenomenally powerful, surpassing theirs by far and seems to have the same signature as the last energy spike they felt some months ago...

[ Ziku Driver, Oma Zi-O driver, Heisei Ridewatch, Reiwa Ridewatch, Jikokuken Kaiji obtained ]

[ Title Demon God King of Space and Time received ]

[ Title King of Kamen Rider received ]

[ Title Demon King received ]

Woz: Subarchi, waga maou your potential surpasses that of your predecessor.

On the side, the 3 Maou and the senior devils are still shaken by the power wave they just felt.

Serafall: How is it possible that Ze-chan has so much power in him?

Sirzechs: More like how can he carry so much power like that without any restrictions or problems... it far exceeds mine even if I go into Super Devil mode.

Ajuka: Hmm, interesting, this young man is an enigma.

Zero: ... *sigh* looks like this time hiding isn't an option, the whole world knows about me now.

Woz: Indeed it is time for you to shine your light in front of the world and accept who you are. I'm surprised you haven't conquered this world yet.

Zero: All in good time, Woz-kun, patience is a virtue few have. Are you guys okay?

Ingvild: I feel like we have gained a power boost and our understanding of space and time seems to have increased otherwise nothing more to report.

Rias: Zero what just happened and who is that person next to you, why is he addressing you as his demon king?

Zero: Rias, shut up, you are asking too many questions.

I command Rias with a dark and commanding voice that makes all the devils except Ingvild flinch immediately, my sudden change in personality surprises the devils except my members and Kuroka who are used to this personality.

Rias (thought): Why do you reject me Zero, why don't you accept me?

Rias: Sorry.

Venelana: What just happened to Zero? The air around him changed.

Kuroka: The aura of a true king

Aine: The aura of a true king?

Kuroka: Um, in other words, Zero's aura is that of a person born to be a king and rule.

Zero: Woz, introduce yourself.

Woz: At your command waga maou, dear queens of my king and devils, pleased to meet you my name is Woz from today I will be the right-hand man and fervent servant of Zero Akatsuki, who from now on will bear the title of Demon King of Space and Time and the name Oma Zi-O II.

Ajuka: Demon King...

Sirzechs: ...of Space and Time...

Kia: Demon King Oma Zi-O II, I can't believe I betrothed my daughter to a demon king in the making, this day is truly an important day for our family.

Aine (thought): I understand why the other girls said to expect my common sense to be completely turned upside down by being with him.

Woz: Sa waga maou, it's time, The Ohma Advent Calendar II advises that you use Saber's power for this match.

Zero: Ai ai, I got it, I'll take your advice

I put away my Oma Zi-O ridewatch and my Ziku Driver to take out my Seiken Swordriver equipped with Kaenken Rekka which I put on.

[ Seiken Swordriver ]

Kiba : Seiken (holy sword) ?!

Koneko: Did he create a new rider system?

Then I take out two Wonder Ride Books which are Brave Dragon and Saiyuu Journey and open them.

Aine: Books?

Zero: Let me tell you the story about a red fire dragon and the monkey king.

[ Brave Dragon! ]

[ Katsute Subete wo Horobosu Hodo no Idaina Chikara wo Tenishita Shinjuu ga Ita. ] [ There was once a God Beast possessing a great power that would destroy everything... ]

[ Saiyuu Journey! ]

[ Toaru osarusan no boukenki makafushigina sono tabi no yukue wa... ] [ The amazing adventure of a certain monkey and the whereabouts of that journey... ]

I close both Wonder Ride Books then put Brave Dragon in the first slot and Saiyuu Journey in the last slot, Two giant versions of both Wonder Ride Books appear behind me then I draw Rekka from the driver

[ Rekka Battou! ][ Rekka draw sword! ]

[ Kiseki no Saiyuu Dragon! ][The miraculous Saiyuu Dragon!]

Zero: Henshin

I make two slashes in the shape of an "X" before a dragon and a red cloud are released from their respective Wonder Ride Books encircling me, the dragon forms an armour and the cloud creates protection on my right arm, the slashes forming the visor,

[Rekka Nisatsu! Mukkimuki no osaru no kuwawari, kaen no tsurugi ga mai odoru!] [Rekka: Two Books! The Buddha's monkey meets and dances with the sword of flames!]

Zero: Henshin

I make two slashes in the shape of an "X" before a dragon and a red cloud are released from their respective Wonder Ride Books encircling me, the dragon forms an armour and the cloud creates protection on my right arm, the slashes forming the visor,

[Rekka Nisatsu! Mukkimuki no osaru no kuwawari, kaen no tsurugi ga mai odoru!]

Woz: IWAE!

The voice of Woz surprises everyone still amazed by my transformation

Woz: The one who wields the power of the holy sword of flame Rekka, the red dragon and the monkey king, the flame swordsman who dance against evil and protect the weak, his name is Kamen Rider Saber Saiyuu Dragon! Truly, he is one of the eleven greatest swordsmen that this world has seen.

Issei: This guy even plays the role of hypeman for him? That's not fair.

Kiba: How can Zero have a holy sword, I thought only the church had them.

Akeno: Zero, what are you?

Zero: I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, remember that.

Issei: No way, Zero is a Kamen Rider?

Rias: Kamen Rider? Like that hero with the same name who appeared in Kuoh?

Issei: Yes, there is an urban legend that says that there are heroes who fight in the shadows against the forces of evil to protect mankind, this warrior is called Kamen Rider. This legend has become more apparent with rumours of Rider's appearance in Japan recently.

Zero: Enough chit chat, Woz.

Woz: Understood your majesty. At this point, the training match pitting the members of Lady Rias Gremory and her peerage against waga maou and his peerage begins. Are you ready? Begin.

Zero (thought): [ Renewal Taekwondo: Basic Stance ]

I put myself in a fighting position with my body diagonal to my opponents.

Rias: Everyone A formation, Kiba in front, Issei and Koneko behind him, Akeno and I in support.

ORC: Understood, Bucho

A red and black gauntlet appears on Issei's arm different from the boosted gear

[ Fire Dragon King Gauntlet - Rank: S - Type: Sacred Gear - Rank: Low Longinus

Description: Sacred Gear in the form of a gauntlet containing the power of the Fire Dragon King Igneel ]

Zero (thought): Heh, he managed to evolve his Twice Critical

Koneko takes off her weights and puts on her pair of flexible but hard material fighting gloves that I gave her last year and switches to Nekomata Mode level 2 and is surrounded by Touki

Zero (thought): Shiro-chan seems to have overcome her trauma, it's going to be an exciting fight

Kiba creates a Holy Sword and a Demon Sword and comes at me at high speed followed by Issei and Koneko

Zero (thought): It seems that Kiba also seems to have evolved more in-depth than his original and seems to have unlocked Blade Blacksmith and they all seem to be more coordinated than before but...

Zero: It takes more to impress me, Dragon Phoenix Art

Bright red flames appear in my right hand

Sirzechs: These are Phoenix flames? I was puzzled when I heard that he appropriated them but I must admit it's a feat but I'm intrigued because his flames are different and seem to surpass the Phenex family's

I make signs with my eyes to my members while giving them their orders via telepathy

Zero (thought): Ingvild vs Akeno and Rias, Hikari vs Kiba, Homura vs Issei, I take Koneko, permission to use the ARCUS system.

Ingvild, Hikari, Homura (thought): Understood


Everyone takes and activates their Arcus II which is an improved version of the Arcus I developed a few months ago, this model incorporates more advanced communication features and a new feature called Brave Order which is still incomplete and a feature called Overdrive which once activated, two linked partner can go into Overdrive for three minutes uninterrupted, which restores 30% of HP, MP, CE clears all status abnormalities, causes all attacks to unbalance enemies, and allows all Magic to be cast instantly

Zero peerage: COMBAT LINK ON

A formation type circle appears below each of us, and each formation circle is linked to a partner circle creating a link.

Ajuka: This is... a combat formation system?!

I project a wall of fire with my right hand changing the trajectory of Issei, Koneko, as for Yuuto he jumps over the wall then executes a diving attack towards me.

Hikari appears in front of me and blocks Kiba's attack with her Aegis of light without much effort.

Hikari: If you want to fight my king you'll have to beat me, though it's a waste of time since you're fighting me.

Kiba is pushed back

Kiba: That remains to be seen

The two Knights begin to exchange swords strike, at high speed with Hikari taking the lead.

At the same time, Issei and Koneko appear on either side of me each throwing a punch, from the right Issei from the left Koneko.

Issei : Take this, Karyu no Tekken

Immediately Issei's fist is covered in flame

But he is intercepted by Homura who interferes by throwing fire waves, the latter had to divert his attack to destroy them

Homura: Impressive that you manage to block my weakest attack, it shows that you have a minimum of skill, well done

Issei: It's not enough if I want to beat powerful enemies and protect everyone I'll have to do better

Homura: You look determined, and I was thinking of going easy on you because of your level but it looks like I can increase the difficulty

Homura says with a smile

Issei: ...What bad luck

Homura immediately follows up by sending fire waves towards Issei who this time comes to life taking the form of a firebird and dodges Issei's counters, inflicting damage on him

As for me, I face Koneko who throws me a punch that I counter with my punch


Our two attacks create a shockwave that makes us both go backwards, having regained support Koneko rushes me and starts to use her Hardstyle technique which emphasizes simple, direct and explosive force at a short distance

Which I counter with my Softstyle technique which specialises in fluid stances designed to manoeuvre around an opponent, and the use of full-body rotations to deflect an opponent's attack, using the same movement to increase the power of a counter-attack

After a few exchanges with Koneko she retreats and all of a sudden a shower of Lightning and PoD Lightning starts to fall on me creating a big explosion, my teammates don't worry about me or my condition and continue their fight knowing I'm fine when the dust settles everyone can see me standing surrounded by a barrier

Akeno: A barrier? when?

Zero: When I fight I always take the precaution of preparing a barrier in case of a surprise attack, now it's my turn.

I disappear from their sight using the [Shundo].

Rias: Everyone stays at a safe distance from each other and stays on guard it could be anywhere.

Just to reappear above Akeno, a [Rasengan] made of chakra and symbols in one of my hands, Koneko detected me as soon as I reappeared

Koneko: Rias-Senpai, Akeno-senpai above you.

Zero: Muda, Ingvlid

Ingvild also using the [ Shundo ] appeared in front of Rias a [ Rasengan ] made of snow particles and chakra

Rias: Since when...?

Zero/Ingvild: Zero Original: Fûin-Rasengan / Hyōton: Rasengan

I slam the [ Rasengan ] against Akeno's back which inflicts severe damage, she is left with sealing marks that cut off all access to her demonic energy. When Rias takes the [ Rasengan ] made of ice in her abdomen, she is thrown a few meters away before being caught in an explosion of ice.

Issei: Bucho, Akeno senpai!!!

Immediately, Kiba uses Sword Birth and Blade Blacksmith to create a row of swords that come straight at me, which I take full force, sending me flying through the air.

To be greeted by Koneko who throws several punches against me and then cleans up a heavy attack to be sent against the ground creating a cloud of dust and cracks in the ground.

Koneko gets back on the ground and starts charging white flames made of Senjutsu around her right hand without wasting any time.

Zero: Well done Shiro-chan your training is paying off, now it's my turn to show you what I can do. [Kage Bunshin no Jutsu]


[Saiyuu Wonder] x3

Koneko: Kasha

All of a sudden 3 versions of me appear out of the dust cloud each above a red Flying Nimbus that charge straight at Koneko who releases her flames on the 3 Zeros who absorb them with their fire swords, Rekka who can absorb all the flames before each clone inflicts 2 consecutive attacks on her.

The first 4 attacks are blocked by a barrier that Koneko created with the Touki that breaks afterwards and then takes the last 2 trying to tank them as efficiently as possible.

Koneko: Kuuun

Zero: Good job resisting that for so long, but see if you can resist the next one.

I put Rekka back in the swordriver and pull the trigger on Rekka twice

[Hissatsu Dokuha!]

[Brave Dragon! Saiyuu Journey! Nisatsu Geki! F-F-Fire!]

A ring of fire surrounds us. I then jump into the air and do a flying kick as flames surround my right foot towards Koneko.

Zero: [Hiryuu Shuugekiha]

Koneko creates several white fireballs around her, which immediately accumulate around her arm

Koneko: Hika Hoken

Koneko releases a technique derived from my Magic Fist technique but using Senjutsu.

Our two attacks collide creating a large shockwave

Zero: Good job but this is where it ends, haaaaaaaaa

I put more power into my kick creating a big explosion when all goes quiet Koneko is on the ground unconscious.

Woz: End of the match

Woz announces the end of the match, I turn to see that all the other ORC members are on the ground beaten, I cast a healing spell on them and they regain consciousness immediately

Out of the corner of my eye I see Akeno and Rias with Ingvild looking at them with a smile on her face, then she says something to them that I can't hear.

// 3rd POV //

Ingvild: Gremory-san, Himejima-san may I speak to you for a moment in private.

The two girls look at each other and then stare at Ingvild before moving a little away from the others

Rias: What can we do for you Leviathan-san

Ingvild: What I'm about to tell you may surprise you and even seem cruel but I'm not going to beat around the bush, forget about having any kind of intimate relationship with Zero.

Rias/Akeno: ...

Rias and Akeno look at the girl shocked by her request

Rias: What? Why?

Ingvild: I can see that you both have feelings for Zero but let me be honest with you Zero only sees you as friends and you Rias he sees you as a sister figure at the very least.

Rias: How can you be so sure of what Zero thinks of us and why do you speak for him?

Ingvild: I am not only speaking for him but my sisters and I and we have come to a consensus that you are not allowed to be part of his harem.

Akeno: Why?

Ingvild: Because if you are part of the harem, given your current personalities, you risk disturbing the cohesion that we have managed to put in place in the harem for Zero's well being. And before you ask how we came to this conclusion, we did our research with the people who know you both best.

Rias: Sona

Akeno: And why should we listen to what you say, it's our choice if we want to have an intimate relationship with him since he is open to having more than one.


Ingvild laughed and then looked serious as her eyes start to shine with power.

Ingvild: If you think it's that simple you're wrong

Akeno: What?

Ingvild: In fact, the harem decides to accept or not and not your decision.

Akeno: Say rather that you are afraid that he loves me much more than you.

Ingvild: At least I don't seduce him to see if he will accept me as I am.

Akeno: What?

Ingvild: I mean the mask you wear all the time since that day trying to escape your past, pain and despair.

Ingvild's words strike a chord with Akeno.

Ingvild: Just by looking at your expression I can see that you haven't tried to get in touch with Baraqiel for answers, or even try to find out why or for what reason what happened that night happened, have you?


Rias: Akeno?!

*Finger snapping*

Akeno tried to attack Ingvild but couldn't move from her spot because Ingvild uses a spell inspired by the Nara jutsu the Kagemane or Shadow Imitation Technique.

Ingvild: Kage Shibari (Shadow Bind Technique), successful.

Rias: What?

Akeno: I can't move.

Ingvild: Oh someone seems to be agitated all of a sudden but let me finish what I was saying, where was I? Ah yes!!! I wanted to tell you that, you bring unnecessaries suffering to yourself.

Akeno: What do you mean by you bring unnecessaries suffering on yourself, I'm a victim in all of this.

Ingvild: You saying this but didn't you thought that you must have made attic conclusions about the situation without thinking about the in and out of all this because of your grief over your mother's death protecting you and your bad treatment from the Himegima Familie, without forget that you have rejected the hand of the only person who loves you as much as your mother, your father. The man who had to no only suffer the loss of his beloved wife but also loses the love of his daughter who hates him and denies his and her origins because of her grief, condemning him because he didn't come in time to save you and your mother.

The angry Akeno is now struck by some sort of realisation.

Ingvild: Now you seem to understand that you were not the only one who suffers a lot that day. The poor man only thinks he knows since his creation was to battle, after finding love the little bundle of happiness he gained was snatched from him because he is a fallen and when he came to find that his only daughter now hate him and her fallen part he must have been crush with sadness.

Akeno look at her hand while tears begin to fall

Ingvild: Someone like you, who can't forgive her own family because he made a mistake that he not responsible didn't have the right to be near our sky.

Rias: Stop, Leviathan-san leaves Akeno alone.

Rias scream to Ingvild preparing a ball of PoD

Ingvild: And you Gremory, if you think we didn't see your reaction when Aine, I and Koneko announced that we were engaged to Zero you are very much mistaken, Zero must have noticed as well, and know that if someone harbours negative feelings towards someone close to him that can end badly even if the person responsible is a close friend.

Ingvild's last remark frightens the redhead which dispels the ball of magic

Rias: I have never...

Ingvild: Words of advice Gremory, I know when someone is lying to me so be honest because one thing Zero hates most is lies.

Rias: I admit, I was jealous of Aine, Koneko and you for a moment.

Ingvild: Good, as you can see Zero is a beacon of light for any girl out there, he's a sky who accept anyone like they are, my sisters and I are aware of this, that's why we guarding him out from any woman that comes in close contact with him and if after checking and voting they turn out to be more trouble than they're worth, we do everything we can to dissuade them from getting close to him, you two included.

Ingvild's words are the final blow to the two girls who don't know what to say.

Ingvild: That's why you should give up on Zero while you can, otherwise you will only suffer for the rest of your life, that's all I have to say.

// Zero POV //

After healing everyone I approach the 3 Maou who arrived at the beginning of the match to greet them along with Woz-kun.

Zero: Yo Sirzechs, Sera-nee, Ajuka-san how are you? I hope you enjoyed the show.

Ajuka: I must admit I was surprised to hear that you reverse engineered our evil pieces system. Not only did you manage to keep the defined attributes of the pieces perfectly, but you removed or completely changed the source of the reincarnation phase as well as the type of energy needed.

Serafall: Fufu~ my little brother is too strong, isn't he?

Woz: Indeed Lady Serafall, waga maou has no equal.

Venelana: Looks like your right-hand man looks up to you Zero-kun.

Zero: What can I say, a good king and demon king, I must be able to inspire his subjects.

Grayfia: But I have to admit, I can't get used to the idea of you being a demon king.

Zero: Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it in time, Onee-chan.

I say with a smile

Grayfia: I'll hold you to that, Otouto-kun

Sirzechs: Uhm, I think I missed something, since when did you two become brother and sister?

Kia: Since he got engaged to Aine, Sirzechs-chan

Sirzechs/Serafall: Really?

Zero: Really, take good care of me, Nii-san

My words seem to have a giant impact on Sirzechs

Sirzechs: I finally have a little brother

Although we are talking amongst ourselves, the discussion between Ingvild, Rias and Akeno does not escape the eyes of the adults who seem to be wondering what they are discussing.

Knowing Ingvild and having seen what happened before, I imagine that she went to confront them about giving up any intimate relationship with me. I can't help it, we all voted unanimously against their candidacy as harem members.

I see you coming to ask me why not accept them, they are beautiful, have good proportions, cute and have a good character in part.

And I would answer you this, I'm not interested in them because they don't arouse my desire like the other girls do, then I already have three red heads which are Mio, Maki and Ruby, for the Yamato Nadeshiko and onee-chan type of girl, the girls of the Sakura Empire are more than numerous, I don't want to have these two my life except as friends.

When I feel the conversation start to heat up which draws the attention of the others who were resting, Akeno is about to attack Ingvild in anger but she seems to have frozen her in place.

Zero: Oh she managed to replicate the Kage Shibari.

Serafall: Kage Shibari?

Zero: It's a technique that immobilizes your target using your shadow which takes control of theirs if they are connected.

Venelana: What happened to make Akeno angry, she is always calm in any situation.

Zero: If I have to theorize, I would say that Ingvild must have confronted Rias and Akeno about me.

Venelana: About you?

Zero: To make a long story short I'm a Husband material for any girl, and Rias, Akeno and I have known each other for almost less than a year and have of course developed feelings for me, but the problem is I don't have feelings for them, I only see them as friends, Rias is a sort of big sister that I counsel from time to time

Serafall: So I guess Ingvild decided to cut the girls off from you and seems to have hit a nerve for Akeno hence her reaction?

Zero: That is correct my dear Sera-nee. Akeno hates her heritage as a half Fallen Angel because she blames her father Baraqiel for not being there to save her and her mother when they were attacked by Baraqiel's enemies right when Baraqiel was on a mission for Azazel that night so reminding her of that must have set her off.

Sirzechs: Wait a minute how...

Zero: I did detective work in my childhood, so I did investigate this case.

Kia: But I don't understand why you don't accept them, they are good girls.

Zero: I may agree with you about that part but I have several reasons too, one of them is that I don't have feelings for them even in the future and the other reason is that they didn't make a good impression on my first wife and some of the harem members.

Kia: I see.

Venelana: Oh, they seem to be finished.

Ingvild walks over to me

Zero: Are you finished?

Ingvild: Yes, I've taken care of the situation and got the message across, the rest is up to them.

Zero: Now we can start the HT(Hell Training) program... Everyone gather around.

All the ORC members gather in front of me

Zero: Well we were able to gauge your skills during this match and I must say that you have improved but it's not enough.

Issei: What do you mean not enough?

Hikari: By that, he means that you need to put everything you have learned in your training into practice in real-life situations, he means combat situations of "kill or be killed" because until now you have only fought each other in a protected space.

Ingvild: And let me tell you that during our fight, we observed that you all held back at some point for the most part except Koneko who went full force against Zero.

Rias: But that was just a practice match?

Zero: Amai, if this was a battlefield everyone would be dead in a second and the only person to survive would be Koneko. Don't forget that you have a numerical disadvantage against Riser even though you have progressed in the last month and a half, with your lack of experience you have a 50% chance of losing.

Koneko: So little

Homura: If Hyoudou and Kiba had unlocked their balance break, it would have increased by 10% but due to the lack of time they won't be able to master it completely in time on game day.

Aine: Balance Break?

Zero: It's an evolutionary mode present in the sacred gear system, some say it's a bug in the system because of the effects some of them can generate, but think of it as an upgrade to the gear itself giving access to new abilities and/or new equipment. For example, Issei has a dragon sacred gear of rank Longinus so we can deduce that his balance break will be a type of scale mail.

Issei: Seriously?

Rias: If I remember correctly your sacred gear is dragon type and rank Longinus too?

Zero: Indeed, Arios...

Nothing happens

Zero: Hey, are you guys there?

I look down at my two arms and then focus on my inner self to activate my gear when all of a sudden flames of mostly orange in colour in its core with yellow-orange to bright yellow outlines appear on both of my hands and my forehead when it calms down, I notice the presence of new gloves now seem to be mostly red.

It has a blue crystal Akatsuki emblem in the middle with an orange cross on top that reads "Akatsuki Familia", and flame-like designs also cover the base of the gloves, the sneakers on my feet and the headphone on my ears seem to have received the same design. Also, in this gear, a leg strap has been added, based on the second ring, which is connected by a chain to a single belt with an "X" as a buckle.

On 7 of my fingers in addition to my wedding ring and my Lucis ring appear rings and 4 of them have the heads of 4 dimension dragons in their base form, each adorned with a different coloured stone they start talking when they see my shocked face.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum D: Wow, you should look in the mirror, you're making one of those faces.

Dark Rebellion D: *laughs* It's hilarious.

Zero: I should have seen this coming, of course, I've upgraded more exactly changed the gear.

Star Venom D: Yes you did and not just a little, I mean you spent a good amount of time cracking the gear system to modify it the way you want, you've integrated, the 7 Vongola guardian rings you renamed the Akatsuki rings, exchange the old gauntlets for to the X-gloves version Vongola gear which now are called the X-gloves version Akatsuki gear and you managed to master the Flames of Dying Will and the Hyper Dying Will Mode and manage to incorporate them into the gear while turning us into box weapons to allow us to get out and fight in the process.

Zero: We must have been bored during our stay there to have done all this and what did we name our new gear?

4 DD x4: Arc V (Five) Gear

Zero: Ok, anything else I need to know while I'm at it?

OE Pendulum D: We decided to change our names from now on I'm going by Yuya and when I'm in my Odd-Eyes Raging form I'll go by the name Yuji

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon tell to me.

Dark Rebellion D: I call myself Yuto now even in my Odd-Eyes Rebellion form.

Clear Wing D: And I take the name of Yugo and it also the same In my Odd-Eyes Wing form

Star Venom D: I'm named Yuri, the same in my Odd-Eyes Venom form

Zero: These names are more simple to remember than your old ones, happy to meet guys.

I look back at the others who are looking at me strangely

Venelana: ... You know what, I give up, I'm not going to ask what just happen, I've already had enough surprises for today, I'm going to rest.

Kia: I think if I stay any longer I might have a heart attack too.

Venelana and Kia leave the stands

Sirzechs: I agree with mother, so I'll go back to work too, with Serafall and Ajuka.

Ajuka: Next time you come to my lab, we can discuss something that might interest you.

Serafall: Bye-bye Zero, say hello to Sona for me

Then the three Maou leave via magic circle

Grayfia: Aine, what are you going to do?

Aine: I'm going to go to the mansion to notified father about my engagement then get my stuff ready to go living with Zero-sama and maybe experience the human world.

Grayfia: What about you Zero?

Zero: The girls will go home and I'm going to give Rias and co. their last test before I go too because I have an appointment tomorrow.

Grayfia: Too bad I wanted Milia to meet her new uncle, but that's okay maybe next time.

Zero: Next time, Onee-chan, tell her that she can expect a gift from me as an apology.

Grayfia: I think she'll wait for it with delight.

Grayfia and Aine go their separate ways while my girls teleport home.

This leaves me with only Rias and the ORC members then immediately the air around Zero became heavy

Zero: Ok, you maggots, listen up, I'm going to teach you the Pecking Order: there's

You -> The dirt-> The worms inside of the dirt-> my Stool -> the 4 Maou -> and Me

any questions?

Issei: What's wrong with you all of a sudden?

Without saying a word I give a powerful right enhanced by my Sky Flame of the Dying Will to Issei belly which sends him waltzing in the air before he crashes on the ground, wounded.

[Issei owned count: 1]

Zero: So are there any questions?

ORC: ...

Zero: Excellent, then we can start.

I tell them with an evil smile then snap my finger to be teleport inside a time dilate ID and that day Rias and the ORC members Koneko exclude feel all their bones being break and heal for many days and were traumatized for life.

Next chapter