
Chronicle of Arcane Author

Oliver never imagined that the world of his favorite novel would become his reality. Transmigrated into the enigmatic and perilous realm he once only read about, he now inhabits the body and identity of Lysander Aurelius, a name that carries both prestige and peril. In a world teeming with ancient secrets, mythical creatures, and political machinations, Lysander must navigate treacherous paths and unearth long-forgotten mysteries to survive. Struggling to adapt to his new life, he finds himself entangled in a web of power struggles, hidden alliances, and dark prophecies that could spell doom for the entire realm. Armed with knowledge from the novel and his sharp wit, Lysander embarks on a journey to master his newfound abilities and protect those he himself and those he cares about.

Takanome_7 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"This is...!?" Lish exclaimed outwardly, recognizing the iconic tree mentioned countless times in the novel: the Mother Tree. It was the largest tree in the Elysian Republic, a nation renowned for its reverence of nature. Unlike the urban sprawl of the Aurelius Empire, the Elysian Republic was a sanctuary of natural beauty. Rolling hills blanketed in emerald green stretched as far as the eye could see, dotted with vibrant wildflowers in hues of red, yellow, and blue. Rivers of crystal-clear water wound their way through ancient forests, the air fragrant with the scent of pine and blooming flora. Birds of myriad colors flitted through the canopy, their songs harmonizing with the whispering leaves.

To think Victoria could teleport between continents so effortlessly was truly shocking. If she could do this without being detected, did that mean there was no one capable of catching her? Or perhaps some spells could track a person to the ends of the earth? This world was more dangerous than Lish had ever imagined. He had to be more cautious than ever, aware that countless secret spells and techniques could exist. The novel clearly hadn't revealed everything about the world's magical intricacies.

Victoria, my grandmother, looked amused by my astonished expression. She seemed to think this was a good eye-opener for me, a chance to learn more about the magical world and its capabilities since I had been sheltered for so long.

"How about it? Pretty awesome, right?" she said in a smug tone, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She loved seeing the rare shocked expression on my face.

"Yes, can you just teleport anywhere in the world?" I asked, puzzled but intrigued. If it were true, it would be incredible.

"Hahahaha, of course not, silly!" Victoria laughed, her eyes crinkling with genuine mirth. "I can do it because I've already marked this location with my dark spell. Listen, every spell has a weakness, and so does mine. It's just that the weaknesses become less significant the stronger I get."

Victoria's expression was almost comically exaggerated as she explained, her hands gesturing wildly. She had a way of turning even the most complex magical principles into an engaging and humorous lesson. Her face scrunched up in mock seriousness, her eyebrows waggling as she spoke.

"But seriously," she continued, her tone sobering a bit, "no spell is infallible. That's something you must always remember, Lish. Overconfidence can be your downfall."

I nodded, absorbing her words. "So, you can mark locations and teleport to them? That's amazing."

Victoria beamed, clearly enjoying the admiration. "Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but essentially, yes. It requires a deep connection to the place and precise control over the shadows. It's not something just anyone can do."

We began to walk through the lush landscape, the serene beauty around us almost surreal. Victoria pointed out various plants and animals, explaining their magical properties and uses. Each explanation was peppered with humorous anecdotes about her own experiences.

"See that flower?" she said, pointing to a cluster of bright red blooms. "It's called the Fire Blossom. Once, I tried to use it in a potion without realizing how potent it was. Ended up turning my hair bright orange for a week!" She chuckled at the memory, and I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

As we continued our walk, I felt a growing sense of wonder and respect for the world around me. The Elysian Republic was not just a place of beauty but also a testament to the harmonious coexistence of magic and nature. It was a stark contrast to the urbanized structures I was used to, and I found myself appreciating the tranquility and vibrancy of this place.

"Grandmother," I said thoughtfully, "I'm grateful for this experience. It's opening my eyes to so much more than I ever imagined."

Victoria smiled warmly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "That's the spirit, Lish. Always stay curious and never stop learning. This world is full of wonders and dangers, and the more you know, the better prepared you'll be."

"Now, let's test your affinity. As you know, there are seven basic affinities in this world: air, water, fire, earth, wood, spirit, and lightning. Some people possess advanced affinities like my darkness attribute," Victoria explained patiently, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "The affinity a person has can be influenced by many factors, including bloodline and the combination of their parents' affinities. Sometimes, an affinity may differ due to unique chemical combinations during conception, leading to entirely new or unexpected affinities."

Lysander listened intently, trying to grasp the complexity of the subject. Victoria continued, "Every person has a unique affinity profile, much like how every person has a different fingerprint. No two people have the exact same affinity distribution."

"So, does every person only have some of the elements in their body?" Lish asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

"No," Victoria responded with a gentle smile. "Every person has all seven basic elements in their body. However, the difference lies in how high the affinity is for each element. High affinity for an element is what makes it worth developing. You also have all seven basic elements, but the key question is how high each affinity is. Once we determine that, we can tailor your training accordingly. Understand?"

Lysander nodded thoughtfully. "I see. So everyone has all seven basic elements in their body. But why don't people use all of them? Even weaker elements must have some value, right?"

Victoria laughed, a melodious sound that echoed through the serene garden. "Hahaha! That's a good question, Lish. The reason is twofold. First, people want to develop their strengths rapidly, so they focus on their strongest affinities. It's about playing to one's strengths. Second, and perhaps most crucially, it takes months or even years to create and master a single spell. The process of developing a spell is perilous and time-consuming. Now, imagine trying to master spells for all seven elements—it would take an incredible amount of time and effort. That's why people concentrate on developing their strongest affinities instead of wasting time on weaker ones. I suggest you follow this route as well."

Lysander considered her words, realizing the wisdom behind them. "That makes sense. So, what's the first step in finding out my affinities?"

Victoria's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "First, we'll use a crystal orb that reacts to the elemental energies within your body. This will help us determine which elements you have the strongest affinity for. Once we know that, we can begin your training in earnest."

She led him to a small clearing in the garden where an intricately carved pedestal stood. On top of the pedestal rested a clear crystal orb, shimmering in the sunlight. Victoria gestured for Lysander to place his hands on the orb.

"Focus on the orb and clear your mind," Victoria instructed. "Let your energy flow naturally."

Lysander did as he was told, feeling a strange warmth spread through his body as he concentrated. The crystal orb began to glow, shifting through various colors—blue for water, red for fire, green for earth, yellow for lightning, white for light, black for shadow, and a faint breeze for air.

Victoria watched closely, her expression serious. As the orb settled into a glow, it revealed Lysander's affinities. Surprisingly, most elements showed a faint glow, indicating a weaker affinity. The water, fire, earth, air, shadow, and lightning elements all seemed equally dim. However, as the light element emerged, the orb shone brilliantly, far outshining the rest.

Victoria gasped, her eyes wide with astonishment. "Light... This is incredible, Lish. You have an exceptionally strong affinity for light, perhaps the only one in this era."

Lysander's eyes widened in surprise. "Light? But isn't that incredibly rare?"

Victoria nodded her expression a mix of pride and excitement. "Indeed, it is. Light affinity is extremely rare and powerful. You have a unique potential, Lish. We must cultivate this affinity carefully."

Lysander felt a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness. "So, what does this mean for my training?"

Victoria's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with determination. "It means we will focus heavily on developing your light affinity. While your other affinities are weaker, your potential with light is extraordinary. This will make your training unique and challenging, but also incredibly rewarding."