
Wish 2: Yandere fox girl is a thing nowaday

After crossing the book gate, our comrade Anffann arrives at the top of a building offering a magnificent view of the Academy City, Kivotos.

The view is so magnificent that he freezes in place. The air is pure, the city teeming with life.

As he scans the horizon, a thought occurs to him.

"Now that I'm here, what am I going to do? "A simple yet complicated thought.

There are lots of parameters to take into account, like which timeline he's in, the one of failure, or the one of success. If Sensei has arrived at Kyvotos. What role can he play in the events to come?

After organizing all this information in his head, a common thread emerged.

Firstly, he could be of no use to Abidos, either by joining them as a student to stop the desertification of the district or by finding a way to repay the school's debt to Kaiser while protecting the school from the latter's attacks and deceit. 

Joining Gehenna is not an option at all, due to the chaotic nature of his students, and meeting Pandemonium, or the Prefect's team to name but a few, signals problems he doesn't want to deal with.

Not to mention Trinity, which is riddled with political problems created by its predecessor. Having the support of the Tea Party is far from helping it in its task either.

Joining Millenium or SRT seems to be the only viable option where he knows he can have more freedom of movement.

The last plan would be to work for Schale as an assistant and have the status of a student completely under Sensei's tutelage. 

"But before making a decision, I'd have to see if Sensei was already in town and where he/she was, and then I'd decide.

He then headed for the building's emergency ladder and began to descend it Tom Clancy-style, arriving in a dark alley, he looked at his smartwatch.

"ISAC, activation"






After checking that his equipment, which consisted of body armor hidden under my clothes, a pair of gloves, knee pads, and a holster, and his weapons were properly activated, I set about exploring the surrounding area. 

He began to explore the district's surroundings, and from what he could see from his vantage point earlier, it wasn't far from the Sanctum Tower.

It was strange for our friend to come across bipedal cats, dogs, and robots with a conscience acting like normal people.

But the most shocking thing was to see female students with halos over their heads and weapons without a care in the world. But he can talk, he does the same thing.

After a few hours of research and investigation, Anffann managed to discover that Sensei hadn't yet arrived in Kivotos because Schale wasn't yet active and the President of the General Student Council hadn't yet disappeared.

So his plan of action is to join the SRT Special Academy, become a top student, and create his club and when the events surrounding the school's closure occur, he can ask to be attached to Schale when it becomes operational.

As the club was already part of a school under the aegis of the GDC president, being attached to Schale, a federal club created by the same president, would certainly raise questions, but wouldn't seem any more suspicious than it was.

So, without missing a beat, our friend headed for the Special Academy, SRT. Arriving at the site, he headed for the administrative office, unaware that he was attracting a lot of attention from the students around him, not only because he was a boy, but also because he had no halo and was carrying an assault rifle.

// Zero POV //

When I arrived in front of the SRT Academy administration office, I noticed that several pairs of eyes were staring at me.

When I turned my head, I was surprised to see that there were 4 girls with fox ears and not just any girls - they were members of the famous Fox Platoon.

Nico simply waved hello, Kurumi stared at me warily, while Otogi watched me in silence.

When my gaze met that of squad leader Shichido Yukino, I sensed that she was observing and analyzing me with a serious air, but apart from that I sensed a feeling of conflict in her, if I go by my intuition.

Part of me would like to help this group before they do something irreparable, knowing full well that my intervention could change things.

I gave the group a simple two-finger salute with a smile before entering the office.

This action may seem insignificant, but it's the beginning of a chain reaction that may help save Kivotos from great danger in the future. 

// A few hours later //

After filling in all the paperwork, the robot in charge of admissions led me to a huge warehouse right next to the school. As I entered, I saw that it was a replica of an urban environment used for spec ops training.

"We're going to test your physical, tactical, and decision-making skills, so please bear in mind that since you're a student from outside Kivotos and don't have the same skills as most other students in this city, we won't be responsible for any serious injury or death, so do you agree to these terms and take the test? "

I took a magazine loaded it onto my assault rifle and engaged.

"I wouldn't have joined a Kivotos school if I hadn't prepared for it, so I accepted the conditions and will take the exam."

"Very well, sir, here's your objective: you're going to face one of our school's squads, and you have to survive for 10 minutes against them to pass. "

" Okay "

" Fox Platoon please enter "

When I heard what the robot said, I was spooked to death because my opponents were the Fox Platoon, one of SRT's best squads. 

I couldn't help but squeeze something hard and cylindrical inside my jacket pocket.

The four members appeared in front of me, all dressed in their gear, and looked at me with surprise.

"Who'd have thought my opponents would be four cuties?" I couldn't help saying to lighten the mood.

"Fufu, thanks for the compliment, you're not bad yourself, handsome" Niko the pink hair fox girl complimented me in return, laughing with one hand in front of her mouth, but I noticed something in her eyes - I could be wrong, but I thought I saw a hint of obsession, just for a moment.

'Yandere fox girl is a thing nowadays' I can't help thinking in the corner of my mind