
Chapter 16: Go home with everyone and arriving late at school

"Welcome to Ratatoskr Onii-chan," says Itsuka Kotori, commander of the Fraxinus in this world

"Thank you for your welcome and for taking care of me, I am Zerono Pendragon Akatsuki"

"It's nothing at all after you save our comrades."

"Say, Zerono, do I pronounce it right? "

"Yes, that's right."

"As I said, what kind of Spirit are you, this is the first time I have seen a male Spirit like you," asks Tobichi Origami

"To tell you the truth, I'm not a full-fledged spirit, I'm a half-human, half heroic spirit"

"A heroic spirit, what is it?" asks Tohka.

"A heroic spirit is a human being who has made a symbolic act for humanity during his life and who is revered in the future, at his death he becomes a heroic spirit who will find himself in the throne of heroes, a place where all heroic spirits gather"

"Wait, your name is Pendragon, like King Arthur's name?" asks Nia.

"Indeed, I am of the lineage of Arthur Pendragon, also known as the King of the Knights"

"Oh", Yoshino, Rio is in fascination

"It means that Dad is the king of knights"

"I'm more, the prince of knights for the moment, I still have a long way to go"

"I see, I am delighted to meet you, I am Itsuka Kotori the commander of the Fraxinus, and in the name of Ratastoskr I thank you for helping us in the fight against the DEM"

"It's nothing at all, as I told Nia, Miku, Yoshino, and Mukuro I had a mission to help you"

The girls whose names I have stated seem surprised that I know their names

"How do you know our names? "

"Stalker? "Mukuro replied

"As I thought, men are all the same," says Miku.

The moment I heard Miku and Mukuro's answer, it was as if someone had pierced an arrow into my heart

"You don't mince your words, there's a reason I know all your names"

Then I explain to them who I am, where I come from, what I did by answering their questions, my Gamer power, about the multiverse and their situations and my mission. I also told them everything there is to know about the world of DxD

I prefer to tell them the truth because I don't want to lie to them and if I lie to them it will come back to me later

"So to sum up, you come from another world similar to ours and you have a power that makes your life like that of a video game and has the mission to save the world by forming a team of pretty young girls," says Nia

"Apart from the last part, it sums it all up indeed" I answer her

"Are you a Shonen character or what?"

"Say the girl who has the power to read the past and the future"


"So we are in a virtual world, and in addition, if we go to the outside world we will no longer be in our world but in a new one"

"This is the situation, sorry to announce it like this"

"So what are you going to do, Zerono-san?

"My mission was to help you in your fight against the DEM, of course, I would like to take you out of the virtual world but only if you wanted to, I would respect your decision if you don't want to come with me.

When I tell them that, she starts thinking, then Reine asks me

"If we decide to leave the virtual world, what will happen to us?

"Of course I will vouch for you, and will provide for all your needs a home to live with, a family to spend time with, a dream, and anything else"

"Why would you go this far for us, hardly knowing you," asks Kurumi

"When I became commander of the Fraxinus in my world, I became responsible for your lives so I would do everything in my power for you, even if I have to destroy the world and also blame myself for not helping girls as pretty as you"

By saying that, they all start to blush, and their affections seem to have reached their maximum

"Baka, don't say things like that" Kotori staggers

"You really seem to care about us, thank you," Touka said smiling.

"You seem worthy to receive Yamai's affection," Kaguya told me.

"Confirmation, we thank you very much" say Yuzuru

"Indeed you were cool when you saved us earlier thank you very much, darling," Miku told me

"You're really an interesting person I wonder what interesting things will happen next I'm excited" Kurumi adds

"Understand I'm with you," said Origami.

"If the others go, then I'll come too, I'm counting on you Nii-sama" Mana told me.

"I'll follow you wherever you go," Mayuri told me, taking my hand and putting it against her cheek

"Coming with you will allow me to create a masterpiece I rely a lot on your support" Nia answers me.

"You promise to protect me, Zerono promised," asks Mukuro

"I promise you Mukuro, let big brother Zerono take care of everything"

When Mio, Natsumi, and Yoshino also agreed to come with me, it would seem that my cooking has made the difference.

For Rinne and Reine I had to use a little more effort to convince them because I didn't want to leave them here alone

"And you who said you would respect our decision," said Reine

"I would have respected it if it didn't make you sad, so what do you decide Phantom, Ruler? "

( A/D : Phantom : Reine spririt name, Ruler : Rinne spririt name)

They gave up the idea of staying and agreeing to come with everyone

"Now that I think about it, where is Shido?

"Say Kotori, now that I think about it, who is it that seals your power?"

"Ah, you must be talking about my big sister Shiori"

"Ehhhhhhhhhh?!!!!!! What does that mean?

"Big sister?

"What's the problem? "

"No, there's no problem, so where is Shiori now? "

"She must be shopping, she should be here any minute."

After Shiori came back we got to know each other and ate the pastries I made which seem to please Shiori who asked me to teach her, after explaining the situation to them they decided to come with us

After everyone is finished what she had to do, everyone stands in front of the Eden tree in the center of town.

"Everyone's ready," I ask.

"We're all ready" everyone answers me

"How we're going to leave, Daddy," asks Rio

"Like that" I say when I make my Keyblade appear for the first time, it looks a lot like the Keyblade ultima weapon then I remove my glasses to see appear in front of me the virtual world made of data after having found the nucleus a keyhole appears which surprises everyone especially Mukuro, When she saw my Keyblade, I pointed it in front of me and the emblem of a crown appeared under my feet then we found ourselves in a different space I pointed the key to the keyhole and the light headed towards the keyhole that locked and a light engulfed us.

// Fraxinus Ex, world DxD //

I open my eyes, a dazzling light blinds me after adjusting to the brightness I get up from my box and then take my glasses out of my inventory.

"Looks like my power works as well in the virtual world as it does in the real world."

Then a notification appears before me


Quest Success:

Mission :

Rescue Mission

Spirits affiliated to Ratatoskr asleep in the Fraxinus EX seem to encounter problems in the virtual world, Itsuka Shido has entrusted you with the mission of watching over them by giving you its power to seal Spirits.

Rewards: 3 Premium Tickets, Harem of Spirits


After reading the mission notification, I am welcomed by the Arusu sisters

"I'm back Marina, Maria"

"Welcome back Zerono-san"

"Looks like you're still alive, you idiot master, fighting Ellen like that."

"I misheard or Marina calls me Master" a little smile appears on my lips

"What's that smile? "

"Nothing at all, Maria, how long I've been inside the virtual world"

"You stayed in the virtual world 12 hours"

"Wait, it means" I look at the time on my phone which displays 7:30.

"I'm going to be late and the girls aren't awake yet" then an idea comes to me I know "Maria prepare the Fraxinus for takeoff" then I put myself in school uniform and head to the control room

After the Fraxinus has taken off, I activate the Realize Invisible system which covers the whole ship and makes it invisible then on the Gamer's interface I open a portal out of the dimension where we are towards Kuoh

At the same time, the door of the control room opens and the spirits and the members of Ratatoskr enter the room one by one accompanied by Marina

"Yo, everybody, you didn't have too much trouble waking up."

They look towards the commander's seat where I am sitting

"Where are we?" Kotori asks me.

"We are in the small one dimension where the Fraxinus Ex Celsior is located before picking it up yesterday, there we are heading towards the city of Kuoh where we will live for the moment"

After saying that, we find ourselves over the city, and we head for Kuoh Academy

"Well, girls, I have to go to class and I'm already late."

I hand them a credit card and a taro card with runic inscriptions on it

"Here is my card, you can walk around town, you buy what you want but avoid getting noticed too much if you have a problem tearing the taro card and in addition, I leave you two guards to accompany you they will contact me in case of extreme necessity"

I take two cards out of my deck and they are the Ruler and Avenger cards

"Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc Alter appeared."

"Servant, Avenger. Invited at your request"

"Servant 'Ruler', Jeanne d'Arc. I'm really happy to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Jeanne, Alter, I introduce myself Zerono Pendragon Akatsuki your master," I reach out to them

"Nice to meet you, take care of me," Jeanne says to me, shaking my hand

"It's not like I'm counting on getting to know you," Alter tells me in Dere mode

"I'm sorry to summon you all of a sudden but I need you to protect these girls while they're out in town, if you wanted something done you enjoy, my account is full, you can accompany them in plain clothes or in spectral form, if you have a problem let me know immediately. "

"Understood, Master"


"Alter, this is no way to answer Master Pendragon," says Jeanne in big sister mode

"You're tiring, who do you think you are to decide who's the big sister of the two of us." They're starting to argue.

"Well, I'll leave you guys, I really have to go later, Maria teleports me to a deserted place as close as possible to the Kuoh Academy" I take my headset and put it in my ear and get teleported by Maria.

Arrived in an alley a few steps from the academy I hit a sprint because I only have 5 minutes before the first bell. When I see that the gate starts to close I decide to use my technique of the breath of water to be able to be there in time without using any supernatural power

"Breathing water" I take a breath and my blood circulation increases and my muscles get tense I do the last sprint and pass the gate in one go and finish with a controlled skid.


"Really borderline Akatsuki-kun," told me a voice that I recognize very well, I turn my head to see my favorite duo of the student council

"Hello Sona, Tsubaki," I tell them by dusting off my uniform

"Hello, hurry to go to your class, classes will start and come to the student council room at the break we have a lot to discuss, I made myself understood"

"Yes, your highness" I run in class to get to my locker to change my shoes I see a lot of letters that I put in my inventory, then I arrive in front of my classroom, I put my hair back, adjust my glasses and my uniform and then open the door

"Hello, everyone."

As I walk into the room, everyone looks at me, the girls start to blush and the guys start cursing me when Takumi, Himari, Mio, and Yuki looks at me surprised at my appearance because I have more white hair than the day before, my eyes have an almost different color and I wear glasses

"Kya Akatsuki-kun is too handsome with glasses"

"Um, um, it brings out his studious side while staying cool."

"Hello, you too, ladies," I tell them

"Who is this guy, even if he's a nerd, the girls still like him."

"F**k it"

"This, gentlemen, is the difference between you and me" to I love playing the persona of the guy who is too sure of himself in front of others

When all of a sudden something hits me on the back of my head and behind me is Chisato Hasegawa sensei our Homeroom teacher

"Zerono goes to your place, please, so I can start the class."

"Understood, sensei"

I sit at my desk and then the class starts when the end bell of the class and announces the beginning of the morning break starts. I get up to go to the student council

"Big brother where are you going?" my little sister Mio asks me

"I'm going to the student council, the president wants to see me"

"Tell me Zerono, what did you do to get Sona to summon you today since you arrived at the academy, she hasn't stopped complaining about you," Takumi told me

"Sorry, how can I explain this, I'm a troublemaker thanks a lot to my grandfather for this, it has become second nature to me so I can't help it"

Then I go to the council, I knock at the door


When I enter the room there is Sona and Tsubaki and her peerage, Rias and Akeno and her peerage I enter the room and close the door behind me then just after Sakuya comes out of my shadow and positions herself behind me

"Hello Heiress of the Gremory house, heiress of the Sitri house, to whom I have the honor of being summoned today," I say with a smile

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