
Chapter 1 how God came

So how was God made God wasn't mad

he came and we can't figure out how he came but that's what we're trying to figure out God is an amazing person he's the most powerful person got came and died for our sins and rose from the grave God did a lot of stuff for us to keep our lives put together the right way no matter what happens in your life he will never hate you he will never deceit you he will never ever ever do anything bad he will always love you no matter what God made churches to where you can go sit listen to God and worship worship the word God worship our father worship the father of Christ worship the father of heaven worship our father father that loves us no matter what we do with our lives we get into a fight on accident he will stop always love us and try and put us on the right path he is the most beloved father I've ever had God will pray over you every night no matter what's going on you can pray to God and seek God help me with my mother help me with my brother help me with my father help me with anything help me with my bad problems help me with anything pray to God our father this is what I need I need healing I need to find someone I need to find a home will you help me find the right home just ask her father anything you want