
Be My Tools

Enraged, the eldest brother reached out, with power that had enough force to shatter the planet below. even with the witch being a few meters away, it was as if she was standing before this young man, space seemed almost meaningless. his fist arrived before the witch, but to his shock, the power behind his fist suddenly dropped by 99.999999 followed by an endless other 9s.

sensing this, the eldest brother sent all of his power into his fist and began to fight back against this resistance force. because of this, although his power dropped, it only dropped down to the peak Soul forging realm. this caused his face to twist in horror. why? this old woman's strength would currently be in the soul-forging realm, yet even so, her power could affect him, who was at the peak of the Higher Saint realm.

His fist slammed into the arm of the witch, which she used to block, and instantly he felt something was off. his attack did no damage to this woman, and at the same time his arm which he used to attack was broken,

"I allowed that attack to land, you brats couldn't touch me otherwise." the witch said cocky seeing the broken arm which wouldn't heal no matter what. to make things worse, she used the ability Disaster. 

This ability essentially grants her the authority to rule over life and death by altering and controlling matter at a molecular level. For example, she can turn a shallow scratch into a fatal wound, a minor poison into a lethal toxin, and a small benign growth into a cancerous tumor that can devour a body whole. It also gives her complete control over nature, allowing her to manipulate various flora, letting it flourish or perish in moments.

So, with a snap, the broken arm began to get worse, and the pain grew causing the eldest brother's face to twist. a broken arm like normally shouldn't have done much harm, but it felt like his whole arm would be broken soon, forcing him to quickly use his energy to stop this power from growing worse.

"so much attention is being put into stopping that, what would happen if you're injured again?" The Witch said with a sneer,

"Who are you?" the eldest brother asked with sweat covering his forehead, he was trying to resist it, but this strange power was bypassing his defense. All defense in her way would of course be ignored, this is the power of her lord. are ants worthy of stopping the almighty? Although this Young man had the power to resist, it was because this was a fragment of her lord's power

"You have enraged my lord, to dare aim to turn his people into pills. you are truly brave." The witch said, her cocky look disappearing. the eldest brother's face twisted slightly, not understanding what she meant. there shouldn't be a powerful existence here.

"Attack her together." He said angry, his younger sister and younger brother were all at the Higher Saint realm. yes, they were far weaker than him, but maybe outnumbering her would be the best way to deal with this.

at his words, the 3 siblings shot forward. all 3 attacked the witch while taking out their treasures. the witch's eyes narrowed slightly, before creating two clones, two handled the 2 younger siblings while she fought the eldest brother.

"Star Blast." the younger sister read, her sword was filled with the power of the sun. her energy slammed against each other, birthing far more powerful energy, causing the sword to explode with great might which she shot forward towards the clone in front of her.

The Clone looked at the blast for a second, but just as the attack was about to hit her, the clone disappeared, replaced with the younger brother who was in the middle of an attack. the younger brother was pierced through the chest with the attack, causing him to scream in pain. but this attack hit more than just his body, it almost destroyed his soul, luckily he had a treasure that saved him

"Aptal!" the younger sister said in shock, not expecting her younger brother Aptal to suddenly appear in the way of the attack. She was horrified, the power to switch two things was rare, but she had seen something similar. but it shouldn't be able to switch two living things, and that was even more so two living things witch light years apart in strength from the caster

"they can switch places with you, be careful." She said while shooting towards the two clones. which had their arms crossed. she slashed forward, but not at full strength, she worried her brother might just appear in the way of the attack. but before her sword could hit the witch, it shattered into thoughts of pieces

"w-what?" she cried in shock, this was a Star-tier weapon. one powerful enough that even those higher saints like herself would seek, as only weapons of this grade or above can boost their strength. even if she wanted to shatter this weapon, it would not be instant, but take years. yet it happened instantly.

"You mortals can't understand the power of god, and to think I only have fragments of it." The Witch laughed, she simply looked into the far future where this sword in front of her attacked her countless times over until it was broken under the effect of [Irreversible Destruction]

"You bitch!" With a roar, she shot back but she didn't dare to attack right now. She looked towards her eldest brother and saw that he too didn't attack. all attacks he made were broken, he had sent a palm attack from afar at the witch, but this only led to this other hand being broken. 

Forging "Don't attack her, whatever we use to attack ends up being broken." the eldest brother said, his face twisted in pain. his two arms were now useless. to think they would come a day when they would be so weak and hopeless before a weakened saint, who only had strength in the Soul feigning realm. 

"Then why did she dodge my soul realm?" the younger sister asked while looking towards her younger brother, and seeing how he was knocked out, she gritted her teeth in rage. 

"it must be some kind of curse... she is a witch. maybe whatever non-energy-based attack that aims to attack her ends up backfiring on the attacker." the eldest brother said softly, a chill running down his spine. cultivators who had comprehended a law were able to only control it, but immortals are said to be able to make their own laws.

for what he said to be true, it meant this witch's backing was that of an immortal, who had set the rule that whoever attacked her, would suffer a backlash. it couldn't be an item, he sensed no impressive items on her, adding the way she spoke about her backing, it only meant that her backing was an immortal.

adding the fact she had almost recovered her strength in such a small amount of time, it only meant that an immortal was backing her. they too felt chills and quickly hoped it was something else, but as they thought about it, the more chills they got. why else would they call their planet Earth? who was capable enough of tampering with their formation without them knowing? who was capable of creating such a powerful illusion.

It all made sense, and by the looks of things this immortal was supporting them. why else would he help this woman? 

"My apologies, we didn't mean to offend you and your home." the younger sister said while taking the step to apologize, something which stunned the witch.

"The Lord said you will apologize... he is waiting for you down there. I was told to stop playing with you all if you refuse, and to just kill you." the witch said calmly, as for how she would kill them. she didn't know, she was playing defense and allowing her abilities to do all of the work, then again, if she touched them, she could defeat them. if their strength dropped to the soul-forging realm, adding the many abilities she had, a win was absolute, 

"Y..yes, we would go to meet him right away." the younger sister said with a forced smile, to which the witch nodded slightly in approval. 

"Good, you know your place." saying this, she went on to place her palms upon the shoulders of the two. although they resisted, they didn't dare to fight back. with a flash, the three teleported to Earth, within a throne room. at this sight, the 2 siblings were horrified, as teleportation was something not normal weakened saint should be able to do.

They found themselves in a throne room, where their eyes landed on a handsome young man who sat on his throne. he had on simple clothing that didn't fit one of his states, yet somehow he made it work. form on top of his throne, he looked down upon them like a god looking down upon his mortals.

the throne room was huge, holding many saints who were currently wearing suits of armor, glaring daggers at them all.

"... you're just a level 3 QI gathering?" the eldest brother was stunned for some time, but sensing the cultivation of the person on the throne he exploded in rage, thinking he was played for a fool.

"And?" Alex asked calmly while waving his hand to stop everyone from attacking them. the eldest brother was about to speak, but the younger sister stopped him.

"You thought I was an immortal, that isn't too far off. I was once an immortal, but I have been reborn." I said calmly while standing up from my throne, I honestly hate speaking this lie, but since Sarah's father was watching, I will play.

"W-what?" at my words, the two were shocked. the reincarnation of an immortal. they watched as Alex slowly walked down the stairs and stopped in front of them.

"Your crimes are heavy, for these small little things you dare to run around my galaxy slaughtering my people," I said while holding 12 pills in my palm, seeing these pills the eldest brother quickly moved to get them back. but all of a sudden, his leg broke, seeing he fell to the ground in pain.

"ants shouldn't attempt to touch the sky, they would only fall to their death," I said calmly, all injuries someone wishes to inflict upon me shall instead fall upon them. just attempt it, and you will find yourself suffering from your own future attack. the eldest brother found that out the hard way.

The eldest brother screamed in pain his his whole leg twisted. My Disaster was far more powerful than what I gave the witch. all powers I have seen were fused, plus those I evolved to have. they all fused with [The Almighty]

"Back to the main subject... for these pills you have killed what? 382 billion lives? that is a lot of my people. how do you plan to repay me?" I asked, ignoring the eldest brother and looking at the younger sister, who shook in fear.

"You will form a contract with me, both of you. you would become my slaves, tools which I will use to swallow your galaxies, and the other." I said calmly, making the younger sister's face darkened slightly. 

"of course, you can refuse. then I will just do it by force. I don't need your acceptance, i'm being nice by allowing you to pick. will you willing be my slave, or will you be forced into being one and losing all of your self-being?" I asked, making the younger sister's face pale. she didn't know if my words were true or not, but the powers I showed were more than enough to make her not look down upon my words. but she was a princess, 

"May I ask why do you not speak?" She asked, she had noticed it. although Alex looked like he was speaking, his words appeared in her mind. he was not using his voice to speak.

"Sharp eyes... you want to see what happened when I speak?" I asked with a smile, before looking at the eldest brother whose injuries were getting worse and worse at a speed that would soon kill him.

"Reverse!" My voice came out like the boom of thunder, at my words, all of the injuries the eldest brother was suffering began to flow backward. allowing him to quickly return to his peak condition. 

"What I say shall happen," I said calmly, leaving the younger sister horrified. She felt it, it was as if the heaven stepped down to do as he wished. this power was like nothing she had ever seen... and she understood what this power could mean for her.

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