
Chosen Series: The Moon Alpha's Luna

Daily updates start from July 1st 2022. "Please, Please don't reject me please, I'll do anything you want, please I'll obey you, please." "Okay, I have heard your pleas, I wont reject you, but....' **** Alyssa Milan an omega servant is the object of ridicule in her park and when she is taken by the moon alpha she believes her life is over.   Every wolf dreads the Moon Alpha, Sebastian Haller. But, being the most powerful wolf alive means he is more vulnerable to his powers without his mate. Aly has no chance of getting away from him. But, a wolf who has suffered from the wrath of the moon Alpha and a Luna who can't allow a lowly omega servant be Superior to her, will cause unimaginable terror, which Aly and Seb must overcome.

Ddutchess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 11

Two guards came into my cell under the supervision of the pregnant Luna, their intention was clear from her words.

"Stupid slithering gutter bitch."

The Luna snickered.

"Rough her up pretty good, make sure that she won't be able to see with those witch eyes of hers, till it's time she meets the goddess."

"But don't break her legs so she can go watch the alpha deal with her useless parents, who should have killed her in her sleep, but didn't."

The guards snickered and laughed at the Lunas comments. They beat me senseless, until I passed out.

I didn't make a sound, I couldn't, it was like my vocal cords have been eviscerated.

I could only grunt as they kept on hitting me and kicking me.

One of them stomped on my midriff cracking my ribs. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

They beat me to a sickening pulp.

My pain was unending. It was deeper than an abyss. Reign was still unconscious from the wolfsbane, so I had to bear the brunt of the pain.

I passed out several times, but I was revived so they could continue.

At some point Devon joined his mate.

After what felt like hours on end, Nessa said she was done with the show and would like to go rest.

The guards finally stopped. I was barely breathing.

I laid on the floor there like that for two to three days, I don't know, I lost track of time.

Then one morning, a guard came to drag me out of my cell.

The guard took a longer route to the exit, he did that so he could take me by my parents cell.

"Aly my sweet pup, is that you?"

My mothers pain filled voice asked, I grunted again, unable to form words as fresh tears began to fall from my eyes.

She was naked and beaten to pulp, like I was, she had lost an eye and the other eye was sticking out if it's socket.

" Aly, listen to me, no matter what happens please know that we love you more than you will ever know.

And this is not your fault okay?."

I nodded.

"Good." she said on a weak whisper.

I wanted to say a lot of things to her. Tell her I loved them too.

Tell her I was sorry that I had only brought them pain and more pain. But I couldn't say anything.

The guard dragged me again and stopped about four cells from mother's.

That's when I saw him.

He was pinned to the wall with silver knives. His body was almost unrecognizable. It was a bag of bones and he'd been battered and badly bruised.

I sat on the ground and stared as tears continued their free fall from my eyes.

The guard grumbled and grumbled before opening my fathers cell and dragging me to him.

I took the opportunity, grateful to the guard for his mercy and hugged my fathers feet. I kissed his bloodied incomplete toes, as some of them had been chopped off.

And washed his feet with my tears.

"Aly.." dad croaked .

"Always be good, and don't forget that we love you."

There was pain in every word he spoke, he did so slowly with pain and suffering apparent in his voice.

It was like each word was tearing up his organs from the inside out.

The guard, dragged me out a minute later, to a small training ground beside the dungeon.

I was hosed down, naked as the day I was born. The force of the water making the pains allover my body worsen.

Goose bumps sprouting out of my skin as the cold bit harder.

I stood there awkwardly for almost an hour, until I was dry. Then I was given a useless excuse of a shit dress to wear.

It looked like a rag, but I put it on gratefully. My eyes hurt badly, but my tears would not cease.

All I could think of, was that my parents were about to be murdered.

The guard came back and dragged me to the main training ground, in the middle of the pack land.

I knelt on the ground as my parents were dragged in, the entire pack was present except, the border guards.

Mom and dad were dragged in naked, with the silver chains tied to their necks.

Nudity isn't such a big deal for wolves, but in this situation right now, everything was grating on my nerves.

I was a useless crying mess as the

alpha raised his hands. Silence fell over the ground as he began to speak.

" These rogues have committed the worst crime known to our kind."

He began.

"They interfered with fate, solicited a witch and used dark magic to save their pup.

We can see the evidence of the dark magic in the eyes of the pup and this meant they have selfishly put the pack at risk."

"Especially in this time as we prepare to welcome the ruthless moon Alpha. Who can single handedly wipe out this pack in anger if he gets wind of the atrocities these wolves have committed."

"Despite our love for them as our former pack members, we cannot harbor wolves who have repeatedly broken the laws that bind us."

"For these acts, they were tried and found wanting by the elders council. And have been sentenced to death.

Their pup will watch them die then continue to be tortured before being put in the gallows tomorrow."

"Great at least my suffering would end tomorrow." I thought to myself.

But my horror was complete as wolfsbane was poured on my father and he screamed and howled out his pain as he was whipped repeatedly all over by five warrior with fence wire whips.

He screamed and screamed and writhed in agony, this went on for hours until he passed out and his heart was removed from his chest.

My mum who had been screaming with him passed out when dad's heart was ripped out.

But she was woken up and tortured exactly like dad and killed in the same manner.

After the horror show, obviously enjoyed by the pack members. I was dragged back to my cell.

But in reality I wasn't there anymore. I felt like I was now in a limbo. I was having an out of body experience, because I could no longer deal with the pain of losing my parents.

This was too much.

I cried all night as morning approached the next day.