
Chosen One’s Prophecy

Soulmates… an invisible force that ties the fate of two people together in a strong unbinding love. It is impossible to deny that strong pull let alone hate the person solely made for you. But what happens when you’re despised by the same person who’s supposed to love you? What happens when you’re humiliated by the person who is supposed to accept your flaws? What happens when you’re rejected? Wolves frown at rejection and the act is condemned but what happens when a particular alpha rejects his soulmate? Along her journey of power and emotional distress, she meets a mysterious man in the woods. What does destiny have in store for two wandering souls? What will happen in the life of Adira Wessex, the werewolf chosen by the moon goddess to defeat a force in the future?

Sharbie1 · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Chapter 1: No Breakfast

"Adira! get your fat ass down here now!", a loud angry voice pierced through my sleepy haze. I tossed around on the floor, ignoring the voice as my body protested from the aches but my brain soon registered the words and familiar voice.

My eyes opened wide in horror and my mouth dried up in fear. Oh no! no no no…I turned to see my alarm clock showing 6… this is not good. I jolted up from the floor, putting on my old faded jeans and T-shirt then got my hair in a ponytail as I rushed down the stairs, stumbling on the way to the dining room.

I saw the pack beta once I got there, standing in the middle with a scowl and as usual looking irritated. I immediately lowered my gaze as it was a daily routine.

He came up to me growling then I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek and fell with a bruised face.

Blood flowed through the corner of my lips but he didn't care as he stalked towards me. He started hitting and kicking me everywhere. I was broken not just physically but mentally too but I held in my pain as my eyes pricked with tears which didn't flow because there was none left.

This has happened so many times that I became used to it, I used to cry and beg for mercy but they'd always gained satisfaction from my pain. I still feel hurt that no one comes to my rescue but I deal with it in my own way, not crying or screaming.

The reason for this constant pain is a mystery to me but as they said, I'm a good for nothing, vile person who is a shame to the pack and my parents so they're suppressing my evil side by keeping me weak.

He yanked me up with my hair and spat at me, "What have I told you about your laziness?" He questioned with a twisted look on his face.

I kept my eyes down not struggling as it would only worsen my situation and there would be consequences.

"That hard work pays off later but laziness pays now", I ratted off instinctively.


"And breakfast, lunch and dinner should not be delayed even by a minute", I answered in a small voice as I shivered with fear.

"And what else did I say?", he tightened his grip on my hair as he was getting impatient with my slow response.

I took a deep breath as I whispered in fear, "And if it's late then I will be given to the alpha and h…he will decide my punishment".

"Why didn't you make breakfast if you know this so well?", he emphasized every word and then threw me on the floor again.

"I'm sorry Beta Leonardo", I said quickly, swallowing the hurt as usual as I didn't want another punishment.

"Go prepare breakfast first then go to the alpha's office and yes… no food for you today", he sentenced me then stormed off.

Like a robot I got up and my legs brought me to the kitchen as if they had a mind of their own and my hands started making pancakes, bacons, waffles and juice for 300 people leaving the cut and bruises on my lip and cheek unattended.

I am the omega of this pack as you can probably tell which means I'm their maid and punching bag but omegas are treated better than this, mine was just different. My pack didn't need an omega until I made a mistake and it was decided that this was how I would live my life.

Finishing breakfast quickly and not wanting a part two of what happened this morning, I set the table. I heard heavy stomping within few seconds after I was finished.

I would usually get the leftovers but that wasn't possible today as I had already been sentenced so I walked up the stairs passing the chattering from the table as I tried to hide myself as much as I can and walked to the alpha's office at a really slow pace.

I'm not exactly keen on going there on my own free will and my legs were shaking the whole way, sweat covered my forehead as I came to stand in front of the the door wondering whether to knock or not.

After my inner battles I sighed, I don't have the right to make decisions so with shaky hands and a long breath, I raised my fist to knock but was stopped when I heard the sounds coming from inside. I felt sick and disgusted but swallowed the lump in my throat as I kept a straight face and knocked.

"Come in", a powerful voice yelled which forced me to obey. I walked in before I could have any second thoughts, stopped right in front of the desk with my head down the whole time.

There was a deep, bone chilling silence which made my brain work more closely with fear as I awaited his punishment, "So I heard today's breakfast was late", he stated coldly, "Tell me the reason for your laziness, what would hold you up and delay breakfast for 300 people?"

My throat closed up from fear and chocked up as I stumbled on my words. "Tell me!", he banged on the desk as he growled angrily.

I jumped, fear spearing through me and I shivered while my lips tried to form words.

"Stop thinking doofus and answer him", my wolf Noella spoke to me with slight fear for me.

"Don't call me that, dumbo", her taunting me at this moment almost made me roll my eyes.

"Who's stalling on giving Alpha peabrain an answer? That's right, you… so who's the dumbo? Now answer him so he doesn't have our head".

She's right, I cut my link with her and answered, "I was really t..tired after yesterday's c..chores and I was feeling very i..ill and sleepy that's why I accidentally over..slept, I'm sorry alpha it won't happen again", I quickly apologized not wanting to be punished.

"You were tired?! Ha! You were given chores so you would be less lazy but no, you're still lazy as usual", he spat, "And yes, it won't happen again because I will make sure of it".

"Now Stacy dear, what do you think about that punishment?", a sliver of fear ran down my spine and my hairs stood on end as he emphasized on 'that'. I wonder what it is and I'm sure Stacy would make it worse.

"It's perfect for her, it'll show this lazy, ugly thing her place", she said with obvious distaste and I could imagine the disgust on her face as she looked at me.

Alpha Drew smirked evilly as he looked at me, "You will be given the punishment given to rogues", he pronounced his verdict.

I gasped and my head shot up as I forgot the rule of keeping my head down, Stacy snarled at me but I was far gone and bile came up my throat as I saw the position they were in. They didn't even bother to disengage.

"I'm sorry alpha please, please no—", I kept apologizing and begging.

"Silence", he bellowed, "enough of your whining".

Then he turned to Stacy and kissed her as he got up with her, "We'll continue later, I have to deal with her".

She pouted with her fingers trailing down his chest…eww.

"Ok, I'll wait for you", she winked seductively at him, "don't waste your energy on her though, she doesn't deserve it. Save it for me".

She degraded me?! Her, the pack sl*t who has opened up her legs for almost everyone in the pack? Does she realize sleeping with the alpha doesn't mean she'll be Luna?

"If he does though then only the moon goddess can save this pack from downfall", Noelle cut in my thoughts.

Alpha Drew grabbed my arm, his claws digging into my my skin to make me scream but I bite my lips as blood flowed out of the puncture wounds and he pulled me out of his office through the hallway, to somewhere which I know is going to be really bad.


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