
A World With Rules

"How much longer must we stay here as the product of our efforts."

"We forced our way here we must stay here eternally why else."

"Both of you stop complaining we chose this a life for a chance for a life with no end and a place to rule."

"Shut up"

The rest quieted as the voice spoke out. Hell a place with no end in sight. Well Hell is what we call it in truth it is a prison for the gods. For those 10 who stood above all else. 

He struggled desperately it was said every time a person is born the gods give them a destiny. To rule or be ruled and once every millennia a child is born with the ability to become god. However for the many millennia this story has survived.

Not once have the gods changed, however who knows it might just have been an old maidens tale for the children to hear and hope. So he was raised hearing and believing this tale. 

Born with supreme might to a middle class family but no powers at all. Those who had powers mocked him a muscle head. 

As he aged he couldn't forget the tale his mother had told him how gods could be replaced. The young child racked achievement after achievement with no powers just martial might. He learned how to fight and deal with many powers. He became the undisputed king of the younger generation then the best in the world. 

Many followed him in his journey eventually those who competed with him before joined him. However even at the peak he couldn't forget them the gods, wracked with scars and now 30 he desired more.

He spent 20 years searching for a way to become a god. 

He found it a way to reach the gods as he approached the red stairs he and his followers ascended to the final destination.

as he reached the top of the stairs he was met with millions of monsters ranging from class 1 to 5. As 10 suns stood behind them with armies gilded in a variety of colors.