
Prologue [0]

(Current cover will be temporary until I figure out how to fit the image I want with the requirements needed for the book cover.)

I was walking one day through the streets of Daegu, I was trying to find a good place to get drunk at after a long day at work.

"Fucking idiots.."

I curse under my breath, cold air comes out of my mouth as I do so, it was around 1:35 AM when I saw him. I walked near an alleyway when I heard yelling, and what sounded like a metal object hitting flesh. Out of curiosity I peer around the corner, these 3 guys were beating up this one guy, despite being covered in blood and bruises, I could see he had a pretty face. He was conscious but he seemed like he was ignoring the 3 men who were yelling at him, he stared with a blank expression. This only angered the men more, one of the men who I assumed was the leader was holding a metal pipe, the beating only got worse as the man fell to the ground.

Normally I would've turned the other way, if someone was getting beaten up it was because of a mistake they made. If it wasn't a mistake it still didn't matter, it was the persons business and getting involved won't benefit me. But for some reason, today was different.

"Fuck, are you listening?! Answer me you freak!"

The man raises the metal bar up high, about to slam it into the other man's stomach, until he feels someone grab his head.

I smile and begin banging his head into the brick wall, over and over and over again, until the man is on the verge of dying, with a cracked open skull, I drop him and let him fall to the ground like a torn up ragdoll. The other men I had dealt with already, 3 stab wounds in each one. One in the head, one in the heart, and one in the wrist.

I turned to the man lying on the ground, it looked like he was about to pass out. I kneel in front of him, he stares at me for a bit before his eyes slowly start to close and he falls unconscious. How bothersome.

I don't know why, but I pick him up and carry him on my back. I brought him back to my place and patched him up. Washed his clothes up for him. I still don't get why I'm going through such lengths for a stranger with a pretty face. I let the stranger rest on my bed while I read in the living room. By the time it's morning, I hear the door creak open and I see him. He peers his head around before finally seeing me and slowly walking into the living room.

"Morning, feel alright?"

My words are half-assed and empty, I really don't care whether he feels like shit or like a unicorn ice cream sunday. He slowly nods.

"What's your name?"

He doesn't say anything at first, he stares at the ground then he reaches into his pockets, looks like he's looking for something. Looks like he can't find what he wanted, he makes a troubled face then looks for me and motions for a pen and paper.

I raise an eyebrow, but I get up with a sigh, handing him a notebook and a pen.

My name is Jung Ji-Ho.

Hm, he doesn't look very smart.

After some questioning I find out that he lost his job and fell into debt, those guys beating him up were debt collectors. He needs to pay 10 million won by the end of the month. He worked as an assistant for his boss at a large company, then worked during the night as a bartender.

For some reason, my immediate response was to help this man with his debt and he'd just have to be my personal bartender. Stupid isn't it? But it's worked out.

It's been about 5 months, Ji-Ho is pretty skilled, he's learned how to make drinks just how I like them. I can go home after another long day at work and Ji-Ho is there, ready to get me wasted and take care of me while I'm drunk. Through these couple months I've not once heard him talk. I'm curious to how his voice sounds, would it be high pitched? Deep and soft? Raspy? Quiet? Soothing? Annoying? Probably annoying, but I still have this strong desire of hearing it. He told me he was born mute but he broke eye contact with me before saying it, why's he lying? I don't get it.

The more I'm with him the more I'm curious about him, like why he wears a mask when he's with someone, what his tattoo means, if he has any family and what his relationship with them is, why does he choose to not talk? Most importantly… Why am I so interested in this one man? It gives me a headache whenever I think about it for too long.

What's even more annoying is that I see myself getting excited whenever work is about to end, cause I know I'll see him. It doesn't even look like he shares the same excitement as me, it's so annoying. For some reason, all these negative thoughts go away whenever I see him there, getting the drinks ready and cleaning my glass cup. I'm a fool, and I'm an even bigger fool for wanting to keep my job as the head of the mafia secret from this man, I tell myself it's because it's risky telling someone but I know it's just an excuse.

Character Info [Protagonists]

Kim Il-Sung



Born and raised in South Korea but frequently moved cities as a child.

Leader of biggest Mafia group in Daegu.

Has navy blue straight hair that parts in the middle and an undercut, purple eyes, 4 piercings on each ear, one lip piercing on his bottom lip, darker skin, usually wears rings, and likes dressing up.

Jung Ji-Ho



Born and raised in Vietnam with his mother then moved to Korea at 19.

Mafia leaders personal bartender.

Black straight and messy hair, longer frontal hair, brown eyes, lighter skin, black circular glasses, wears a black mask and a rectangular earring most of the time, he has a flower tattoo on his neck that trails down to his chest which forms into a snake surrounded by flowers, usually wears casual and comfortable clothing.