1 Ch. 1 The Portal

My name is Sighn Cho, I was raised in Florida. The so called sunshine state, of course its pouring now as I walk home from the book store I work at. However, it is usually extremely sunny and nice, really! Currently the storm season is bringing in bad weather though.

Glancing up at the sky, water splashing with each step, white sneakers soaked through, Cho trudged along the street lining the old fort of St. Augustine. Old worn jeans and a black tee-shirt likewise getting soaked. Gaze downcast she moved aside for others on the sidewalk, trying to get home as quickly as possible. Never liking cold climates the hurricane season bugged Cho to no end.

"It just had to be today..." The words were grumbled. Hugging herself tighter for warmth against the chill as she passed under overhangs, she was grateful for the minor reprieves. Rust colored curls had become lank with water and plastered to temples and cheeks, as well as it kept getting in her eyes.

Brushing some of the strands away she paused, there in the alleyway directly to her left was a glint of light. Hesitating she moved to investigate, the large fort looming at her back with waves crashing against the shore.

"What is that?" The words were unbidden as Cho slunk closer to see a smooth pool of water glowing silver in the street lamps.

"Murcery? No, can't be that..." Cho crouched and reached out a hand, her fingers grazing the liquid stupidly. Just like that her whole body locked up as if it had been seized up with electricity. The sensation of falling overtook her, nausea clenching her stomach as throat muscles constricted with a scream that would not come.

With a thump she hit a hard compact ground, the breath forcefully expelled from her lungs. Rolling over Cho struggled to regain her breath, choking and gasping in air that was heavy with the scent of pines. Some type of berry grew in clusters nearby and a river cut a winding path to her right. Slowly getting up on trembling legs she tried to take a step forward and found her left ankle was throbbing and swollen. An angry red and purple splotching the ivory skin. Glancing up Cho swallowed and called out warily, "Hello?!"

No response came, just the birds trilling and the water gurgling. Swallowing she fought back tears by pressing her tongue to the roof of her mouth. she would not cry. Limping forward she moved ferns and shrubbery aside as she walked. Her leg slowed her down, but she was no quitter. Walking through the woods she felt she must have traveled a few miles when she came across a village.

"Ah...a...village?" It looked like something out of a movie or video game. Structures built of stone with thatched roofs, others purely made of wood and some with animal hides. There was a groups of people, they seemed normal enough.

Except for the pelts they used to cover their breasts and waists. The men only seemed to cover their waists. The group was large and seemed to be in a market, purchasing goods. Hesitating she cleared her throat and called to a woman.

"Hello...can...can you help me? I'm hurt and lost." the women's eyes widened and she moved to help her, the other female was older with splotchy skin, frizzy black hair and a slightly larger bottom lip.

"Oh you poor dear, you're all wet! You'll catch a sickness, come." She headed her to a stone house with a straw roof. inside it was stuffy, a fire burning in a pit.

"Yung! Come here, bring me fresh hides." A tall man appeared with rounded cute animal ears at the top of his head. Large muscles bulged and yet as he approached he seemed so gentle and respectful of this woman. were they a couple? Cho wondered.

"Here Kai, who is this?" His honey like eyes seemed genuinely intrigued.

"I'm Cho," She began realizing she had never introduced herself to Kai or Yung. "Where...am I?"

The two shared a glance and then Yung said, "You're in the village of the bear clan."

"The...Bear Clan? I do not understand. Where....how did I get here? I was just walking home and then..." She swallowed and asked tentatively beginning to feel dizzy. she swayed and was caught by the man...bear...beast as he gently set her down she could here them talking vaguely as she shut down mentally with shock.

"Village Meeting....possibly kidnapped."

"You don't think lost or runaway?"

"No, smells unmated. Possibly stolen...."


The words made no sense, the world she seemed to have appeared in did not either. The throbbing in her ankle began to hurt less and soon her eyes closed of her own accord as she succumbed to exhaustion.
