
Chapter One

After a long silence, Mirai lets Slayer go and looks at him.

- "What are we starting with ?" she asks on an impatient tone.

- "I will teach you the basics first", Slayer replies. "There are a few things you need to know before wielding weapons, even if you seem to be doing well for now.

- Thank you", she says before slightly laughing.

When hearing this laugh and the effet this flattering has on Mirai, Slayer can only feel happiness. This happiness, he always feels it, and only Mirai can give it to him. It is this happiness that his sword must protect at all costs.

- "By the way, why does my father need not to know anything?" asks Mirai.

- "You know how much he cares about you. If he finds out that I'm training you, I don't know how he will react.

- He won't know! No one will know, I'll keep it a secret, we don't risk anything, I-

- Mademoiselle."

Slayer grabs Mirai by the shoulders. They are now looking straight into each other's eyes and cannot avoid the conversation. Even so, Mirai doesn't seem to understand her guard's reaction.

- "You represent a lot", he says. "For him, for the kingdom, and also for me. I know of your strength and courage, but your father is a king, he knows combat and danger. So I know one thing, he's unlikely to just accept that I train you."

Mirai looks down. She seems disappointed.

- "But, why did you agree to train me, then?

- Because your father is wrong to think so."

The look of disappointment turns to astonishment. Mirai looks up and the two look at each other for a moment, before Slayer lets go of Mirai's shoulders and tries to hide his embarrassment.

- "I… let's go to the library", he says, embarrassed. "We can find out more there."

Mirai and Slayer enter the mansion and start walking through the long hallways, looking for the one that leads to the library. These corridors are generally very quiet, since most of the time no one passes except the households. However, there is sometimes a semblance of commotion.

Suddenly, breaking the silence, something grips Slayer's leg.

- "WATCH OUT", says Mirai, "YOUR-

- Flayer !"

This little voice is none other than that of Julien, the king's second child and future heir to the throne. Clinging to Slayer's leg like a koala, he seems very happy to see his sister's protector, embarrassed by this scene.

- "Oh, it is just you, young master", says the guard. "I am also delighted to see you."

- "Julien, I already told you it's pronounced Slayer", says Mirai to her brother, "and don't scare me like that again.

- Don't worry, mademoiselle", Slayer says. "If he was an enemy, he couldn't even have approached you.

- I'm worried about you, dummy.

- No need."

Slight redness appears under the guard's helmet. Why would Mirai be worried about him? It must be because they are close, and yet it takes little to fluster him.

Meanwhile, Julien lets go of Slayer's leg, and stares at his sister as if he was expecting her to react.

- "Is there a problem, young master?" Slayer asks.

- "Where are you going like that?" Julien asks him, intrigued.

- "We're going to read books", his sister says casually. "Go back to your room and draw something, will you?

- But you go to read books together all the time! Are you lovers or what?"

That simple sentence is enough for Mirai to burst into laughter, as the embarrassed Slayer tries to explain to the six-year-old that reading books together has nothing to do with potential romance.

- "We should go, Slayer", Mirai says calmly.

- "Oh, you are right, Mademoiselle", answers the guard. "See you later, young master.

- Pff, you're not funny", says the young boy, shuffling his feet towards his room.

Finally at ease, the two young people keep going their path through the long and quiet hallways, until finally reaching the large library.

The manor's library. The one whose shelves display all kinds of books, the most important for the people but also for the king, his family and the households. These are the shelves that Slayer and Mirai are going to explore.

- "So", says Mirai, "I told Julien we were going to read books, but in reality, why would you want to come here?

- Just to be quiet", Slayer replies. "I was afraid your father would show up. In addition, some books may be useful to us.

- You seem to care a lot about my father.

- Aren't you doing the same?

- You're right. To be honest, even though I've told you I'll keep it a secret, I'm also worried that he'll realize I'm training.

- We will think about a plan so that this does not happen.

- Let's go to the back of the library", suggests Mirai. "We won't see anyone there."

The back of the library is where Mirai shelters most of the time, when she's not in her room. It's also the quietest place in the whole manor, you never hear even a blob, except a few times Mirai and Slayer's conversations.

Once there, they sit next to each other.

- "Let's get started", Slayer says. "First you need to know the three main values ​​that we guards stand for. It is-

- Strength, energy, dignity", says Mirai.

- "I see you already know some things", Slayer says. "I'm appreciative.

- Thank you", Mirai replies, giving him a smile.

- "You're welcome. Then, we are trained for defense, not attack", continues Slayer. "It's a principle you already have, never attack first.

- Understood. I am not one to engage a fight anyway.

- I don't doubt it, mademoiselle."

And so long hours unfold during which Mirai and Slayer talk about the different things to know to become a guard. Mirai seems passionate about the subject, and her admiring gaze never leaves Slayer. They talk for so long that they eventually hear the great bell on the tower announcing noon.

- "Well. It looks like we are done with the basics", says Slayer.

- "Does that mean I can start using the sword?" Mirai asks impatiently.

- "Not yet", Slayer answers. "We will see this step of your training later. You should go to lunch with your father and brother before His Majesty bores you.

- If you say so", says Mirai, laughing. "You come with me ?

- As always, mademoiselle."

Mirai comes out of the library, closely followed by her guard. The hallways are still as quiet as ever, and as Mirai and Slayer walk together, they eventually come to a large door, behind which seems to be commotion.

- "Here we are", Slayer says.

- "I'll do it quickly so as not to leave you alone for too long.

- You shouldn't rush for me.

- I'm rushing for us, nuance."

Mirai gives Slayer a last smile, before walking through the door and joining her father, brother and the households. Slayer, meanwhile, begins to reflect on the rest of the training. How do you help Mirai wield a sword without being spotted by her father or someone else? Does he really risk losing his job if they are exposed, or only if Slayer just confesses his feelings?

The guard is interrupted by a sensation on his left arm: Mirai is out.

- "Are you back already?" he asks.

- "As you can see", Mirai replies. "By the way, an idea occurred to me during lunch.

- I'm listening to you.

- Let's walk a bit, first."

Puzzled, Slayer follows Mirai as they walk away from the lunch room. After a few minutes, Mirai starts a conversation.

- "Hey, why can't you ever eat with us?" she asks the guard.

- "It would be an honor", replies the latter, "but I cannot remove my helmet or raise my visor.

- It's too bad", Mirai says disappointedly. "After all these years, I've never seen your face.

- If I could, I would have shown it to you a long time ago.

- I'm sure there's a pretty handsome man there!" throws the young girl, throwing a friendly punch at the shoulder of her guard.

And Mirai and Slayer start to laugh together. No one comes to interrupt them, it is just the two of them, and while Mirai doesn't know, this little joke hits Slayer far more than she thinks. He only feels two things, the happiness of sharing this moment with Mirai, and the hatred of not being able to take off his helmet even for a moment, simply because of the king.

When Mirai becomes a guard, they will no longer have all these unnecessary restrictions, they will be able to protect each other, they will travel the kingdom together, in search of all kinds of adventure. They will have a whole new freedom to exploit.

Mirai seems to have calmed down. She looks around, seeming to verify that no one is there.

- "Mademoiselle", says Slayer "what are you doi-"

Suddenly, Mirai pulls Slayer down the corner of the hallway under the stairs. It's a gray area and quite narrow, so no one should spot them here. They, on the other hand, can hear the slightest commotion around them.

- "Oh, I see", says Slayer. "You brought me here to let me know your idea, right?

- That's right !" Mirai replies. "But…

- You look embarrassed, mademoiselle. What happened to you ?

- I happened to forget.

- How dizzy you are, mademoiselle", says Slayer, laughing and putting a hand on his master's head.

- "Stop making fun of me ! Do you have a plan anyway?

- I will find out from the other guards", Slayer said. "Maybe some of them can give me some official training information.

- Sounds good. Can I do something to help you?

- Make yourself discreet. I really don't want anyone to know about it.

- It's our little secret!" Mirai replies, winking at him.

It remains to know how to get information, and from whom. The two closest guards to Slayer are Winston and Shino. Winston is most of the time either with his master or with his beer, while in Shino he often practices all kinds of spells and magic in general, and Mirai seems to prefer weapons. Finding the right program for Mirai is therefore proving to be more complicated than expected.

- "We should get out", Mirai says.

- "Oh, you're right", Slayer replies.

- "Do you remember the inn in the next village?

- It's been a while since we've been there.

- Let's go today", suggests Mirai.

- "Good idea", says Slayer, "let's celebrate the start of your training."

This small inn, which the neighboring village is famous for, is known to be frequented by all kinds of adventurers, as it is one of the few places where everyone seems happy and has a good time together. It must be said that the old innkeeper who works there has a lot to do with it.

This is the inn where Mirai and Slayer usually go to, when they want to talk about anything and everything without being disturbed.

A few minutes of walking is enough for them to arrive in front of the inn's old wooden door, letting the noise of the many conversations going on inside pass through. It seems that the good atmosphere has not left this place. It remains to be seen whether the innkeeper did the same.

Mirai walks through the door, closely followed by Slayer, still on his guard despite the location. But no sooner have they entered when a voice echoes from the counter.

- "Oh, my dear little Mirai, how happy I am to see you again!"

The old man who owns that voice rushes over to hug Mirai, a big smile on his face.

- "Mister Achilles! It's been a long time ! I see you still run your inn!

- Obviously! I will never allow myself to leave this place!

- Greetings, Mr. Achilles", Slayer says.

- "Silver Slayer! It's always an honor to see you again", says Achilles.

- "Thank you.

- Come and sit down!" Achilles throws them cheerfully. "I have to do my job as an innkeeper !"

Now seated at the counter, Mirai and Slayer listen to Achilles talk about everything that has happened since their last visit. Nothing too exciting, but it allows Slayer to fully think about his plan.

Slayer has received training of his own, and while he can submit the same to Mirai, they need a location and some equipment. The yard where Slayer trains at the mansion won't be suitable, anyone can step out and figure out what Mirai is doing. Also, if she uses the same training weapons, they will wear out faster, and the servants will eventually see it.

- "Well then, Slayer, you don't say a word!" said Achilles. "Who cut your tongue?

- Oh, it is okay", Slayer says.

- "We should go home", Mirai says, standing up. "Good-bye, Mister Achilles.

- Bye, dear!" the innkeeper answers. "Be careful, you two!"

Mirai and Slayer greet the innkeeper and walk through the door. As they walk, they talk about all kinds of things, and halfway, Mirai looks back on their time at the inn.

- "You seemed to be thinking", she says.

- "I was wondering how to find the location and the equipment for your project.

- And have you found something?

- Not yet.

- Crap ! I hope that by tomorrow we have a solution.

- I hope so", answers the guard.

- "Well, I can always wait", said Mirai. "You already do a lot of things for me.

- I am at your service, mademoiselle, it is only natural.

- I will return the favor, one day!

- When you become a bodyguard, mademoiselle."

Mirai jumps up and looks around, seeming to be panicked.

- "Don't worry", Slayer said, "we're the only ones on this street. I wouldn't have said that out loud otherwise.

- Don't scare me like that! I will become paranoid, one day!

- Haha, I won't do it again."

After a few minutes of walking without further conversation, they finally arrive at the manor. There seems to be more excitement than when they left, perhaps the households have been given several things to do from their king.

Slayer and Mirai enter, and the young woman turns to her guard.

- "I'm going back to read books. You want to come with me ?

- I would like to, but the guards are meeting again tonight. Now is the chance for you-know-what.

- Oh I see. See you later then !

- See you later, mademoiselle."

Sometimes, the guards meet in the evening to talk to each other. Slayer rarely goes to these kinds of meetings, but he can make an exception to get informations. This is one of the few opportunities he can take advantage of.

Slayer goes to a large room a stone's throw from the manor, the one where these meetings take place most of the time, then waits a bit before going back to the manor, to review his plan. He must have information on the various training locations and where to get equipment, in order to begin weapon handling with Mirai. No one has to know, so he will have to ask that sort of thing casually.

Slayer breathes one last time before walking through the door. Laughter is already erupting, but there is something quite surprising which explains the agitation of the households at the manor.

Winston is there, still with a beer. Shino too, still as calm as the usual. But that's hardly surprising compared to a guest who doesn't usually come to these kinds of meetings.

- "Ah, Silver Slayer! How was your day with my daughter?"

Raising his glass to welcome Slayer, the latter remains surprised: the king has come.

Here is the translation for the first chapter of my novel ! I hope you liked it, and will enjoy the rest of the story !

Any constructive criticism is welcome.

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