2 Prologue Part 1 - A Fool's Dream

Date: 08/07/1977

Location: London, England

In a certain boardroom an organization was having a meeting that would shape the coming century and give society the advancements they need to become the golden age of technology.

At the head of the table sat Arthur Hames, the current head of Hames family and Ouroboros organization. He was a man that was slightly past his prime with a head of blonde hair and small goatee. His features were sharp and gave him a look of wisdom and arrogance.

"Generations have passed and we have yet to achieve a break through in any of our main projects. Where as other project such as Jekyll or Ripper gave some useful results, they are not what this organization was created for." Arthur's aged voice spoke out from his seat at the head of the board room. His dull blue eyes swept across the room looking at the various figures sat at this table.

"In my generation I do not foresee any major breakthroughs in the main project. And this is not to insult or look down on any of your work. It is just a genuine insight in to the task at hand. Our organisation is and always will be at the center of any of major advancement toward society and private usage, but I believe that the coming generation will have a higher rate of success towards our goal. What we need to do is set the foundations for the future and believe that they will surpass and succeed where we are unable to." He continued showing a slightly disappointed but satisfied look.

"In this room are the greatest minds in the fields that we have deem to be necessary to achieve our ancestors dream. But I believe it is time we branch out and look in to other avenues of advancement that could coincide with project Everlast." He looked at his peers giving a slight pause to catch his breath.

"We are now going to be living in the era of technology and from what I have seen that computers and the such can do, I believe that they could help with the memory loss from cryogenics and even support out biologics by giving us much clearer information to use." Arthur spoke high-lighting his plans for the future with slight exasperation.

"As such I believe it is time we welcome this new age by investing in computers. And it has come to light that after the war our Cheshire site has just been used as either storage or support for other projects. This is where we should set the base of operations for our new computer sciences department. Are there any objections?" Arthur concluded and gave a questioning look to his peers.

The room went silent for a brief moment before another gentleman spoke up. He was a little plump but he was still average between his peer and he had a more scholarly look than Arthur.

"Chief, I can understand where you are coming from and I personally feel this is the best step for our future advancement; but I do not believe that we could support this new department if it is only for research. I hope the Chief won't mind my opinion but I feel that this will take more capital, than its worth to start up." The gentleman reasoned hesitantly, with his old friend.

Arthur while giving his own reasons and benefits, looked down to a report he had received earlier.

"Christoph, I can see where you are coming from but there's a flaw in your reasoning. I won't be creating this department solely for research. It will be used to sell our products as well as a information hub and collective for all our intelligence. I believe the U.S. government have been researching on some sort of communication between to machines over a long distance."

(A little fact courtesy of Wikipedia. In the 1960's the internet was being researched by the US government as a means of communication. It wasn't until the late 1980's that the first web browser was created.)

Christoph, the gentleman who raised the question, went silent while he processed the information given by Arthur. After a moment a new light shined in his eyes as he saw the possibilities in his head.

"Do you mean we would be able to send documents between departments faster than via courier? He questioned still a little sceptical of what he was being told.

Arthur amusingly sighs at his friend.

"Old friend, what you thought is correct but is not all as we can even access specialised software." He answered looking as the bemused expression on Christoph's face turn into an exited one.

"Now are there any other question?" Arthur asked giving a meaningful look across the room and seeing that there was no further inquiries he continued.

"As this is a new department and it is for the future generation I only see it fit that my son take on the role as department head. This way he can get the experience he'll need for when he takes over but also he has studied intensely on the subject so he'll know more that any of us. And as if not obvious already, each of your opinions in this new investment matters and I'm sure that Harold will appreciate the support and advise. He's always been a bit of an introvert." Arthur concluded the meeting with this statement and then left the other members of the meeting to their own vices.

'I know he'll be fine and he needs this so he can prove himself. I know that child has always thought that I do not approve but I hope he will see this gesture as some sort of closure' Arthur thought to himself as he walks out the room and towards his office.

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