
Children of Zaun

Two friends die hand to hand talking about their new favorite show, only to get a surprise after death I know nothing about League of Legends but Arcane is pretty cool

Huffman · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: New bodies New names

"Come on, it's time to go,"

"Alright, give me a second. I'm brushing my teeth"

Brushing his teeth and spitting out the toothpaste, a boy wipes his mouth and looks at the cracked mirror to see his reflection. His dark hair was like his mother's, and his skin was as tanned as his fathers, but the thing that didn't resemble them was his sharp grey eyes.

Putting a hand under his right eye, he still wasn't used to seeing this new body or hearing his new name....well, he wasn't that is, but someone else was.

"God, you're taking forever. We have to hurry before we miss their meeting"

Hearing stomping, the boy looked to his right and saw his twin sister at the doorway. She had pale white skin just like their mother, but her eyes and hair resembled their father.

"Lynn, calm down. we won't miss anything. You know their meetings last forever" he says, walking past his sister and putting his shoes on.

"Dee, you can't call me that anymore, just like how I can't call you by your old name anymore"

Putting on his left shoe and stomping the ground to make sure it fits, he sighs and looks at his sister.

"I know, just force of habit when we're alone"

6 years in this new life, and nothing still didn't feel real except Lynn. He still didn't know how he reincarnated, let alone how Lynn followed him, but he was happy nonetheless.

"Now, should we get going, Ms Kat" the boy says, opening the front door and bowing.

"Why certainly Mr Clay" Kat says, doing a curtsy, and they both walked out of the house.

Living in the undercity isn't easy, and there's a few things you need to know in order to survive there. Number one, you gotta know how to haggle. You don't want anything or anyone scamming you out of your possessions, but this should also be learned the other way around. Who knows, you might be able to score a good deal.

Number two, it's not mandatory, but you still have to know how to tinker and fix things up, I mean, it's the undercity after all you cant buy new things so mine as well figure out how to make it work again or make it last longer.

And lastly, you need to know how to get around the undercity, It's an absolute must to know the areas like the back of your hand. And for our two main characters, they knew their way around pretty well.

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and vaulting over objects, the two twins carefully climbed down a building and ran across the street to a bar.

"Alright, we made it to the Last Drop, we have to go to the usual spot and listen in to see if it's today"

Kat stopped and tightened her fists. "What if it's today, and we can't do anything to stop them or anyone from dying on that bridge"

Clay turned around and looked at his sister. He wouldn't admit it outloud, but once he learned his parents were working with Vander and was pretty high up in the rebellion, he became worried, hell scared even.

"We've been talking to them about this for a while now and yelled until our voices became hoarse, I'm sure they see how important it means to us for them to be careful"

Kat unclenched her fists and began to control her breathing and wiped her tears.

"Ready?" Clay asked with a hand out

"Ready" Kat said, taking his hand

With new courage, they started walking to the side of the building only for the doors to slam open with two girls running holding hands, one had very bright red hair and the other had blue hair. They both knew who they were, how could they not, after all their the main characters of the show and to add it on they live in the same neighborhood in this life.

"Clay, their reactions, you don't think it's today, right?"

"I don't know, but we have to hurry if it is"

And so they started running, hand to hand, but the further they got, the more chaotic it became on the streets. Everyone was acting out because of what was going on to the bridge, leading to Piltover. Even with the crowd, Clay could get through easily because of the ability he has.

He found out about it at three and began training with it since then, the ability of slowed perception. He could perceive things at a faster rate than anyone else if he chooses, but the drawback is his body doesn't move as fast as his mind, making his movements feel like slow motion.

Kat was going to fall when Clay caught her holding her tight.

"You won't fall this time nor am I leaving you"

"But you have to, I can't keep up with you, so go ahead"

"WHAT? No, I'm not leaving you aga-"


Kat said, pushing him away and disappearing into the crowd. Clay turned around and started running. It didn't sit well with him, but he knew Kat would never forgive him if he didn't go, so he continued dodging and weaving through the streets of the undercity until he reached the bridge to Piltover.

Arriving out of breath, it was complete chaos with fire, yelling, and the smell of blood in the air. It was mostly smokey, but Clay started walking forward, trying to find his parents. He screamed for them and even turned over bodies that looked like them.

Walking for a bit longer, Clay heard running behind him, so he turned around only to barely dodge a knife with his enhanced perception of time. Dodging three more slashes from an enforcer, Clay dove under him and grabbed a pipe from the bridge, and hit the enforcer in the knee cap.


The pipe was heavy, but with one more swing, Clay hit the enforcer in the face knocking off his helmet. While the enforcer was screaming from the pain, Clay ran over to the knife and grabbed it only for the enforcer to put him in a chokehold, trying to break his neck.

With every bit of strength he could muster, Clay held the knife with both hands and stabbed the knife deep into the enforcer forearm and dragging the knife upwards. The enforcer screamed and dropped Clay and held his arm as blood started leaking out.

Coughing and trying to control his breathing again, Clay grabbed the knife again and dove into the enforcer, stabbing him in the chest again and again and again, repeating this action until everything became quiet. Sitting there with the knife still in the man's chest, Clay looked at his hands stanned with blood until he heard a familiar voice.


The voice was shaken, but he still knew who it was and slowly looked up.

"Kat....he just... just....came out of nowhere and.....I had to"

Before he could say anymore, his sister hugged him, even with him being covered in blood. He couldn't stop shaking, and the tears wouldn't stop flowing down his face, but he didn't stop hugging his sister it was the only thing that kept him sane at this point. Eventually, they both got up and held each other hand looking for their parents, and eventually, they found them hugging each other with smiles on their faces.

They didn't check their pulse. There wasn't any need to. It was clear they were dead because of the pool of blood around them. Kat fell to her knees and started crying, and Clay stood there looking at his parents, hoping one of them would get up, but nothing happened, and after 2 minutes of silence they both heard singing to their right.

It was powder singing her song and covering her eyes holding onto Vi's arm, Kat and Clay both made eye contact with Vi and Vi looked at their dead parents. A look of sadness and fear flashed through her eyes, but she kept moving forward along with powder.

Kat spoke "After all our planning, and begging them to not go, we still failed"

Putting a hand on his sister's shoulder, Clay spoke "Come on, we have to find a way to get their bodies home"

Sighing, Kat got up to leave, but she saw something to her left that pissed her off.

"What, what's wrong?" Clay said, looking in the direction his sister was looking, but when he saw the same thing, it angered him as well. It was Vanner looking at them with pity while holding Vi and powder. It seemed he was going to bring them with him aswell but once he saw their look of hatred, he didn't dare to proceed and walked away.

"It's his fault. If he didn't start all of this, they wouldn't be"

"KAT STOP, just forget it. It's over. Let's just bring mom and dad home"

I mean, I could have done better.

Huffmancreators' thoughts