
Children of Zaun

Two friends die hand to hand talking about their new favorite show, only to get a surprise after death I know nothing about League of Legends but Arcane is pretty cool

Huffman · Video Games
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13 Chs

Big Escape (2)

Getting up and putting his nunchucks back in the holster. Clay began catching his breath while both Ekko and Kat slowly crept up to the unmoving body. Both of them weren't sure how to feel. Kat, having already been through this with her brother, knew he wouldn't kill for no reason, but killing was still killing no matter how you put it. Ekko wasn't sure how to feel at all. Sure, he saw death before. He was born in the lanes and was raised by the streets of Zaun. But seeing someone your age doing it in front of you just felt..different.

Finally, back at a normal breathing pace, Clay walked over to the chair and jumped up to reach the window. Looking out, he saw Ekko's ride on his left and smiled. It looked just like it did in the music video when him and powder were riding it. Looking over to his right, he saw a drain pipe leading all the way down. It was a little rusty, but Clay shook it a few times, and it seemed stable enough. Hopping out the window, Clay slid down the pipe and reached the ground. Looking up, he waved at the other two and told them it safe to climb down. For the most part, it went ok for Kat, but when it was Ekko's turn, the pipe started breaking apart, but luckily, he got off just in time."

"Nice we got out, now its time to show you guys what this baby can do." Quickly running over to his ride, he cranked it up, and it reffed a pretty well tune. Looking at the ride as a whole was impressive, considering Ekko made this himself using junk parts. The only downside to it was that there were only two seats.

While Ekko was busy getting checking if the ride was ok and everything was in order. The two siblings began whispering amongst themselves.

"Clearly, because I'm a girl, I should get the seat,"

"WHAT!? After you almost got me killed tonight, no way"

"I said I was sorry, and besides, you can't even feel the pain. Thanks to me."

Turning around to tell Ekko she's taking the seat, Kat was gonna talk until Clay tried to cut her off. "It would be wise if you shut up until we got home." She watched as his eyes became foggy and then returned back to normal. This is the second time it worked on him. She should really name her ablity, Clay named his after all. Looking over at him, she saw him glaring at her, and she laughed, skipping towards Ekko's ride, and climbed on back. Oddly, he got all stiff again, Kat didn't understand why he kept doing this, especially when he didn't do it in the show.

"Alright, so Kat's getting on cool. What about you, Clay, there's not enough room"

"You ok, man?"

There was no response. Instead, they both watched Clay look around with an angry expression and grabbed a nearby rope and a garbage lid. Clay tied the rope behind the ride, then tied the garbage lid and sat down, crossing his arms.

"Uhh, is he ok?"

"He's fine, probably just tired,"

"Alright, then we're heading off. Clay try to hold on tight."

Seeing him raise his thumb up, Ekko pressed the gas peddle, and they were off. They were moving pretty fast, actually, probably just a little slower than an enforcer car. But right when they left the ally, Clay saw the enforcers putting Gold Tooth in a truck with other prisoners. They locked eyes for a brief moment, but when they did, the man gave a toothy gold smile.

"THEY'RE ESCAPING, GET THEM," an enforcer said, pointing at the children in a moving vehicle.

'Well shit,' Clay thought to himself. He tried to speak, but remembering what Kat did, he huffed in annoyance. 'This is the second time she fucked me over tonight'

It quickly became a chase scene with three enforcer cars chasing after them. The drive became bumpy for Ekko and Kat but Clay was dealing with worse considering every time Ekko cuts a corner Clay had to move the trash lid somehow so he doesn't hit a bulding. And that's not an easy task when sparks are coming from beneath the bottom. After losing one car from drifting into a allyway the last two became inpatient and began shooting. The fact they were children no longer mattered to them and they were aiming to kill.

'I'm leaving this up to you Ekko' Clay thought as he stood up and began deflecting every bullet that came close to hitting them with flow state. In his slowed perception the bullets were moving at a pretty mild pace but still a reasonable speed nonetheless. He couldn't block for much longer for every time he did his nunchucks were on the verge of breaking from bullets indenting themselves in it.




Kat screamed and Clay yelled in his mind when Ekko said that. What did he mean by (BIG DROP) was he planning on driving off a cliff or something? And that's exactly what he did, everyone screamed, well Clay mentally but everyone was screaming when they landed on someone's roof and kept going from roof to roof slowly going deeper into the underground where Kat and Clay lived.

Slowing down Ekko stopped at a house and looked around and hummed. "This place looks familiar. I think I have some friends who used to live around here"

Knowing who he's talking about the siblings got off and looked at Ekko. Kat spoke with an tired yet happy expression while smiling.

"It was fun Ekko but I think this is where we call in for the night"

"Yeah, it was pretty scary but I think I had fun too"

Kat chuckled and waved him goodbye. Clay stood there for a second staring at Ekko thinking about all the things he knew about him. His loyalty, his personality, and bravery, after thinking about it for awhile Clay decided to trust Ekko enough to let him know where they lived. If he didn't prove to be trustworthy, well he would have made Kat make him forget all of this ever happened including meeting them.

Smiling Clay waved Ekko goodbye and watched him drive away. Letting go of a breath he didn't know he was holding he began to walk to the house when he stopped to look at their parents graves. He smiled somberly and whispered mentally. 'Good night'

Walking into the house and closing the door Clay immediately felt all kinds of pain rushing around his body and before he could scream he passed out from mental exhaustion.

"Oh yeah forgot about that. Oops" Kat says while looking at her brother twitching on the ground.

Overall it was ok, I kinda feel like I got lost somewhere in there. tell me your opinions readers

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