1 Two Different Worlds Today

You wake up in the morning to an alarm clock. I wake up at the rise of the sun to the sound of my cock.

You step into the shower, using warm running water and soap. I jump into a nearby pond, my body shivers just trying to cope.

You get dressed for school, your clothes ironed just like new. I put on my hand me downs, how old they are, I haven't got a clue.

You grab your lunch box your mom made you the night before from the fridge. I have to travel to pick my own food across the bridge.

You wait inside for the bus to come get you. I climb on top of my mule to travel across the wet morning dew.

You arrive at school, a building so big. I navigate my way around to the largest grown golden fig.

From then on you're safe, sitting inside the classroom. I hop down to gather figs that look good enough for my family to consume.

You pull out your cellphone texting others right next to you. The words I speak just travel with the wind as it blew.

Your teacher is talking, trying to make sure that you learn. I sit here wishing I had that opportunity in turn.

The bell rings, it's time for you to eat with your friends. For me, now it's time to head home to complete odds and ends.

Another bell rings, allowing you to go play. I make it home in time for me to go lay.

*** Trigger warning ***

You stand in a circle texting others beside you. I strip down my clothes waiting for my dad to come view.

The teacher yells for you to go play like little children should. While my dad gets home early and reveals to me his manhood.

You children complain as she sends you off to the swings. I have tears in my eyes as his force really stings.

High and low you go swinging back and forth. The same goes for me as he puts me up like due north.

As the bell rings again for you to come inside, he does the same with me as I cried.

You huff and you puff as you go back in the classroom to learn. My mother walks in with a face of discern.

You are asked to answer a question about science. While I am forced to help my mother cook dinner in silence.

The bell rings again for you to go home safely. All I can think about at home right now is my own safety.

How do you even get to live so free? I would get on my hands and knees right now to have that and plea.

You sit down to eat dinner with your family. I too sit down to eat, gripping the meat so clammily.

Your family asks about your day, so you angrily pick up your plate to go eat in you room. I quietly sit here worrying if a child will soon grow in my womb.

You play your video games as you scarf down your plate. I still sit here quietly building up with hate.

Your mother comes to clean up your dish, but you still ignore her. My father orders me to clean up the dishes, but my hate continues to stir.

She closes your door behind her, as you turn up the volume on your game. I finally stand up for myself, as I no longer want to feel this shame.

You scream and yell at the game for an hour. I get up and am ready to make this conversation go sour.

You choose to shut out your family, your loved ones. I tell mine that I'm just flat out done with everyone.

You stay up all night on the phone with your girlfriend. I walk out of my house with nothing on me just as I intend.

You go to bed whenever you want. I now live with these memories and a full womb that will taunt.
