
Who Was I?

-3rd person-

1000 years later,

"Ray, I advise you to pay attention to your mental health." A stern voice emerged from behind Ray as he stared intently at a book, his eyes occasionally losing focus or turning hazy.

"Hmmm..." He responded with a hum, it was clear to see he couldn't focus at all. Whether it be paying attention to another person or even reading a book.

It was a reasonable response for a person who had lived for this long, being unable to do what he wished for the reason of bearing the weight of the entire world.

Despite being kind and caring, Ray's parents both told him that he was going to save humanity. The moment he heard it, he felt as if he existed for that sole reason. He was unable to try out hobbies and he had to constantly think of growing stronger at the tender age of 5. This was detrimental to his already deteriorated mental state as he diligently followed what he was told, after all, the saviour of humanity shouldn't lack in any terms. He must be absolutely perfect.

Eris' finger tapped the chair he'd sat on.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

A rhythmic beat played out as Ray tried to focus on his book, his mind constantly wandering towards the beat as he instinctively began tapping his feet along. The tap that began quietly doubled in sound and filled the endless halls. Constantly echoing back and creating an even louder tap.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Eventually, Ray slumped on his chair, his head hitting the table as he dozed off. Eris smirked before quickly disappearing into a blackish fog that flew away into oblivion.

Quiet snores filled the room that had returned to silence shortly after Ray's nap began.


-1st person-

It was completely dark. One of those dreams where you know you're sleeping but there is no dream. Just darkness. It wasn't scary, no, I don't think anyone would be scared of this darkness. It was a dark that you knew was there, but at the same time, you didn't. You're conscious yet unconscious. Awake yet asleep. Aware yet blissfully unaware. Nothing. No work, no knowledge, no nothing.

Wait, who was I again? I could've sworn I knew my name a moment ago...

What was it?

R... Huh? What Is my gender...

Am I a girl? I don't think so...

But my name... R... Rachel? Rowan? Raven? Rose? Reese? Rae?

I know it starts with 'R'. But, what else?

Oh! It ends with a 'D'!

Soo... Reid? Richard? Ronald? I don't know anymore... But, Reid does sound like a really cool name! But it also sounds like weed. But I think it depends on how it's spelled. like 'Reid' or 'Reed'. Though, they do sound the same.

Wait, NO! Back to my name.


Ugh, I'll just wait till I wake up to remember...

Wait... Am 'I' really asleep in the first place?

'I' looked down.


'I' opened 'my' mouth.

No sound? Wait, it does make sense since 'I' don't have a body...

Does this mean 'I'm' really asleep?

Did 'I' even have a body in the first place?

Wait, then why did 'I' even think 'I' had a gender? Is it similar to...

Huh? Similar to who? 'I' can't remember...

'I' closed 'my' eyes.


No 'I' didn't. It's the same as earlier...





3 hours later,

'I' opened 'my' eyes.

No way... They were closed the whole time?

'My' head was still on the table, 'I' slowly lifted my head and looked at 'my' surroundings, it felt familiar. But 'I' felt alienated from it. 'I' closed 'my' eyes to remember 'my' name. 'I' couldn't.

"Aaah. Aaaaah. Hmmmm. La. No." 'I' began saying incomprehensible syllables to get used to 'my' voice. And before I knew it, a strangely familiar dark fog filled the room.

"Ray? What are you doing?" The thing that spoke a name. That name... It's familiar. But it's not 'my' name, 'my' name ends with 'D'. Not 'Y'. Or does it...?

'I' looked around to see who Ray was. But then, the voice spoke again,

"Ray? Are you okay?" It said, 'I' don't know who this Ray is but they should stop worrying the kind voice. 'I' spoke up, maybe it'll help me remember.

"Uhmm. Excuse 'me', kind fog. But can you help 'me'? 'I' can't seem to remember 'my' name..." 'I' smiled.

Wait, did 'I' smile?

'I' quickly moved 'my' newly existing hand to my mouth to feel the curled-up corners. Hmm. Guess 'I' did smile... How do 'I' smile in the first place?

"I think it's best I-" The voice quickly disappeared as the black fog around the room gradually moved to a single point, which formed a figure.

A gasp escaped from 'my' mouth.

She was a very attractive person. She had a frown on Her face as she looked at 'me' with a dark face. Slowly, she walked towards 'me' and closely scrutinized 'me'.

"Uhm, Miss?" She frowned even more.

"Don't talk or move for a minute." She seemed serious, so 'I' nodded and sat completely still, counting the seconds in 'my' head as a dark fog emanated from Her.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5... What goes after 12? Aaah, 13!

Wait. Is that fog going into 'me'? Hmmmm. It's warm. 'I' could sleep here.

'I' began feeling drowsy. Struggling to keep 'my' eyes open, 'I' slowly plopped 'my' head down to the table.

I could stay here for decades...

(Author's note: Part above was intentional btw. Don't correct. Also, it's finally over!)


1 hour later,

"Ugh. What happened?" Now, before you start calling me out for my attitude, don't blame me. My head throbbed and my eyes stung. Also, why do I feel like I've been smiling nonstop? And it wasn't a small smile, I felt like I was smiling largely without a break. Hurts worse than a truck. I shouldn't be smiling like that since it'd only inconvenience me in the end.

Massaging my forehead, the throbbing slowly subsided and I was able to open my eyes.

Wait, now's not the time to go off-topic. I looked around and saw the same library. Except with a certain parental figure standing there and staring straight at me. I averted Her eyes.

"Eris?..." Why do I feel so...? I did nothing.

"Raymond." Now, why is She saying my name like that? I'll say it as I said before. I did nothing. I can tell you that.

"What did I do wrong?" My voice is shaking and I think tears are forming, I'm not sad or scared. Just pretending.

"Care to explain why you woke up and suddenly forgot who I am?"


Did I?

I looked down habitually and thought back.

"Ah! Sorry, guess I forgot." I shrugged my shoulders. But shouldn't I get back to my work? This isn't the time to procrastinate.

I began staring back at the book on the table, it was gone. So I looked around. Oh, There it is.

I got up and walked towards the book.

I then picked it up and flipped to the page I remembered the most, rereading it before turning and reading the next page.

Silence filled the room and Eris didn't leave.

Yayy, work!


;-;. My siblings call me a nerd, I also agree.


For some reason, this chapter's been corrupted a couple of times. So don't mind any problems!


This novel will move to patreon, so please continue reading over there!

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